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October 8, 1957

FRAN USSERY, 9-3: "I think it is a good thing. Most kids at Glenridge don't carry it to an extreme."

MR. BENSON: "Our youth today has enough problems to solve without taking this additional one."

STEVE GRANTHAM: "I refuse to answer on the grounds that it might incriminate me."

JUDY REDING, 9-3: "I think it depends on the couple."

DAVE MILLER, 9-3: "I believe in playing the field."

MARY ANN BANKS, 9-2: "I'm against it. I think you should get out and meet lots of boys."

JULIUS MULLINS, 9-4: "I think people should go steady if they want to. But I also think some go steady too much."

SAM LEATHERBURY, 9-5: "It's great if you have someone to go with."

STEVE COOKE, 9-5: "I like to but I could live without it."

JEAN WILLIAMS, 9-6: "If they are mature enough it is okay."

LINDA BAIR, 9-7: "I don't see anything wrong with it if you can find the right boy."

FRED HALE, 9-8: "I like it!"

SALLY LLEWELLYN, 9-8: "You can have fun going out with someone without going steady."

JOHNNY CASH, 9-8: "I think it's stupid because you don't have to go steady just because you like someone."


JIM CALL, 8-4: "I don't think it is a good idea."

ANDREA HENSON, 8-6: "I think going steady causes lots of trouble. The boy thinks he owns the girl."

RICKY ROGERS, 8-6: "I think a boy likes to take other girls out."

JOANN COONS, 8-6: "I don't think it is right in junior high."

JOY KIDWELL, 8-7: "I wouldn't go steady if you paid me."

DIANN LOUPEE, 8-9: "I think you miss out on a lot of fun."

JUDY WINGATE 8-3: "Sometimes you get hurt when you break up."

ROBERT LOOKABILL, 8-8: "Okay, if you don't stay out past ten on school nights."

JOHN LANSDALE, 7-2: "It gets boring after a while."

DICK ROBERTS, 7-3: I think you should wait until you're in high school."

DAVID ROM, 7-4: "I think it is awful, particularly with girls!"

BEVERLY STANSBURY, 7-6: "I think the 7th grade is too young to begin."

HAROLD VAN METER, 7-6: "Yea, Man, I like it!"

KEITH CALDWELL, 8-5: "I think you should wait until you are in high school. I know from experience. I went steady for one week and six days."

SUSAN SORY, 7-4: "I think it is all right, but if there was a dance and you were going steady with a boy who couldn't go you'd be left out."


After studying the survey sheets the Kilt staff reports that the majority of the students polled responded favorably to the idea of going steady - if not for themselves, at least for someone else.

The ninth grade boys and girls seemed to have the greatest reservations. Possibly experience had taught them the difficulties that might arise while going steady. And the eighth grade showed far less enthusiasm than the seventh grade.