& Fashions |
Guys and Gals, it's here! With all the talk about Graduation and
the future, let's take a breath and look back over the fads 'n fashions
of this past year.
'Member when there wasn't a Senior
girl who wouldn't be caught dead without her Ladybug Pin... now
she wouldn't be caught dead with it!! Also along the line of jewelry
were the various scarab bracelets, scarab circle pins, and gorgeous
charm bracelets. And remember when the skirts started going up!
We've yet to hear a boy's voice argue against that. They can't get
much shorter, or can they boys! Then 'member when the boys had a
Maynard day. As usual the boys thought they could upstage the girls
by wearing old sweatshirts, jeans, and tennies "without socks"
and sunglasses. The girls "as usual" |
with their own Maynard day. Their charming outfits were composed
of short skirts, new sweatshirts, and tennies with the famous lady
bug astride.
'Member when the gals began to trade
their long curls for the shorter curls of today's bubble cut. Very
And, now, complimenting the bubble
cut, is the intriguing Baby Vamp look. For your information boys,
the baby vamp look consists of lots of eye make-up and little or
no lipstick. This baby vamp look is quite flattering to most girls.
Of course we can't forget the incoming
styles. These include culottes, a style quickly accepted because
of it's comfort, the beach dress, the Shirt-that-grew-and-grew and
last but not least, the two piece bathing suit. |
Annette Moore |
SEVEN's the lucky number... 20 sopho-
mores will visit New York City week after next... Jimmy
Byrd had a huge party at Rio Pinar last weekend... Ginny
McLucas is planning a swim party, too.
This year, the sophomore class,
under officers Ned Whitner, Chad Price, Deedra Dickinson,
and Tommy Scruggs, passed many milestones. Looking back,
the largest class to ever enter WPHS had problems when we
tried to schedule a dance. Our first high school dance was
held on January 13 -- a huge success. Another important
milestone, and a sophomore success was the Sweetheart Dance,
at which Peggy Frome was selected queen over Joyce Jones,
Janet Squillant, Bobbi Sias, Diane Davich, and Mary Cash.
Vicky-Poo Whitehurst was the
sophomore star in Oklahoma while many other sophs participated
When cheerleading time came,
Peggy Frome, Mary Cash, and Bobbie Sias graduated to varsity
cheerleading while Janet Squillante, Judy Hopkins, and Phyllis
Gallahue became '61 junior varsity gals.
Sophomores scored in Student
government, too. Chad Price, class veep, was elected next
year's Student Council treasurer. It's been a great year.
We all hope next Year's sophomores
can follow us in style.
See 'ya next fall!
* * * * * * * * * * |
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Watermelon Queen |

Dodi Simmerson Wins Watermelon Crown in Leesburg
Wednesday, May 17, the Leesburg JayCee's sponsored their annual
Florida Watermelon Queen Contest in the Venetian Gardens of Leesburg.
Thirteen contestants from all over
the state came prepared for bathing suite and gown compe-
tition. They also had personal interviews and general observances
as part of their competition. |
the luncheon on Wed-
nesday, the girls prepared them-
selves for the eleminations and finals, which were judged by three
male judges. Winter Park High School's own Dodie Simmerson was right
in there vieing for the title, and she won it!
Dodie and the other girls were judged
on the basis of figure, personality, poise and intelligence. Her
prizes included a set of white Samsonite luggage, a week's trip
to Miami, $100, a gold loving cup, a jewelry box, a set of crystal
earrings and necklace, and lots of watermelon!
Dodie's duties as the 1961 Florida
Watermelon Queen will be to appear wherever and whenever the JayCee's
need her, for the next year. These duties will include such activies
as crowning other queens and appearing at JayCee sponsored events.
Dodie's two maids-in-waiting are young ladies from Miami and Ocala. |