WI-PA-HI-SC dated December 8, 1960, was made available to us by George Fisher. Thanks for sharing!
WI - PA - HI - SC
Page 2
DECEMBER 8 , 1960
     Winter Park
                     Goes Forth
S.    C.    GIVES    $500

By Chip Schram

   Winter Park held Melbourne for the first three quarters with a one point lead, but then something happened in the last quarter to set Melbourne on a wild rally of touchdowns. The final score came out with the Wildcats taking their final loss of the season, 25-7.
   Winter Park's sole scoring came with a 93-yd. drive climaxed by a 11-yd. dash by Leslie King. Senior flashback Ray Myers ran 69 out of the total of 103 yds. gained by Winter Park.
   This weeks' Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc Outstanding Player of the Week goes to two of our Seniors. Ray Myers and Gene Mooney are both co-captains for the 1960 season. Both are two year lettermen and are key men in their playing position. Ray ran our first touchdown of the season and Gene added the first extra point and all the rest to follow. Gene and Ray are also top defenders in their area. Congratulations to guard Gene Mooney and fullback Ray Myers.
   (P.S. In the Melbourne game we only got penalized for 5 yards.)

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Hay Ride Held

   The SENIOR Hi-Y held its first social of the year a couple of weeks ago, following the successful "Turkey Hop" held after the Apopka game. Pat Phillips supplied the truck and David Sias pitched in the hay.
   There were thirty-six happy couples and five bales of hay on the truck, and they all wound up about 9:00 at a destination owned by Mr. Phillips. A fire was built and all had a really grand time. Ruling over the event was Barbara McCartney, the Hi-Y sweetheart of 1960-61.

By Fran Ussery

   The Student Council voted over-whelmingly last week to appropriate $500 from the United Appeal fund for the construction of the Winter Park Youth Center. The W.P.H.S. United Appeal fund is in no way connected with the county United Appeal. It was set up last year in order to lighten the burden on the student of the many drives throughout the year. Under the new system we spend one week collecting money for the whole year. Then the Council appropriates the money to the different charity organizations as the needs arise.
   Last Wednesday the Council felt that if it went "all out" on this drive maybe the individual clubs would follow in its footsteps by raising money to donate. The full support of the student body is expected and parents are urged to contribute whatever they feel they can afford. Door to door contributions are now being made, so please don't turn the workers away. If it's only the change in your pocket, it will help.
   During the last meeting it was brought to the attention of the Council that some of the debts from the auction are still unpaid. It's going to be very embarrassing for some people if they don't attend to this matter immediately.
   Plans are now underway for the presentation of Oklahoma by the Student body sometime in March. The royalty of $250 will be paid by Mr. Wilson who will be reimbursed at a later time. All of the organizations of publicity, music, stage hands, and costumes will be handled by the Inter-Club-Council

with the cooperation of Mr. Hotaling and the Glee Club. The story calls for both male and female singers, so y'all try out.
   A new club has been officially chartered now. Its the Wildcat Modelers Club. Its purpose is to promote model airplane building and flying at WPHS.
   The only qualifications that you must have an A.M.A. license. Anyone interested should get in touch with Mr. Creech, their sponsor.
   Auditions for an act to represent WPHS New Year's Eve at the Orlando Youth Center are being handled by Susan Chace. Announcement will be in the bulletin, so all you talented Wildcats, let's see what kind of an act you can get together.

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The annual Christmas parade, which was held last week, was the largest Orlando has ever seen. There were 99 floats with 150,000 - 250,000 spectators. The Winter Parker's gals in the parade were Suzie Gray, Jeannie Jones, Jackie Cook, Jo Anne Horvath, Sandy Cash, Sharon White, Rosemarie Vardell, Barbara McCartney, Suzie Miller and, of course, our band.
   ATTENTION, BOYS! Mr. Gordon, our guidance counselor for boys, is very lonely in his little office. Any problems you might have would be greatly appreciated. According to him, the only problems he has received have been those about Solid Geometry! He'd be glad to annul any of the twirp twirl marriages!
   Please all and you will please none.
                            -- Aesop

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