Fools Day - the day that is full of tricks and pranks - has
been in vogue for a long time.. In France people have been
playing pranks on each other since the 16th century. In India
the spring festival of Huli lasted until March 31. Part of
this festival fun were the tricks people played.
April Fools Day - the day your sense of
humor gets a real brushing off. You need it to dream up the
jokes to try on your friends. You need it to appreciate the
jokes they play on you.
Keep your tricks within the limit of good
fun and good fellowship. Happy Fooling! |
students in Glenridge enjoyed a moment of profound satisfaction
on March 24. They had been selected for membership in The
National Junior Honor Society. Their outstanding qualities
in scholarship and citizenship won them this honor. They are
to be congratulated.
But if Honor Society is to have any real
meaning in Glenridge these new members, along with the 18
old members, must now assume the responsibility of that honor.
The whole school looks to them. Some may scrutinize their
actions to determine whether they truly deserve the distinction
of Honor Society membership. But most will be using them as
patterns for their own behavior; as guides toward worthwhile
goals. To these people every Honor Society member owes the
service of leading in all ways and at all times in the right
direction. |
year the JayCees sponsor a program honoring the TEACHER OF
THE YEAR. Faculty members in each school elect, by secret
ballot, the member of the faculty they believe to be most
deserving of this honor.
year Glenridge's faculty has chosen Mrs. Mary Stebbins as
their TEACHER OF THE YEAR. Students who know Mrs. Stebbins
as a teacher of mathematics and a sponsor of National Junior
Honor Society will certainly agree that this gracious, competent,
sympathetic person fulfills the necessary requirements to
be "tapped" for this reward.
Mrs. Stebbins! The students and faculty of Glenridge are proud
to have you represent us.
Kilts were received by Aurora Morgan, Kevin McPherson, Joanna
Coons and Lynn Dubeau. |
Kowalke won the KNOW YOUR GLENRIDGE CONTEST came closest to
the right answer 2365 feet of covered walk ways. |
Schauer of 7-7 won the rhyme contest. If she will come to
the Kilt Office she will receive her prize. |
KILTS....Once again copies of the Kilt are marked. Count up
the lucky marks. If you have one for every letter in the word
GLENRIDGE (9) you have a LUCKY KILT. COME TO ROOM 17 for your
prize. |
KNOW YOUR GLENRIDGE QUESTION will be found on the coupon stapled
to your paper. Fill out the coupon and bring to Room 17 before
1:20 P.M. on April 1 (today). Winner will be announced over
the intercom. |
RHYME contest slip is also stapled to your Kilt. Fill it out
and bring to Room 17. Winner announced in next issue. |
Berstein, 7-7 was spelling champion in the seventh and eighth
grades of Glenridge.
On March 21 she represented Glenridge at
the Orange County Spelling Bee. Kaydee, David, Memorial, was
the winner of the Orange County Bee. |