Winter Park High School Alums - Class of 1961
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Demetria Kay Eaton
<- Demetria Kay Eaton
Demetria Eaton Coleman ->
Introducing...Demetria Kay Eaton
     Demetria is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Eaton, 1423 Miller Avenue. She will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Demetria likes to bowl and to swim. She will study Beauty Culture after her graduation.
David Eckardt

David Lorand Eckardt

Introducing...David Lorand Eckardt
     The son of Mrs. Alice Eckardt, 2501 Lakeshore Drive, David is a member of the band and a lieutenant this year. Other activities include Allstate Sight Reading Band, Key Club, Science Club, National Honor Society and swimming team. David is still uncertain about which university he will attend but he will follow a course in Liberal Arts with the possibility of science or medicine as a career.
Eckardt, David Lorand . . . Dave was born right after New Year's on January 4th in New York City. The favorite sports of this six foot blond are swimming and chasing girls. His pet peeve is work. More than any other girl, he would like to have Nancy Temple inhabit his tropical island with him. David's secret ambition is to be a playboy while his ideal situation is to teach a class containing all his former teachers. Future plans include college.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Melody Eddy
<- Melodee Dawn Eddy
Melodee Eddy Hoeltke
Melodie Eddy Now
Introducing...Melodee Dawn Eddy
     Melodee is a member of the graduating class of 1961 at Winter Park High School. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Eddy, 235 Alpin Drive. Melodee will enter Orlando Junior College this fall for secretarial training. Her hobby is painting.
Lawrence Joel Elam

Lawrence "Larry" Joel Elam

Larry Elam - 2008
Introducing...Lawrence Joe Elam
     Larry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Elam, 502 Brechin Drive, and a member of the 1961 graduating class from Winter Park High School. His hobbies are music and track. He has received his letter for track. Other high school activities include JV football, cross country and Honor Society president. Larry plays cornet and is an officer in the Band and was on WPHS Math team for two years. He will major in Music and Math at University of Michigan.
Elam, Lawrence Joe . . . Larry would like to be ship wrecked with Marcia Gruber. He comes to us from Arlington Heights -- Fort Worth. His favorite sports and hobbies are track, football, basketball, music and girls. A member of the National Honor Society, Larry believes in being happy with what you have accomplished but never satisfied. Future includes college at the University of Michigan.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
JoAnn Engle Then
<-JoAnn Marie Engle
JoAnn Engle Crawford

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JoAnn an e-mail!
JoAnn Engle Now
Introducing...JoAnn Marie Engle
     JoAnn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Engle, 1838 Willow Lane. She will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. A member of Future Nurses, Pep Club, Student Coucnil and Girl Scouts, JoAnn is also secretary of the Luther League at St. John Church. She enjoys water skiing and dancing. JoAnn looks forward to being a Navy Nurse.
Engle, JoAnn Marie . . . Jo . . . comes from Baltimore, Maryland. She favors swimming, skiing and dancing. Her pet peeve is conceited people. Favorite food is coconut cream pie. JoAnn's philosophy is "You have to work for what you get!!" Future includes joining the Navy.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Sent: Wednesday, December 25, 2002 11:47 AM
Subject: WPHS Alums Class of 1961 - Information
Hi Bill,
      I'm JoAnn Engle Crawford and I do remember you, now that I've seen your face! This web page is a terrific idea as I sometimes think back to those "good ole days!"
      After graduation, I went to work for Martin-Marietta where my father had worked for 30 some years. I met and married Donald Lee Crawford from Winter Garden in March of 1964. He worked at the Cape so we moved to Cocoa. We have three children, Janet Marie born in 1964, Julie Ann in 1967 and Donald, Jr. in 1970. We moved back to Ocoee in 1972 when work at the Cape was terminating and Don found a job with Walt Disney World.
      Don and I have been living in Germany for the past 2 1/2 years doing mission work for the Southern Baptist Conventions, International Mission Board. Most people feel called to missions when they are young, but Don and I were in our 50's, late 50's at that. Our son Donald and his wife and two kids have been in the mission ministry for 8 years and it was thru them that we decided to come join them. We love the work we're doing here and love the German people. We live in the south-west corner of Germany, down near the French and Swiss borders. We travel to all three countries frequently. Thank goodness for the Euro, I had to carry three differenct currencies until the Euro came last year!
      We have 8 grandchildren, 2 girls and the last 6 in a row were boys! One grandson was born in Cyprus and another here in Germany. How life changes so quickly. I had a scare this past Sept. when we can for a visit to Ocoee/Winter Garden and while doing a routine check up found out that the left main artery was 67% blocked and I could "leave this earth" at any time, according to the doctor. They wouldn't even let me go home after the heart cath! Two days later I had open heart surgery with two by-passes. Luckily, I'm a quick healer. Had the surgery on Mon and left the hospital on Thurs. Unbelievable short stay! I was sore and weak, but alive and kicking. Three weeks later we returned to our home in Neuenburg and I've been recovering nicely. You never know how close you can come to dying and not even know it. I'm just thankful I've got an extended stay for a while longer!
      Well, I'm sure glad you contacted me, Mr. Bill. I'll keep checking the website to see who else has been found and get the new about the 45 reunion.
      Blessings, JoAnn
<-Mary Jane Ezzard
Mary Ezzard Lomeir->

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Mary Jane an e-mail!

Introducing...Mary Jane Ezzard
     Mary Jane is a member of the 1961 graduating class at Winter Park High School. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Ezzard, 1212 Tanager Drive. High School activities include Junior and Senior Tri-Hi-Y, Latin Club, Spanish Club, GAA, National Honor Society, Chemistry assistant and cheerleader. Her hobbies are horsebadk riding, swimming and reading. Mary Jane will attend Florida State University and major in chemistry.
Ezzard, Mary Jane . . . "Merv" . . . most memorable event at WPHS was the Christmas Formal 1959-1960 . . . philosophy of life is "experience teaches". Future plans include college at FSU.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.

Mary Jane and her husband Tom traveled 1100+ miles to attend the 50th class reunion. They have three children and seven grandchildren. Mary Jane lists her favorite WPHS teacher as "...Dr. Bender - He inspired me to pursue a degree in chemistry." Her hobbies are traveling and reading. Her favorite sports are snow skiing and golf. She lists her favorite vacation spot as Colorado. Left on Mary Jane's bucket list is traveling to many areas of Europe and Canada. She further wrote, "I wasn't much of a prankster back then, but I did enjoy "sneaking out" of the house and cruising around with my girl friends!" When asked if she had received an honor she would like to tell us about she wrote "Texas Medical Technologist of the Year (1982 I think)". Her favorite WPHS memory she wrote, "Jr.-Sr. proms were outstanding."
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire