Winter Park High School Alums - Class of 1961
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Pat Warr
<- Patricia Diane Warr ->>
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Diane an e-mail!
Bio: After graduation I went to finishing school in Winter Park and became a model. I modeled for Minute Maid, Clairol, all the top stores here, also did advertising for Sun Kist which was published in magazines in California. Back then they had me in several beauty contests and I won several and got to go on several trips. I have been married twice and now divorced for over 20 years, no children. I have not had time for dating with all that was going on in my life with my parents. I had to move to Tampa, FL with my company but finally had to move back to Winter Park when my mom passed and dad went into the hospital. Yes, it seems strange to be back in the same neighborhood and in the same house I grew up in, but for now I am happy. Source: E-mail dated 11/19/02
<-Jean Ann Welch
Jean Welch Rowland->
Linda Wentworth

<- Linda Cochrane Wentworth
Linda Wentworth Winegard
Introducing...Linda Cochrane Wentworth
     Linda will begin studies in secondary education in the field of social studies at Florida State University after her graduation from Winter Park High. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wentworth, 657 Worthington Drive. Tennis team, Tri-Hi-Y, Spanish, Latin and W clubs and Future Teachers are some of her school activities. Swimming and tennis are Linda's hobbies.
Wentworth, Linda . . . Known by the split between her front teeth, boys, tennis, boys, swimming, and boys rate high on her list of excitement. She can't tolerate people who abuse the Senior Provileges. She remembers, with a sly grin, Senior Goof-Off Day in 1959, and also her Graduation in '61. She is still undecided as to where she will attend college, but she'd like to work for a while as a teacher and then settle down.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Sharon White

<- Sharon Irene White
Sharon White Kemp
Introducing...Sharon Irene White
     Sharon is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. White, 8 Lake Drive. She will graduate from Winter Park High School with the class of 1961. Sharon is a member of Tri-Hi-Y, Pep and French clubs. She will enter Stephens this fall. Sharon likes to read in her spare time.

Sharon and her husband Jerry live locally and did not have far to drive to attend the 50th class reunion. They have two children and four grandchildren. Her favorite WPHS teacher is Mr. Creech. Sharon has a Maltese, a bulldog and two cats. She told us her favorite vacation spot is Sugar Mountain in North Carolina where the and her husband have a home. Her bucket list? Well, Sharon says that she had "...anything we have not seen in the USA". Sharon says her favorite WPHS memory is that of her friends.
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Margaret Whittaker
<- Margaret Gail Whittaker
Margaret Whittaker Grant
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Margaret an e-mail!
Introducing...Margaret Gail Whittaker
     Margie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Whittaker, 131 W. Rockwood Way. At Winter Park High School she has been a member of French Club, Tri-Hi-Y and Campus Crusaders. Her hobbies are tennis, cooking, skiing and golf. Margie will follow a career in welfare work and hopes to begin her studies at either Maryville or Florida State.
Whittaker, Margaret Gail . . "Margie" is a Florida gal who just loves tennis, golf, swimming, bowling and more tennis. She is one of those people who dislikes seeing old people putter around in their big cars. To own an MG is Margie's secret ambition. She is heard saying "Isn't it the truth?" . . . future includes college and later, marriage.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: I enjoyed all the lovely luncheons given around graduation time. I guess my happiest day was graduation day-I was very excited.
Children: Christy, 22; Jennifer, 19
Spouse: Gary
Present work and/or activities: I have held secretarial jobs and this past spring did some substitute teaching. I do volunteer work at the art gallery and soup kitchen. I attend the local college here.
Bio: After graduation from WPHS, I attended Jacksonville University for a short while. I then went to work for the Dean of Architecture and Fine Arts at the University of Florida. Later, I became a secretary to one of the doctors at J. Hillis Miller. It was during this period that I met my present husband of almost twenty-five years. We married and moved to Blacksburg, VA, and then later to Georgia. Later, we moved to Canada and have lived here now for nineteen years. I have two girls. My husband is a scientist in the Department of Entomology here in Sault Ste. Marie at the Great Lakes Forest Research Center.
Future plans and goals: I hope to receive a degree before I'm too old to be hired.
Helen Whittington

<- Helen Whittington
Helen Whittington Woodall
Helen Whittington Woodall
Introducing...Helen Whittington
     Helen will be a Business Administration major at Stetson University this fa.. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whittington, Jr., Tuscawilla Road, and will graduate from Winter Park High. Helen enjoys all sports and likes to draw. She was a member of French, Latin and Science clubs, Tri-Hi-Y and Chemistry assistant.
Whittington, Helen . . . born July26th in Atlanta, Georgia . . . likes horseback riding, collecting beetles, butterflies and boyfriends. Her most memorable occasions at WPHS was the time she spilled dry water . . . secret ambition is to beat Jim's TR-3 in a drag with her MG. Future includes college and then marriage.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: Uncle Rip
Funniest/weirdest coincidence: Can't quote

Children: Nicholas, 21; Jeremy, 20
Present work and/or activities: Diversified...
Bio: This is way too short a space-anyway, that's history
Future plans and goals: That the last half of my life will be as interesting and adventurous as the first.

Helen and her husband Woody live locally so they did not have far to travel to attend the events of the 50th class reunion. She has two children and five grandchildren. When Helen answered the question: Your favorite WPHS teacher & why she wrote, "Rip Wilson (who later became my father-in-law). One of my very top favorite people - someone I always looked up to, fair and caring." Her favorite sports are croquet and working out. She has an English Bulldog named Wesley and a macho cat named Butch. Her favorite vacation sports are Istanbul or Cuba. Left on her bucket list is more travel, anywhere. Helen did share a memory she has from 50 years ago. She wrote, "not my favorite but speeding down Palmer in my MG with my brother John, following Sally James and Mike Hostnick and being pulled over by Chief Buchanan."
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Judy Williams

<- Judy Ann Williams
Judy Williams Knight
Introducing...Judy Ann Williams
     Judy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Williams, 2260 Hawick Lane. She will enter Florida State University this fall following her graduation from Winter Park High School. Judy will study math and science. She is a member of G.A.A., Tri-Hi-Y, Science, Latin, French clubs, Homeroom officer and took part in the senior class play.
Williams, Judy Ann . . . Judy comes from Auburn, New York. She likes to watch boys, collect pencils, eat hamburgers, and drink cokes. She doesn't like people who brag. Philosophy is "If you have done your best--what will be, will be." Secret ambition is to be a garbage collector. Future includes college and then marriage.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.

Judy and her husband Pete traveled 110 miles from Vero Beach to attend the 50th class reunion. She has two children and one 6 year old grandson. Judy's favorite WPHS teacher is "...Dr. Bender, he gave me confidence to believe in my abilities..." Her hobbies are gardening and pottery. She told us she loves to watch football. She has two dogs and two cats - all rescued. Judy and her husband enjoy vacationing in the Carolinas and also Cedar Key, Florida. Judy told us that all of her memories of WPHS are favorites.
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire