Winter Park High School Alums - Class of 1961
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Susan Gray
<- Susan St. John Gray
Susan Gray Mason
Introducing...Susan St. John Gray
     Susan is a member of the 1961 graduating class form Winter Park High School. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David W. Gray, Maitland. Her high school activities include Tri-Hi-Y, Pep Club, Prom committee and Blue Ridge delegate. Susan enjoys sewing and water sports in her leisure time. She is still undecided about her future.
Gray, Suzie . . . or "Graylady" . . . moved to Winter Park from Baltimore, Maryland . . . February 19th was the date of this senior's birth. Among Suzie's feasible assets are a twitch in her eye and an ache in her neck . . . the Georgia Tech football team is the group she would like to be ship wrecked with . . . Suzie likes cheesecake and root bear . .. to graduate with honors is Suzie's secret ambition . . . after high school she plans to raise a little heck and then go to the University of Florida . . . Additional comments: "I love clothes, bracelets, sweaters, purple passions, two piece bathing suits and make-up."
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: The friendships of a group of girls since ninth grade - Fran, Susie M., Susan C., Sue, Sharon and many more. We get together now and it seems like only yesterday.
: Married Tom Gibbs a year after high school. Tom passed away 17 years ago. I moved to north Georgia four years after that and married James who is a golf pro and managed a resort and golf course.
Future plans and goals: To get out of debt.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991
Richard Edward Grimm
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Dick an e-mail!
Subject: You Found Me
Date: Tue, 6 May 2003 16:31:23 EDT
From: Richard Edward Grimm

      I am the Richard Grimm in the Class of '61. I attended WPHS for only the first two grading periods and then moved to Miami in November 1960 where I graduated from Miami Norland HS. I attended Edgewater HS the last half of my junior year after moving to Florida from Ohio.
I do appreciate you effort to find every member of the class and now you can take me off your missing in action roster.
Dick Grimm
The REGIS Group
Fred Grinnell

Fred F. Grinnell
Introducing...Fred Grinnell
     Fred is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Grinnell, 331 South Lakemont Ave. He will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Fred enjoys hunting and swimming. He will enter the University of Florida in the fall.
Grinnell, Fred . . . a real Floridian . . . born in Orlando on August 27th . . . lists favorite sports as football, volleyball, and drive-in's . . . hobbies are bowling, guns and girls . . . pet peeves are slow drivers and smart girls . . . Fred's secret ambition is to tour the world . . . after graduation Fred plans to attend OJC and then the University of Florida.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Martha Grove
<- Martha Gray Grove
Martha Grove Slonaker
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Martha an e-mail!
Introducing...Martha Gray Grove
     Martha is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Grove, Winter Park. She will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Martha is vice president of GAA; treasurer of National Honor Society and a student council representative. She is a member of the swimming team and her hobbies are swimming, skiing, and horseback riding. Martha will go to Wake Forest where she will major in Biology.
Grove, Martha Gray . . . better known as "Marty" . . . born October 20th . . . in Richmond, VA . . . favorite sports are swimming, skiing, and horseback riding . . . favorite foods are pizza and jelly beans . . . favorite beverage is iced tea with saccharine . . . secret ambition is to raise racing horses . . . Marty's future plans are laid out in three steps: 1) college - Eastern Kentucky; 2) work - some field of medicine; and 3) marriage.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
From: Marty Grove Slonaker
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 3:14 PM
Subject: Class of '61
Dear Bill,
I looked you up in my '61 yearbook and I do remember, amazing. This is Martha (Marty) Grove Slonaker checking in from the missing. It is so nice to hear from you'll so far in the past. Presently I am teaching at Custer Country High School in Westcliffe, CO. We have been here about 8 years since leaving Apopka, FL where I also taught in the high school. School e-mail address is attached. My home e-mail is  Let me hear from you and keep me in the loop for the reunion.
      Surprised and delighted, Marty (Grove) Slonaker
Marcia Gruber
<- Marcia Gruber
Marcia Gruber Holbrook ->
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Marcia an e-mail!
Marcia Gruber
Introducing...Marcia Gruber
     A member of the graduating class of 1961 at Winter Park High School, Marcia's the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Gruber, 1802 Oak Lane. High school activities include Tri-Hi-Y, GAA, Intramurals, swimming team and Homeroom secretary. Marcia will attend Texas Woman's University this fall.
Gruber, Marcia . . . "Grub" . . . born March 23rd in Bristol, Virginia . . . has brown hair and brown eyes . . . stands 5'5-1/2" tall . . . favorite sports include softball, water skiing and basketball . . . best likes hobby is dating. Marcia's pet peeve is people who don't know how to play softball. Favorite food is lemon pudding and pizza . . . most memorable event at WPHS was one Thanksgiving holiday after a Senior Hi-Y hayride . . . favorite expression is "By George" . . . Future includes college at Texas Women's University.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Bio: Attended Texas Women's University. Married Bill Holbrook. Had two boys. Divorced. Have had a great life so far.
Future plans and goals: Try to stay young.
Source: 30th Reunion, 1991

Marcia lives locally and drove about two miles to attend the 50th class reunion. She lists her favorite WPHS teacher as Miss McGill - adding that Miss McGill was a "great teacher". Favorite hobbies include scuba diving and white water rafting. Her favorite sport is baseball. Marcia tells us she has one cat named Alex. Left on Marcia's bucket list is "...maintain good health and peace and quiet." Her favorite WPHS memory is "...all the fun slumber parties with my girlfriends".
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Neil Halderman
Neil Haldeman
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Neil an e-mail!
Introducing...Neil Haldeman
     Neil is a member of the 1961 graduating class at Winter Park High School. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Haldeman, 754 Antonette Ave. Neil is treasurer of the Letterman's Club; a member of the Hi-Y and Science Club; and an active member of the Wildcat baseball team. Neil will study civil engineering at the University of Maryland.
Haldeman, Neil . . . who is just plain HANDSOME and CHARMING (it must be nice to be both) was born in Sackets Harbor, NY. "Neily" came to us from Jones. Mr. Haldeman's most memorable event while at WPHS was the day Rip gave him five where it hurts. What for, dear? Baseball, milk and ice cream are Neil's likes . . . his ambition is to get filthy rich. He believes in not doing today what you can put off 'til tomorrow. Watch out Yale, here comes Neil.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
I have a BA from Michigan and retired from here as well. My major was English Literature (Mrs. Blickman would be proud). My job was a span of Information Technology jobs from computer programming to Manager of Database Administration. My wife of 44 years and I have two kids, ages 38 and 51. After graduation from high school I joined the Air Force. When I left the military I moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan. I retired from working at the University of Michigan in 1995. (added 11/10/2017)
Neil Haldeman, has an article published in the July issue of the Orlando Magazine. The article with pictures can be seen at - Bill Cross ('58) provided pictures. Spotlight: Baseball Memories. It's a great spread and includes the faces of Jackie Billingham, Bob Finfrock, Richie Winslow, Freddie Good, Richie Billingham, Dewey Ramsby and others. Neil's e-mail address is We are sure Neil would like to hear from you. (added 7/28/2018)

From: Neil Haldeman <>
Date: Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 1:09 PM
Subject: Confessions

John Bordley may enjoy the fact that after listening to the spirited discussions in Mrs. Blickman's class between John and Mark Loeb, I always thought that Mark was bound for an academic career and John was bound for a religious career. I think John did the pre-meeting prayer in our HiWi meetings? Anyway, the inverse apparently happened. So much for MY character assessment at age 17. For sure, though, Mrs. Blickman was a great teacher. I always meant to apologize to her for not finishing 'The Intruder in the Dust'.
Neil Haldeman, University of Michigan grad/retiree

From: Neil Haldeman []
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2017 10:40 AM
Subject: Confessions

Hey Anne,
This is great: A place to make my confessions where they may live in posterity (or infamy), i.e. the Winter Park '61 web page. I always wanted to apologize to Mrs. Blickman, yes, but I also wanted to apologize to Jackie Billingham. On a fateful Saturday, against Boone High, big game, Jackie pitching, I scooped up a slow grounder and didn't 'come up' for the throw. I threw side armed into the dirt. It got past Bob Danforth at first and two runs scored. We lost. I'm so sorry, Jackie. Bob Danforth is gone now, so I can say this: He coulda scooped that ball out of the dirt, dammit. But the errant throw still tortures me late at night. It was my fault.
Neil Haldeman (Wow, I feel better now. Thanks, Anne).

From: Neil Haldeman []
Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2018 12:11 PM
To: Anne Ryder
Subject: Chip Schram

I feel a need to remind Chip and others that Chip Schram was my very first friend in Winter Park, when we moved onto Virginia Court in 1953, near the Rollins Campus. We built bamboo rafts together (with bamboo taken from behind the Rollins Art Museum). We rode our bikes all over town. One time, we planned to camp overnight down near Dinky Dock; but my mom wouldn't let me. Chip's mom was okay with it. I went down to visit him after it got dark. Chip had built a campfire for himself, so we sat around and chatted until a policeman came driving up and questioned our presence there. He eventually left us alone. I went home, but chip stayed the night. Another time, Chip was spending a week at a summer camp, and I was invited by his mother to go visit once. We watched Chip give the visiting parents an 'official' demonstration of how to construct a life-saving vest by taking off your blue jeans, blowing air into the legs while treading water, and tying up the ends. I was duly impressed. At the age of ten, Chip was already clearly an 'outdoorsman'. We pretty much parted ways about age thirteen; but I wasn't surprised, years later, to learn that Chip Schram had a career as a decorated military guy. I already knew that he could make a raft out of confiscated materials, build a campfire and construct a life-saving vest out of anything handy. I hope this will bring him a smile.
Neil Haldeman

Fred Hale
Fred Alan Hale
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Fred an e-mail!
Introducing...Frederick Alan Hale
     Fred is a member of the 1961 graduating class at Winter Park. He is the son of Col. and Mrs. F. Green, 1702 Summerland Ave. A member of Hi-Y and Science Club, Fred's hobby is water skiing. He will enter the University of Florida in the fall.
Hale, Fred Alan . . . born in Chevy Chase, Maryland, has a flattop haircut which curls in front and would like to find himself with an undeterminable amount of travelers checks. It would be nice! On his tropic isle, Freddy would like to find darlin' JoAnn Allen and a pot of stew, his favorite food. Besides Jo, Fred likes swimming, collecting old coins, skiing, dancing and grape crush. His favorite expression is "How about that!" Fred wants to go to the Air Force Academy or Gainesville. Lots of luck!
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
From: Fred Hale
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 8:51 PM
Subject: WPHS Class of '61 Web site Then and Now...and then some!!!
      Bill, thanks for the note. We plan to be at Bob's. We'll miss seeing you. Sorry about the " Now " picture. I'm working on it. Thanks for all the great work you, Mary and Anne are doing for the web site. --- Fred
Lona Holloway

<- Lona Re Halloway
Lona Halloway Mashewske ->
Introducing...Lona Re Halloway
     Lona is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Halloway, 1660 Palmer Ave. She will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Lona will enter University of Florida where she will major in Art and minor in Psychology. She is a member of Future Nurses, Future Teachers and Thespians.
Halloway, Lona Re . . . a good-looking gal known to her friends as "Tiger", was born in Oklahoma. Lona has blue-gray eyes, light brown hair, and is 5/4" tall. The Tiger's favorites include oil painting, water ballet, modeling, cats, steak, football, volleyball, and iced tea. Her philosophy is "Face it!" She dislikes back seat drivers . . . attention, Bonnie and Bunnie! Lona would like to be a dress designer or go into interior decorating, and be engaged at least 3 more time.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: WPHS was a unique school with its wooden floors and Spanish design. Quite different from the cement and steel, large rembling high schools of today. Meeting my friends for breakfast before school each morning and riding in their 1952 Buick to WPHS was one of my fondest memories.
Bio: After graduation I continued modeling and performed with a water ballet show through the summer. Attended college, majoring in fine arts. In 1964 I opened the Florida Souvenir and Gift Shop in Fort Lauderdale and designed and manufactured jewelry and gifts. Around 1972 I entered the medical field and worked in an artificial kidney center in Orlando, then in 1975 we moved to McKinney, TX (45 miles north of Dallas). I became interested in industrial medical administration and have been in this field ever since.
Future plans and goals: Operate my business full time, buy a ranch and raise cattle and horses.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991
 From: "Lona Mashewske"
 Subject: Greetings from Texas
 Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2002 16:28:30 -0800
 Dear Anne:
      I really enjoy your e-mails. Thank you for sending them. It is great to  keep in touch.
      Do you remember Sandy Flowers from Glenridge days? She moved to Arizona before we went to high school. She is in Dallas now and called me the  other day. She is in real estate and works out of her home. We are  meeting for lunch on Tuesday. I have not seen her since jr. high so, this  should be a fun visit.
Click to read the conclusion . . . . .  
Subject: Greetings from Texas
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 13:07:53 -0500
From: "Lona Mashewske" <>

      Everytime I write 2003 I have a hard time believing it is really 2003.
Where does the time go?
      The WPHS web site is fantastic. You really outdid yourself putting this together and I know everyone is enjoying it as much as I am.
HERE to continue reading......

Lona traveled 1,200 miles to attend the 50th class reunion. She has one child and two grandchildren. Lona lists her favorite WPHS teacher as Mrs. Winslow saying "...she was a great art teacher." Hobbies are painting, gardening, sewing, and jewelry making. Favorite sports are bowling, fishing and target shooting. Lona has a horse named King, dogs named Teka, Tex and Pete along with a cat named Boots. Her favorite vacation spot is a "...cabin on lake in woods". Left on her bucket list is "...a lot of traveling." Lona remembers in particular a time when "...Bonnie and Bunny (Pechin) literally pulled me out of 5th period, pulled me up the hill and into their car and told me we were going to see Gone with the Wind." Lona told us that an honor she received was when she "...was asked to be chairman of the Business and Industry Committee and asked to be mayor pro tem of city council." Her favorite WPHS memory is "...walking the halls before graduation and reliving the memories."
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

<- Linda Dale Hamilton
Linda Hamilton Kern ->
Introducing...Linda Dale Hamilton
     The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hamilton, 412 Georgia Ave. Linda will graduate from Winter Park High School with the class of 1961. Her hobbies are art, swimming and horseback riding. Linda hopes to study Beauty Culture after graduation.
Hamilton, Linda Dale...called Lynn for short, was born in Parkersburg, W. Va., and came to our dear old school from Parkersburg High. Lynn enjoys swimming and tennis, and her hobbies are art, boys, and talking on the phone... this sounds familiar... pizza, pizza, and more pizza is what Lynn would most like to have on a tropic isle along with a certain Army guy, Ray. This sounds. good. Miss Hamilton doesn't want to be a millionaire, but she does want to live like one, which includes having her own sports car and lots of that green stuff, money. Linda has a cool philosophy of life which is--Don't ever introduce your boyfriends to your girlfriends-- vice versa for the male population. Beauticians school will soon greet this Senior gal, who wouldn't mind owning her very own Beauty Shop.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.