Once again the school year has started
and we will soon see many of our
alumni leave for college.
Florida's campuses such as FSU, Rollins and the
University of Florida, will house a tremendous number of them. FSU
has claims on Irv Broughton, Ginny /Riggs, Ruth Jane Williams, and
Mike Wenninger, while the University of Florida will be seeing John
Britten, Judy Broyles, Judy Duckworth, John Fly, Huston Frailey, Jim
Harmeling, Ed Hightower, Mike Johns, Sue Montgomery, Murry Osgood,
Gee Gee Wattles, and Judy Wellinger.
Ann Breathwit, Carol Wingate, Chet Cornwall, Joe
Mozzer, and Dwight Andrews will remain in Winter Park and attend Rollins,
while Porter Spangler, Jim Mayer, and a few of our '59 Graduates such
as Andy Pughe, Ford Duane, Larry Cowart, Varley Grantham, Bob Clerk
and Lee Maynard will be at OJC.
Danny Wiser and Al West will attend Georgia Tech;
Linda Prevatt, Brigham Young, Chip Emerson, Paul Jacobs, and Jay ALanders,
Stetson; Betsy Bibb, Phifford; Lorale Smith, University of Georgia;
Sally Maynard and Brenda Britt, Brevard; Richard Conner, Bullus; Wayne
Duncan, Piedmont; and Mike Mosher, Southern Illinois. |
Holds Rally
United Christian Youth Movement, an interdenominational organization
of Protestant young people, will hold a Youth Rally on Sunday, September
25th. It will be at all Saint's Episcopal Church from 1:30 to 4:30
p.m. The purpose of this organization will be explained, as well as
having a planned program fellowship, and refreshments. This branch
of the U.C.Y.M. in Winter Park was formed only one year ago and is
already the largest and most active in the state. It sent Woody Leonard
as a representative to the summer conference in North Carolina. The
election of next year's officers will also take place at the Rally.
They hope to see many of you there. |
Sue Sturges
Hi! It's me, Susi, back with more news and views.
Morrison's Cafeteria in Winter Park was the scene
of mass confusion the Monday before school when nineteen senior
girls invaded it for lunch. Enjoying the food and fun were: Lynn
Furr, Brenda O'Steen, "Mabs" Brown, Connie Shoup, Suzie
Miller, "Rosy" Vardell, Suzie Cushing, Judy Teague, who
has returned here from Japan and the Philippines, Jacque Cook, Sharon
White, Susie Gray, Fran Ussery, "Sturge", :"Chaceman",
Heather Marwick, "Spider" Welch, Barbara McCartney, "Rowdy"
Ross, and Sandy Nelson. It's been reported that Morrison's will
never be the same.
Donna Mueller celebrated her 16th birthday in
a festive manner by having a Hawaiian luau. Donna, much to the delight
of the male guests, greet the boys with a lei and a kiss! Guests
attired in clothing tyhpical of Hawaii, included Rich Miller, Becky
Mitchell, Roddy Russai, Pam Fetro, Barbara Steel, Susan Goetzen,
Linda Myrick who appeared n a hula skirt, Bob Sutphen, Andy Spangler,
and Bob Mikesell. Others there were Gary Eley, Tommy Lawton, Jim
Stokes, John Whittington, David Ellis Brown, Nat Turnbull, Mike
Kelly, John Hoche, Fred Heath, Elnora Wright, Bruce Stewart, Judy
Garren, Ann Jenkins, Steve Stangler, Reddick Harris, Merlyn Herold,
Sonny Adamson, and Helen Grabber, another hula girl!
Old Hurricane Donna forced Carole Lober, an ex-Winter
Parker, into calling off her swimming party last Saturday night.
Could be the reason that Stu Smith looks so bad! (He loves to swim!)
Tuesday night, August 30 found many students having a rockin' good
time at the Orlando Youth Center's "Back-to-School" dance.
The Roadrunners made with the music from 8:30 'til 11:30. Glimpsed
in the crowd were Bobby Cross, Rich Deter, Bob Ross, Woody Leonard,
Buster Judy, Gary Houmes, alumnae Bill Blackburn, Denny Boo, Johnny
Cash, Jackie Billingham, Sally Ross, Julius Mullins, Sherry Vines,
Marney Van Nymegan, Chip Schram, and Charlie Matthews. Others cutting
the gay rug were Joyce Jones and Tommy Hopkins, Marty Wellinger and
Jim Henry, Janie Mitchel and Bill Dick, Judy Hopkins and Tony Tyler,
Mary Cash and graduate Mike Wenninger, Jeff Arnold, Ellen Igou and
Corky Higgins.
Say, fellows, have you noticed how many Winter Park
gals are dating off-campus boys? For example here's Sandy Cash and
Bill Lane, Linda Schmidt and Pat Sullivan, Jean Welch and Phil Hoffman,
Carolyn Rayburn and Mike Miller, Linda Borden and Butch Gramer, Pat
Stephenson and Mike O'Brien, and Pat Clarke and Jim Beckwith.
Jean Welch didn't let the hurricane and lack of
electricity ruin her weekend fun! Sharon O'Neal, Sue Sturges, Judy
Teague, and Linda Schmidt were all found in "ye old beatnik room"
roasting baby marshmallows on toothpicks over a candle! How's that
for originality?
That's it for this week, see you next! |
Boone Award
first Goon Boon award of the year is presented to Mrs. Parks who rightly
deserves it. It seems as though our respected driving instructor locked
her keys inside her car the other day without thinking. How did you
get in? |