that the Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc is being put to bed after a long and tiring
nine months of public service, HERE and THERE is gazing into the
crystal ball and trying to foresee next year. Looking Ahead we
There will be a new Student Council
Constitution next year which Mike Kelly will enforce as president.
Speaking of Mikes, Mike Hickey is
the new "TOWAYAM" editor for next year. Miss Julie Siebert
will continue as the annual staff sponsor.
The "W-Club" points will
probably be changed and there is a great possibility of a new
ranking system for Seniors.
Bill Collier and George Bridges
have received the honor of being next year's football captains.
Best of luck, lads. Practice makes perfect.
The WI-Pa-Hi-SC will come out once
a week in the "SUN HERALD" and the price will be the
same according to Pamme Anderson and Donna Mueller, newly appointed
coeditors and yours truly, associate editor.
Miss Charlotte Hall, typing teacher,
will be married June 25, in Chatham, Virginia, to Mr. A. J. Padera.
Upon returning to Winter Park after their honeymoon, the newlyweds
will reside in Kenilworth Shores. Miss Hall will continue to teach
at W.P.H.S.
to Coach Groene there will be no further meetings until next year.
A word of advice, "Be on your toes" and "keep in
May 19, was a real great day for
the W.P.H.S. Band as they gave one of the best assembly programs
of the year. Congrats to all the members not only for the splendid
job at the State Festival but also for the very humorous assembly.
On May 18, workers began clearing
the site for the Winter Park Youth Center which is expected to
be completed by the end of August or the early part of September.
is the culprit in Driver's Training who ran into a parking stanchion
pole used for parallel parking last week.
Have you heard the news yet? "The
old man" is retiring after this year. Col. Donald B. Herron,
algebra I and plane geometry teacher, has decided to relax and
retire from the teaching profession.
The Wi-Pi-Hi-Sc's own Dodie Simmerson,
sponsored by Castro Convertibles, won the Watermelon Queen of
1961 last week at Leesburg.
The WI-Pa-Hi-SC wishes to extend
a "get well soon" to Col. Walter Dillon, senior science
and physics teacher, who is in the Orlando Air Force Base Hospital.
This year's graduating class holds
the record for number of graduating Seniors with a total of about
We, of the WI-Pa-Hi-SC staff, have
received recognition. Seventeen magazine wrote inquiring about
Mrs. Ramsdell's "Univac," for publication in 'Seventeen.'
HORIZONS, W.P.H.S. literary magazine,
and the SENIOR SALUTES will be hot off the press this week. Don't
forget to buy yours while they last.
Wee Willie Schwartz does it again.
This time his move is "THE LAST DAY OF ATLANTIS," done
in the usual Schwartz fashion -- enough said. This proves to be
a great movie. Watch for the name of Bill Schwartz in the motion
picture business in the future.
Who scored Rowdy Rosses "wheels"
and Round Boy Muller's washing machine? It's a good thing Chan
lives on a lake. Let's all wave to him as we go by.
Well that does it for this issue
and this year. Hope to see all of you next year, but remember
I'll always be HERE and THERE, so be careful. Have a real cool
summer. 'NUFF SAID.
offers for Senior, 1961, have reached a new high and they are
still coming in. Winter Park High School senior class of 1961
may well be proud of this national record, but even more important
will be the record each of these scholarship students establish
in the colleges they attend. These students will set standards
for all the classes to come.
Among the awards made to W.P.H.S.
students is the National Merit Scholarship, awarded to Jean Bradford,
the only National Merit awarded in Orange County, and one of 17
awarded in the state, also the Martin Company award granted to
Greg Holland over Central Florida contestants. How has this been
accomplished? First and primarily, much of the credit goes to
Mrs. Mattlyn Ramsdell, Guidance Counselor. This year, Mrs. Ramsdell
has been free to devote all her time to counseling and scholarships.
The above record of achievement speaks for itself. It must be
remembered that these scholarships are not correlated with need.
Scholastic achievement, talent, worth are all paramount.
Mr. Wilson, principal of Winter
Park High School since 1949, is the man who has built the staff
and set the policies that result in such a record. He embraces
the philosophy of giving the youngsters as much and as broad an
education as they can and will assimilate; as much of the breadth
and depth that they can take. He has maintained the best of the
traditional in education along with the best of the new.
Mildred Andrews received a grant for the Mathematics Institute
at the University of Florida. Mrs. Andrews, who received her B.S.
degree from the University of Florida, has also received a Master's
degree from Florida State University.
WPHS is proud to announce that three of
its faculty members have been awarded grants from the National
Science Foundation.
This summer Dr. Herald E. Bender
will attend Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, the headquarters
of the Chemical Bond Approach Project. Dr. Bender was active on
the science staff at Scarsdale High School, Scarsdale, New York
from 1939 to 1945.
He has been professor of Botany and Physics at the Connecticut
College of Pharmacy. In addition, he was head of the Biology Dept.
and premedical advisor of Yale-in-China, Chaugsha, Hunan, China.
At the Connecticut College of Pharmacy, he was also department
head and materia medica. There were forty places available for
this grant, and Dr. Bender was chosen from over 400.
Mrs. Charlotte Eloquin has been awarded
a math grant for a year's study at the University of Louisiana
where she will take her Master's degree in Math. She is a graduate
of Barnard College. Mrs. Eloquin was one of 45 chosen from a field
of 200.