Highlights |
SAYRE born January 13, 1944, in Parkersbury, West Va. Likes
a certain red head, dancing, and all sports. Dislikes slow drivers,
snobs, and apple munchers. Most embarrassing moment, every moment.
Plans after H.S., attend U. of Fla.
ANTHONY BARRON born March 11,
in Macon, Ga. Likes Science Fiction, Science, and thinking people.
Dislikes history, food, and Athletic Scholarships. Hobbies - astronomy,
non-conforming. Most embarrassing moment, the time he got a "30"
on an Algebra test.
14, 1943 in Tarenturn, Pa. Likes blondes, brunettes, redheads and
Brigitte Bardot. Dislikes backward people, sophomores. Most embarrassing
moment, when he was caught backstage with Maurine (in the dark).
1943 in Columbus, Ohio. Likes tennis, swimming, and a certain boy.
Dislikes two-faced people, unfriendly people. Plans after H.S., attend
FRAN USSERY born March 8, 1943
in Detroit, Michigan. Likes cars with gas in it, and fat people. Dislikes
rude and tactless people and her kidneys. Hobbies making chocolate
chip cookies. Most embarrassing moment when she dropped Dr. Bender's
cake in Chemistry last year. Plans after H.S., attend F.S.U. |
Wash Cars |
Pamme Anderson |
Saturday, November
12, the Key Club held their second money-raising project for the year,
a carwash.
If you think people don't
turn out for these affairs, just ask the members of the club what
a busy day they hard.
Of course, they washed cars for $1 apiece -- with
an exception of the $.25 job on A. Spaulding's Lark. At the last minute,
quite a few boys decided that there are better ways to spend a Saturday
afternoon than wallowing around in soapsuds, but with time and "mild"
persuasion, they stuck around and did their share.
The Key Club is quite satisfied
with the financial boost that came as a result of their project, and
many people around Winter Park are very content with their gleaming
cars. |
Foot Forward", the first Junior sponsored play at W.P.H.S.
in many years, scored a smash hit on the 17th of Nov. before an
audience of nearly 1,000 people. A matinee was given for the student
body that afternoon and an evening performance was given for the
parents, relatives, friends, and anyone who missed the afternoon
The cast is to be congratulated for its outstanding
performance, particularly worthy of recognition were Many Ann Watkins
who portrayed the Blind Date; Rita Dunn, the chaperone; Bob Glennon
as Dr. R. B. Reeber; and Russeen Carrell who portrayed Helen.
The third day will include boat tours and in the
evening a Broadway
production. There will be a choice between, "My Fair Lady,"
"The Gypsy," or "The Music Man."
Due to their participation in the play and their
help in building the sets, the following have earned sufficient
points to become members of the National Thespian Society: John
Osthrow, Tim Bassler, Mike Kelly, Bob Glennon, Barbara Richardson,
J. R. Stephenson, Pat Erle, Dennis Siewert, Russeen Carrell, and
Cynthia Dieter.
After the evening performance the cast and crew
gathered at Ronnie's Restaurant for a cast party. J. R. Stephenson
presented Miss Sells, the director, with a set of ebony elephants,
"a token of gratitude for all the "bull" she put
up with during the weeks before the play.
In case any of you "SAINTED SENIORS"
are interested the play was given to raise money for your prom and
the $494.25 profit will certainly help to give you a prom you won't

The Senior
Class had a very successful bake sale last Wednesday. It was so successful
that there was hardly any food left for the 3:10 shift. The total
profit was $10.41.
There's going to be another bake sale today and
a tasty drink has been planned to go along with the cookies. Everybody
support the SENIOR CLASS and come to the bake sale at 2:10 and 3:10
outside the conference room.
Thanks goes to Sharon Hayes and all the homeroom
donators for their time and pastries. |
First Thanksgiving"
By Arthur Guiterman |
once in every year we throng
Upon a day apart,
To praise the Lord with feast and song
In Thankfulness of heart." |