Winter Park High School Alums - Class of 1961
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Juliette Baldwin
<- Juliette Pollard Baldwin
Juliette Baldwin Mason ->

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Introducing...Juliette Pollard Baldwin
     Julie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Baldwin, 1515 Glencoe Road. She will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Julie plans for a career in secondary education and will enter Florida State University this fall. She likes sports and music. Her many high school activies include Science Club, Future Teachers, copy editor for the Towayam, Band and participation in "Oklahoma".
Baldwin, Juliette Pollard . . . Julie, who's heart is in Newport News, VA, has a secret ambition to be the First Lady of the Land. This 5'5" senior girl favors football and basketball above all sports. As a hobby she raises her rabbit. Dr. Bender might think himself lucky to be on a tropical isle with Julie . . . he is her first choice. Future . . . college, then marriage to a future president of the United States.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.

Happiest memory: There are lots of good memories, but some of the best were being in the band with Jack Williams. Also spending the nights on weekends with Nancy Temple, Stevie Spaulding and Carole Streep.
: Graduated from FSU in August, 1964, with a degree in English. Married Tom Woodruff (WPHS '58) two weeks later and lived in Winston-Salem, NC until 1967 when we moved to Jacksonville, FL, where I still live. Worked for Farris Bryant until 1971 when son Graham Woodruff was born (he is now a senior at FSCU); son Richard was born in 1976. During these years I did a lot of freelance writing for newspapers and magazines, plus consulting in writing. Begin to teach English and writing at Florida Community College at Jacksonville in 1981; moved into college administration in 1985.. Went to Baptist Medical Center as head of its foundation in 1990, where I am now engaged in raising $15M for our new Children's Community Council, Inc., Hospice of Northeast Florida, etc. Member of the State Chamber of Commerce's Leadership Florida, Class V of 1987. Headed Board of Regents' Advisory Committee on EEO Matters for the State University System of Florida from 1985 - 1990. Just voted 1991 "Boss of the Year" at Baptist Medical Center.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991

Updated bio as of January, 2006:
I am a professional fundraising executive, retired since second marriage to Dr. William C. (Bill) Mason in 1993; mother of two adult sons, Graham Woodruff (b. 1971, lawyer, works for artificial intelligence company, Orlando) and Richard Woodruff (b. 1976, banker with Wells Fargo, San Francisco); stepmother to four; stepgrandmother to 14; flaming liberal; graduate of FSU (B.A.-English 1964); music lover and former flutist in WPHS Band and pianist (before arthritis took my fingers); anti-war; desire a combination of classical music and rock-and-roll at my funeral (for the party afterwards, dontcha’ know). Have lived in Jacksonville since 1967.
Before retirement: Last major professional position was head of foundation at Baptist Medical Center as corporate vice president. Personal best in fundraising was $23 million. Leadership Jacksonville; Leadership Florida; Leadership America. Wrote op-ed newspaper column, was a freelance magazine writer and editor, won the Florida Freelance Writers Competition, contributor to National Public Radio. Served as chairman of the boards of Hospice, Planned Parenthood, the Jacksonville Community Council, Inc. (a local think-tank), the Fine Arts Forum, and many other boards, and chaired the Board of Regent’s EEO committee for the State University System of Florida.
Now: Upon retirement I have held together my HUGE reconstituted family (that sounds like orange juice), raised my children and some of my stepchildren, buried a stepson, married off others, christened new babies, buried both of my parents and my father-in-law, serve as a deacon, sing in the choir, write such materials as Lent, Advent, and musicology for my church, keep up with two heavy-duty book clubs (one of which has been in existence for nearly 35 years), cook gourmet for the love of it, and taught the business end of philanthropy at Centro Medico Bautista and the University of Asuncion in Paraguay for 70-plus foundations from all over the country. Do pro bono consulting for such organizations as the refuge for battered and abused women, the homeless shelter, and an asylum for pregnant teens. Bill and I travel a lot, and I read as much as I possibly can.
I love: my husband, my children, my family, my big Maine Coon kitties, the huge hardwoods that abound on the eastern seaboard, the pileated woodpeckers that zoom across my backyard, the alternately stormy and glassy rollers of the Atlantic, the marshes of the East Coast, and the river of grass in south Florida.
Future Plans: To continue doing what I’m doing. At the top of Maslow’s hierarchy, I feel an enormous obligation to make my community better in every way I can. I am a gadfly to my children and stepchildren, heartening them, advising them, and encouraging them to be their best.

Julie has two sons; her favorite WPHS teacher was Jack Williams, band director she wrote because he was a good musician, great philosopher and a good teacher. Currently Julie's hobbies are music, reading, cooking, writing and gardening. When asked what her favorite sport is, Julie wrote "Yuk!" Julie lists a Maine Cooncat (Mr. Paddy Whack) as her pet. Her favorite vacation or vacation spot she lists as "contemplative places". Left on Julie's bucket list is "more travel". Julie says she "...was pretty boring..." at WPHS and then adds that the funniest memory of WPHS was "...maybe going to see Dr. Bender on Halloween with Carol Streep dressed as ghosts. He was eating broiled grapefruit in his underwear." Julie says she has received "...national awards for capital campaign, great writing and public relations stuff in my profession which was fund-raising."
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

<-Mary Ann Banks
Mary Ann Banks Van Ore ->
Mary Ann Banks Van Ore
Wanda Louise Barger

<-Wanda Louise Barger
Wanda Barger Sellers->

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Wanda Barger Sellers
Introducing...Wanda Louise Barger
     Wanda, who will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Barger, 3415 Pelican Lane. She has been a member of Student Council, Latin Club, Tri-Hi-Y, Future Nurses, Swimming team and served as her homeroom treasurer. Her hobbies are dancing and swimming. Wanda will enter nurses training at Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC.
Barger, Wanda Louise . . . "Wandee" really doesn't care who she is ship wrecked with as long as he's tall, dark, and handsome. Wanda, coming to us from Asheville, North Carolina, has blue eyes and brown hair. This 5'5" senior girl lists her favorite sports as volleyball and sleeping. Her hobby is dancing. Wanda's philosophy of life is to "Live, love, and have fun!" . . . favorite expression is "that's enough to gag-a-maget". ideal situation is to see Mr. Orr with a toupe on and a great big smile across his face. Future includes nurses training at Mission Hospital in Asheville, North Carolina.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
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William Barksdale

William Sydnon Barksdale
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Introducing...William Sydnon Barksdale
     Bill is the son of Col. and Mrs. William S. Barksdale, 625 Balmoral Road. He will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Bill played JV football, was a member of the swimming team, Science, French and Varsity Letterman's clubs and in the cast of "Oklahoma." His hobby is water skiing. Bill will begin his pre-med training at DePauw University
Barksdale, William S., III . . . "Keystone" Barksdale comes to us all the way from Long Beach, CA. This blond-hair, blue-eyed senior boy favors football and swimming to all sports. His hobbies are waterskiing, studying tropical fish and working on radios. Bill has expensive taste in food . . . his favorite dish is a T-bone steak with fried potatoes . . . philosophy of life . . . "Be Good" . . . future plans are to attend college and study pre-med. Colleges in mind are Ohio Weslyan and Duke.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Thomas D. I. Barna
Introducing...Thomas D. Barna
     Tom is a member of the 1961 graduating class at Winter Park High School. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. John R. Barna, 1311 Falcon Drive. Cars and records are Tom's big interests. Following his graduation he will study Business Administration at Orlando Junior College.
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Anthony Barron

Anthony Vincent Barron
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Anthony Vincent Barron
Introducing...Anthony Vincent Barron
     Anthony is the son of Mrs. Etta H. Barron, 2828 Sanitarium Ave. and the proud recipient of a chemical engineering scholarship to Rice University. He is a member of the National Honor Society, Science Club and Chemistry assistant. He was also a National Merit Scholarship finalist. His hobbies are astronomy, reading and motorcycles. Anthony will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School.
Barron, Anthony Vincent . . . Individualism is Tony's philosophy of life. He certainly lives up to it . . . Ideal situation is to be locked in a library for a week--with the librarian . . . individualism . . . This red-hair, brown-eyed senior comes to us from Macon, GA. Football, basketball and snowball (?) are his favorite sports while astronomy, reading, and motorcycles are his hobbies. Barbecued potato chips and coca-cola are the ideal combination for Tony . . . favorite expression . . . "!O!!!!" . . . future plans include college at Rice and major in chemistry, chemical engineering, or mathematics. Additional comments . . . "I'm the fastest draw on a slide rule this side of M.I.T."
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
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Janet Bauder

<-Janet Lou Bauder
Janet Bauder Feagin->

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Janet Bauder Feagin
Bauder, Janet Lou . . . Janet comes to us from Cooperstown, NY. This blond-hair, blue-eyed senior girl enjoys skiing and writing letters to a certain boy at the University of Florida . . . she doesn't like people who gossip. French fries and coke seem to be a good combination for Janet. Her most memorable events at WPHS are graduation and the senior prom. Her philosophy of life is "helping people less fortunate than I" . . . favorite expression is "In other words . . . " Future plans include attending Webber Junior College at Babson Park, FL. Then she will work for a while before marriage.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: Being with best friends that last a lifetime. Friends from high school seem to be closer than any others made.
: I graduated from Webber College in Babson Park, FL. Met my husband, Leon, while going to college. Married November 30, 1963. Lived in Brooksville for one and one-half years, then moved to Winter Haven. Lived outside Winter Haven for 26-1/2 years and have a 120 acre ranch. My husband works for SunPac Foods, in the position of Supervisor of Fruit Procurement. I work for Oakley Groves/Oakley Transport, Inc., in the position of bookkeeper of Fruit Accounting. We have two children. Luke, 21, is in the Air Force and stationed in West Germany. He and his wife met while both serving at Moody Air Force Base in Valdosta, GA. They just came home from Germany to get married on October 19, 1991. They both will return to Germany for two more years where they both are serving in the Air Force. Our daughter, Lynnette, 18, is going to Polk Community College here in Winter Haven. She is studying to be a special education teacher with a major in hearing impaired.
Future plans and goals: To visit Luke in Germany next summer. Start to travel more now that our children are grown.
Source: 30th Reunion - 1991
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Patricia Beck

<- Patricia Ray Beck
Patricia Beck McNeil ->

Introducing...Patricia Ray Beck
     Pat is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Beck, 3500 Pelican Lane. She is a member of the graduating class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Swimming and dancing are Pat's hobbies. During school she has been active in Campus Crusaders, Student Council, Future Teachers, W Club and Spanish Club. She is also secretary of National Forensic League, homeroom Chaplain and M.Y.F. president. Pat will study religious education at Florida Southern College.
Beck, Patricia Ray . . . "Smilie" can't wait to get out of high school for her secret ambition is to go around the world. Pat, born in North Carolina, favors peanuts and iced tea to any other combination. "You only get out of it what you put into it" is this senior girl's philosophy of life. Pet peeves include greasy dishwater and people with long noses. . . Pat's hobbies are primping, writing letters, and talking. Her favorite sports are swimming, boating and bowling. Future . . . "Florida Southern College, marriage after that to whom I can't say . . . I haven't picked him out!" Pat had some additional comments to add about the questionnaire which was given to her to fill out . . . this is what she said . . . "I haven't the slightest conception of the desired information so therefore, I hesitate to respond."
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.