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April 1, 1958
You had a hemi demi semi quaver?
Linda Anglin:
"Give it to Laird Gann."
Kathy Skinner: "Eat it."
Jim Henry: "Feed it to my dog, I guess."
Jean Britt: "Kiss it."
Liz Bennett: "Give it away!"
Clark Lambert: "Put it in my room and try to find out what is is."
Dottie Vacca: "Put it in a cage and charge admission to see it."
Sigrid Bergstrom: "Probably run from it."
Miss Folsom: "Learn how to pronounce it."
Mr. Weidley: "Hemi demi semi quaver? Is it a girl or is it a shaver?
What to do, I really don't know.
But I would eat it if it had flavor!"
(A hemi demi semi quaver is the 46th note of the scale.)
Ambitious Barbara Benson
Bashful Gail Shipley
Clown Billy Foote
Doll Carol Cubbedge
Eager Eater Buddy Kirk
Funny Fred Good
Good Guy Corky Higgins
Hilarious Edward Wilhoit
Intelligent Maurine Doggett
Jabber Box Pat Clarke
Knows All Gail Martin
Lovely Sandra Adamkiewicz
Moody Vernon Duncan
Nosey Mona Barnhart
Obnoxious Harold Van Meter
Popular Cathie Skinner
Quiet Marcia Roberts
Ring Crazy Marilyn Henderson
Short Marty Wellinger
Tall Frank Ferguson
Unusual Susan Gray
Vitality Fran Ussery
Witty Gary Houmes
Exciting Cindy Flowers
Young Joe Martin

Jean Britt

CRY and you get a red nose!
A stitch in time
Saves safety pins.
Every cloud has
A leak in April.
All work and no play
Will get you on the Honor Roll.

   Georgie Fisher's COME AS YOU WISH YOU WERE PARTY for 300 of his most intimate friends was a real orgy, requiring the calming influence of Chief of Police Carl Buchanan, thirteen patrolmen, the Winter Park City Commissioners, the Park and Lakes Commission, and the Sanitation Squad.
   Guests arrived in a motley array of costumes. They included Jean Britt as the Easter Bunny, Max Morris as a Skid Row Bum, Judy Teague as Cleopatra and Pud Mudd as the Asp, Sue Tinklepaugh as Marilyn Monroe, Mr. Colin Ritter s the Cat in Hi Diddle Diddle, Sandy Cash as Old Mother Hubbard, Dewey Ramsby as a poor dog, Cindy Flowers as BoPeep, Al Fesus as a Sheep, Tom Lawton as an Adding Machine, Sue Sewell as Number one through Nine; Mike Born as Jack, All female members of 7-7 as Jill, George Mayo as Jack the Ripper; Roger Atkinson as Sputnik, Connie McDowell as La Cucaracha, Jim Call s the Orkin Man, Steve Van Ore as Gabriel, Frank Ferguson as the Phantom; Bob Mikesell as Samson, Marty Wellinger as Delilah, Ray Myers as Lil Abner, Carol Skelton as Daisy May, Miss Adams as Carmen, Chuck Butler as The Lone Ranger.
   Miss Pat Folsom and Mrs. Delila Roess entertained members of the faculty at a shower in the Girls' Phys. Ed. Department March 27. This party was given so the faculty could see the charming quarters and share in some of the fun the students enjoy.
   Guests arriving in bathing suits and other casual costumes were greeted by their hostesses after they had taken a shower. Those refusing to take a shower were denied refreshments, and given a stern lecture on a teacher's duty to develop good health habits.
   The locker room was tastefully decorated with artful arrangements of crinolines, and old sneakers, interspersed with socks and bristling with bobby pins.
   Seen shivering in soggy splendor were Mrs. Wanda Whitney in a chartreuse suit with magenta trim; Mr. Norris Minner in an old orange sack; Mrs. Robert Craig in navy bloomers and middy blouse; Mrs. Lu Bridges in a purple skirt and a sweat shirt; Miss Kay Patterson in a concoction of ball fringe and old paint brushes; Mr. Wayne Johnson in a freshly tanned hide branded MJ; Coach Jim Vickers in a pink ballet skirt; Mr. Don Jennings in a diving helmet and long underwear.