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November 2, 1956

     What is it like to come from teaching in a college, where the students are almost adults, to a bright, exciting school like Glenridge Jr. High? A new member of our faculty, Mr. Wolfe, has had this experience.

     Mr. Wolfe's home town is Great Falls, Montana. He is now firmly established in the Florida scene, with his wife and four sons, aged six months to six years. His hobby is photography, but we suspect that he has little time to pursue it at this moment.

     Mr. Wolfe attended Intermountain College, Rollins College, and the University of Washington. He came to us from Northwestern University, where he taught math and science. He estimates that he has taught about 2,000 students in his time.

     What's Mr. Wolfe's reaction to Glenridge? He likes it very much. He says he thinks it is a lot harder to teach junior high students, but it is much more interesting.

Ginger Clockadale and Jean Jones


     November 7 is the date when De Costa and Ferrari bring their fabulous musical program to Glenridge. They play just about every musical instrument there is, and promise to be educational as well as fun.

     Two assemblies have been arranged for 1:10 and 2:10. Admission - .10¢

Pud Mudd

     As the band comes sweeping across the field, look around you and see the pride in the eyes of our students. A band can be the back bone of a whole school. It makes you warm up and feel good inside to know that they are representing you.

     I love math more than ever because right on the dot every morning the gay strains of the FIGHT SONG can be heard as the band comes marching by our room.

     It's not easy to become a member of the band. You have to really want to play in the band. These students have to work hard and constantly to make a band worth listening to. I think they have done that and more. They have come a long, long way since the first time they played out at Signal Hill last year.

     Let's give a hand to the finest band in all the land. And an extra big hand to Mr. Williams and Mr. Owens, who work so hard to make it that.

Linda Schmidt


     Wear Bermuda shorts to school? Use a siren to get people moving in the halls between classes? Bop one of your teachers? Have Elvis as guest speaker at assembly? Be the teacher for a day? Set off the fire alarm? Put a juke box in the cafetorium? Have a TV set in each classroom? Make the coaches do calisthenics? Paint the black boards white? Burn down the school? Climb the flagpole? Put a tack in a teacher's chair? Make the clock run backward? And most of all - be the PRINCIPAL?

Pud Mudd