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November 2, 1956


     Our newly formed Student Council swung into action last Monday, Oct. 22, with a meeting during the sixth period in Room 8. Our new president, Judy Crawford, called the meeting to order. During the course of the meeting it was reported that we have $130.45 in the treasury, not including our proceeds from the concession stands at the football games.

     The cabinet officers were voted on. They are: Secretary General - Jay Landers; Secretary of Publicity - Lois Rayl; Secretary of Citizenship - Gee Gee Wattles; Secretary of Welfare - Linda Poole; Historian - Sheila Clarke.

     It was decided that we will have meetings every other Wednesday, rotating the fourth and sixth periods.

     On Oct. 24, another meeting was called for the purpose of organizing our first dance of the year. We are having a "Sock Hop" on Nov. 2, in Winter Park High School Gym from :30 to 10:30 P.M. It is only .35¢ "Stag or Drag". If you want to be dragged or want to drag someone, it's boy bid.

     Plan to come to our dance. You'll hear more about it later. But you boys better get your bid in for your favorite gal, before someone else does.

Lois Rayl


     GOING ON SIXTEEN by Betty Cavanna is a wonderful story about a girl named Julie Ferguson, who spent most of her life on a farm. The book gives all the exciting feelings of a girl attending her first prom. The book relates the experiences of a shy young girl, who finally overcomes her shyness.

     THREE STUFFED OWLS by Keith Robertson is a thrilling mystery story of three young boys who become involved with diamond smugglers. The story holds you spellbound from beginning to end.

Patsy Beck

     "If you choose to work, you will succeed; if you don't, you will fail. If you neglect your work, you will dislike it; if you do it well, you will enjoy it. If you join little cliques, you will be self-satisfied; if you make friends widely, you will be interesting. If you gossip, you will be slandered; if you mind your own business you will be liked. If you act like a bore, you will be despised, if you act like a human being, you will be respected. If you spurn wisdom, wise people will spurn you; if you seek wisdom, they will seek you. If you adopt a pose of boredom, you will be a bore; if you show vitality, you will be alive. If you spend your free time reading, discussing and thinking of things that matter, you will be an educated person."

     From a speech by University of Toronto's President, Sidney Smith.


     Judy Lee of 7-3 was the winner of the Glenridge word contest. Judy submitted 213 words. 37 words were disqualified by the judges - leaving her a total of 176 words. The runner up was Tyrone McMurray of 8-7, who submitted 160 words.

     If Judy Lee will ask at the front office she will be given her prize.

Richard Winslow


EDITOR, Sue Tinklepaugh; ASST. ED., Paula Nagel; ART ED., Sharon MacDonald; AD. ED., Chip Lipps; SALES MGR., Linda Schmidt; PRODUCTION, JoAnn Ross.
CONTRIBUTORS: Wanda Barger, Pat Beck, Ginger Clockadale, Frank Ferguson, Bob Finfrock, Jeannie Jones, Jean Mason, Pudd Mudd, Dewey Ramsby, Lois Rayl, Linda Schmidt, Loralee Smith, Bob Sutphen, Sue Trapnell, Richard Winslow.
AD SALESMEN: Linda Schmidt, Judy McNeal, Sue Trapnell, Paul Sims.

     On Nov. 13, Mr. Silver Dollars Saunders, otherwise known ad THE MAGAZINE MAN, or Subscription Santa Claus arrives at Glenridge!

     For those of you new to Glenridge, let us tell you his arrival begins the busiest, most exciting, and lucrative week of the year.

     All students become super salesmen; selling magazine subscriptions all over Orlando, Winter Park, and Maitland.

     This years' drive is early to make it possible for buyers to give gift subscriptions for Christmas. Push this point! A Christmas subscription is a gift you receive all year long!