Of The Week
Mrs. Miriam Blockman, one of
our Senior English teachers, is from New York City. She attended
school at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, and received
her master's degree from Columbia University.
When asked what her main interests are, she
replied, "Books, my family, and music."
Mrs. Blockman is quite a traveler, having visited
all through Europe and most of the United STates.
Receiving a bloody nose at a school in an underpriviledged area
in New York was probably her most embarrassing moment.
She is very enthusiastic in her comments of
W.P.H.S. as she stated "I'm delighted with teaching at W.P.H.S.
and I'm thoroughly impressed with the students' enthusiasm for
their studies."
Mr. Robert Appleman one of our Chemistry teachers,
ws born in Chicago. He attended John Hopkins University. Buckness
University where he received his bachelors degree, and Pen State
where he did graduate work. He is now working on his doctor's
In his spare time Mr. Appleman enjoys bowling
and baseball. He is also one of our J.V. football coaches and
tennis coach.
The Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc salutes you, Mrs. Blickman and
Mr. Appleman as our teachers of the week!
by Sue Sturges
A late Foolish April
Fool's Day Greetings to out to all of my readers, and you, too,
"Bill Mead" alias Buster Judy! .. Sophomore cutie, Judy
Hopkins celebrated her Sweet Sixteen Birthday with a luncheon at
the Imperial House Guest list had the following names on
it: Mary Cash, Janet Squillante, Pat Brown, Bobbie Sias (and Carl
Dunn), Phyllis Gallahue, Peggy Frome, Joyce Jones, Gaylyn Greenleaf,
Chip Furr, and Diane Davich ... On Sunday, March 26, Glen Mason
was the happy host at an old fashioned box social Those seen
playing badminton, nibbling fried chicken, and dancing were: Gail
Cannon with Dave Smith, Jeannie Bradford and Robbie Robinson, "Susan
'n' Chan", Jacque Cook, Donna Newberry, Marthabell Hussman,
Nancy Lundahl, Nancy Temple with David Eckardt, Linda Merhill and
Dave Herold, and several moore Oh, and let me not forget
"Rowdy" Ross complete with her Woodberry Forest crew!
... |
by Annette
Happy Easter! And April Fools!
Hope you enjoyed your vacation; just remember
it was the last one before the end of the year.
According to Mr. Johnson (10E), staunch sophomore
supporter, sophomores should nominate candidates for the Student
Council offices of secretary and treasurer. In order to qualify
a candidate must be on the Student Council for at least one semester
and not be a presiding officer of more than one club. If you're
qualified, by all means, RUN!! Sophomores, let's get behind one
of our own and elect him or her to a Student Council office. For
more information concerning the election, see Mrs. Ramsdell.
Nothing else concerning the talent show has been
decided on yet. However, it would help if someone (Ned ??) would
call a cabinet meeting.
the sophomore girls when you consider your Prom date!!
Don't forget the Senior girls either! |
Pizza Palace still has the best pizza in town! ... The grapevine
has it that the junior, tricky little underclassmen, have changed
the Prom Theme ... Onto American Bandstand
The "Watusi" is even wilder than the "Pony"
... Hello, Vern! at last your name
is in print! ... Jackie Cottrell and Johnny Cash make a creditable
couple ... Pet Peeve for the Week: People who ask NATURAL BLONDES
what they put on their hair End of
peeve ... Spring vacation brought us a goodly supply of alumni including
"Robustelli" Ford Duane, Connie Finfrock, Sally Bergstrom,
Tommy Ross, and others The Class of
'59 returns' ... Regina Jones' secret ambition is to have a double
wedding with Suzie Miller They do make
an unusual couple ... Ask Robin what Zap Juice is! ... Play it cool
... Susi. |
accept good advice is but to increase one's own ability. |
Bad news Cats! Allen Burris, senior
second baseman for W.P.H.S., belted a line drive into coach Gordon's
hand during batting practice last week. After a thorough examination
of the injury, the coach assured the boys that he will be able to
continue in the capacity as coach. However, pitcher Larry Bettsinger
will hurl for batting practice for the duration of the season.
Here's the news from our war correspondent in
Fort Lauderdale, FLa. It seems that the younger generation had a
great deal of success with long range bombing (beer cans, etc.)
but the in-fighting honors go to the Lauderdale police and teh National
Guard. Central Fla. schools were represented with units from Rollins,
Stetson, F.S.U., U. of F., Boone, and W.P.H.S. What's it all about,
I wonder when Ronnie's is going to recover from
the "Oklahoma" cast party after the final performance.
I'll bet that it isn't every night the kitchen is examined by forty
gun toten cowboys, but these kids deserved to blow off steam, especially
after the great job they did on the show. |