Jo Ann Ross |
June 25, 1960, the imaginary state of Seminole came into
existence when girl representatives from school all over
Florida arrived at the Florida State University Campus in
Tallahassee. These young women, future voters, had all just
completed their junior year in high school and they arrived
excited with the idea of creating a Girls' State. In the
next 10 days they would carry out the governmental and social
functions of a reality state such as Florida, by electing
city, county and state officials after vigorous rallies
and campaigns.
The State of Seminole was
sponsored by the Women's Auxiliary of the American Legion
and was run under a two party system, the Nationalist and
the Federalists. Each party met in different buildings to
plan its platforms and campaign strategies; then primary
and state elections were held. After the elections, the
state concerned itself with legislative procedures. For
this, the girls had access to the House and Senate Chambers
of the capitol.
Every girl was elected to
some congressional position and soon became involved in
bill committees and debates. Heated but respectful arguments
began before breakfast in the morning and lasted until late
at night.
At last years Winter Park
Girls' State Representatives Sandra Cash, JO Ann Ross, and
Nancy Temple ended their Citizenship's in the State of Seminole,
they thought of the enriching experience of being able to
attend a Girls' State. From the first exciting day to graduation,
they had been constantly on the go. Now, they looked forward
to telling their experiences to the school.
By Donna Newberry |
week we have a special treat for you. Pictured here are
five Seniors -- in their younger days. To test your perception
and mental acuity, see if you can guess who they are. I'll
even tell you who's here: Jo Ann Ross, Frank Ferguson, Greg
Holland, David Herold and myself. It should be obvious to
you who the baby on the blanket is, but the others may be
a little more difficult. Answers at the end of this column.
Have you heard about the new
popular TV program in Africa? It's called "Eat the
How about doing some-
thing about the new wire fence in front of the auditorium?
I understand there have been several accidents...
Senior Class 1961 will make its final appearance at the
Commencement Exercises to be held Monday, June 5 amid the
tropical setting of Mead Gardens. Farewell address will
be given by Jean Bradford, valedictorian, and Greg Holland,
salutatorian. Mr. Woodrow Darden, county super-
intendent of public instruction in Brevard County, will
give the Commencement address. Juniors honored as Marshals
are Mike Kelly and Jean Stokes.
Sue Sturges, '61 |
were the "good old days" when the weekly Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc
sold at "only a nickel a copy"...And those were
the nights of muddy football games with no victories and
not much spirit...That was the year when students took over
the "new building"...And the Sr. Tri-Hi-Y girls
held their meetings in the Methodist Church...Those were
the days when we ate our lunches in a bright pink cafeteria
and Seniors had their own lunch line...Those were the nights
of weekly gang gatherings at the W.P. Drive-In topped off
by hamburgers at the Steak 'n Shake, chaperoned by ever-watchful
"Porky"...That was the year of the well-remembered
Spin-the-Bottle party...And it was the time of Happy Homecoming
with Queen Sandy and Court reigning...Then came basketball,
more spirit, and lots of fun...And that was when the Parkers
won the City, Christmas Basketball Tourney...Those were
the days when parking stickers for 4-wheeled vehicles were
a must and Seniors left assemblies first!...Then came the
holidays, remembered most for their gay rowdiness...That
was the season when another Queen, Suzie, ruled happily...Those
were the days of scarab bracelets, tennies, culottes, bright
purples, "knee ticklers," and Madras...Those were
the times when Kennedy took office and the very few Winter
Park Democrats beamed proudly--And the "Jackie"
look came in--and the "Pat for First Lady" signs
were removed from car windows...That was the year when real
plans for our own Yough Center started popping...1961 was
the time that Parkers got their first look at big BEN-HUR
and a second look at GONE WITH THE WIND...
are still people who hold out on buying papers because THEIR
names aren't mentioned... Don Nuzum, Susan Kelly, David
Riddle, Chip Lipps, "Monsieur" Eckhardt, and so
on. I'd like to thank Mr. Johnson for his kind assistance
in the sale of papers in his homeroom every Thursday...
and Chip Furr for her vigorous help in the matter...I wish
Mr. Spurrier's homeroom were newspaper-minded.

the graduation, there will be a Senior Sunrise Ball held
at the Orlando Youth Center which will last all night and
through most of the morning. All Seniors are allowed to
bring one guest. You must be stamped with an identification
stamp at school before you will be allowed to enter the
Ball. Four bands will provide continuous music through the
Baccalaureate Ceremonies will
be held at the Winter Park Presbyterian Church on Sunday,
June 4. Rev. Doggett will give the Baccalaureate address.
Class Day will be held June
2 in the auditorium at which time outstanding Seniors will
be recognized and annuals given out. The class history will
be read, and the annual dedicated.
This week the SENIOR SALUTES
and HORIZONS will also be on sale. Senior Salutes
lists each Senior individually and lists interesting facts
about him or her. Horizons is our annual literary
publication, featuring the best examples of creative writing
done by WPHS students through the year.
Hail and Farewell, Class
of '61! You have set high standards for underclassmen to
baby in the blanket is, of course, Frank; the baby in the
bed is David H.; the little girl in the party dress is Jo
Ann; the little boy on the ? is Greg; and last (and least),
the obviously happy one is ME!
being our farewell issue, I'd better bid you a tearful and
affectionate farewell... FARE (sniff) WELL... Good luck
to each and everyone of my faithful readers... you'll need
