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NOVEMBER 19,1957

     It was definitely a Doolittle night - 162 yards running and passing. That boy really looks wonderful out on the field. And knowing what a good guy he is makes his performance even more heartwarming.

     We hear there was some gum-spitting and orange juice throwing at the game on Thursday night. We know these boys are probably trying to get the girl's attention. But WHAT a way! Why don't you fellahs grow up?
     Slam books were circulating at the Apopka Game. This, in case you don't know, is the latest way of expressing how you feel about someone. What slays us is why people bother to come to games of they spend the whole time with this nonsense.
     We hear Buttery and Matthews will be back in the game in time to take on Lee. In the meantime, Butler and Holland did themselves proud taking over for the game knees.
     Lee is always a game we look forward to. Lee and Glenridge got started at about the same time. They have a fine high-spirited school, and it is always a pleasure to watch them perform. Let's be sure to show Lee our best sportsmanship!
     Will someone please tell us why Phyllis Bischard went five feet into the air every time number 13 took off?
     We don't argue with the referee but no one saw Paul Bene commit a personal foul. Besides, we here at Glenridge know that Paul is the last boy in the field to use such a technique.


     The Cherokee Indians ended their football season last week when they beat Lee 33-6. Cherokee, who beat us 41-6 lost one game the whole season -- to Howard 13-6. Their record stands 5 won and only 1 lost.

     Here are the results in Coach Vicker's Volleyball classes as the tournament ended:

     In the third period the fifth place WILD CATS really put out and won the championship.

     The TALLY WAGGERS took the sixth period championship from all opponents. Duane Mooney captained the TALLY WAGGERS, who finished in third place during the regular season.

     Coach Vickers says the boys played a lot better than last year and a few have learned the overhand serve and the ability to spike, At times the dust got so thick in the process of playing that it became difficult to breathe, but the games were really exciting.

     Lots of people are looking forward to the student-faculty game later in the year.

     Glenridge was really hot in the Apopka game. The passing was good. Four our of five passes were caught; three of them by Rusty Doolittle. These three passes were for 29 yards. Altogether a total of 74 passing yards were made.

     The rushing was hard, making 332 yards - 258 by rushing.