Winter Park High School Alums - Class of 1961
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Linda Kay Merhill (Mayo)

Introducing...Linda Kay Merhill
     Linda will major in Chemistry and minor in Education at University of Florida following her graduation from Winter Park High. She is the daughter of Mrs. H. Merhill, 3624 Wren Lane. Band, Future Teachers, Latin, W, and Science clubs and Honor Society are listed among Linda's school activities.
Merhill, Linda Kay . . . This gal's most memorable moment at WPHS was "When a certain trombone main asked me< 'Have you ever been kissed--sweetly?" Linda is also called "Mer" and she was born on August 1st in Bridgeport, Connecticut. After high school she plans to attend the University of Florida.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Arthur Miller
Arthur Thomas Miller
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Art an e-mail!
Introducing...Arthur Thomas Miller
     Art is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Miller, 1755 Spruce Ave., and plans to study Math and Electronics after his graduation with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High. He is a member of the Spanish Club and secretary-treasurer of the WPHS Model Airplane Club. Needless to say, Art's chief hobby is models. He also enjoys archery and auto mechanics.
Happiest memory: Friendships from long ago (wish we had stayed in closer contact) - school spirit, and graduation.
Bio: Went to work for Southern Bell in Orlando in 1963. Married Alice Harsula (from Boone High School) in 1964. Adopted our first child in 1968. Transferred to Dunnellon, FL, in 1971. Adopted our second child in 1972. Then we had two children in 1976 and 1984. Alice and I do a lot of public service work with amateur radio and are active in Dunnellon High School Band Boosters.
Future plans and goals: Retire in six years and travel and pursue hobbies.
Source: 30th Reunion, 1991
Subject: Up-date Profile
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003 18:07:36 -0400
To: <>
      Now retired from Bell South in 2001---- Best thing I' ve done of late --- Enjoying life with hobbies and wife Alice---Still building and flying radio control airplanes, still doing Amatuer Radio and rebuilding a 1966 Mustang -----We are now empty-nesters and loving it. We can send the 5 grand-kids HOME after they wear us out !!!!!! I will send a photo as soon as I get a new scanner.
Best to all! Art & Alice Miller
John Robert Miller
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John an e-mail!
Introducing...John Robert Miller
  John is the son of Mrs. Lois Miller, 1851 Mizell Avenue. Although he is still undecided about which college he will attend he is certain that his future lies in the field of science. At Winter Park High he was a member of the Science Club, swimming team, Hi-Y and took part in the senior class play.
Miller, John Robert was born April 7th in Dayton Ohio. John attended New Concord High in New Concord, Ohio before coming to WPHS. His pet peeve is 'grouchy people'. John likes pizza and 7-Up. His future plans are to go to college somewhere in either Florida or Georgia.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Joe Miller
Joseph P. Miller
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Joe an e-mail!
Joe Miller
Introducing...Joseph P. Miller
     Joe is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Miller, Maitland. Following his graduation from Winter Park High he will enter Presbyterian College where he hopes to study medicine. He has been a member of Hi-Y, Science Club, French Club and Student Council alternate. His hobbies are skiing and camping.
Miller, Joseph P. . . Likes WPHS . . . plans to attend Florida Presbyterian. He is known by his friends as "Joe" or "Grouch" . . . was born on October 14th in Poughkeepsie, NY. His philosophy of life is "Do-- just a little bit better" . . . secret ambition is to get married.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Subject: Joe Miller Bio
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 23:14:58 -0500
From: "Joe Miller" out talking about myself, so this is unusual, and, frankly, tough. You will find that I tend to be brutally honest (which some translate into being hard on myself, but which I offer as what you see is what you get, right off the cuff). So excuse me if I ramble, which I will, but feel free to use what you want.
Click here to read the rest of Joe's e-mail
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2001 11:57:45 -0600
From:"Joe Miller"
   Thanks so much for the e-mail, and your efforts. Mike McCubbin and I were as tight as a closed fist, and never once heard from each other after graduation. He never left my mind, and quite often I just worried....whatever happened to Mike. Thru the website, and Bill's efforts, we have reconnected and have been e-mailing. Seems he lives about 8 hours away, and though he doesn't know it yet, I'm going to try to arrange a get-together after the winter. So, once again, thanks.
   Joe Miller
Suzie Miller
<- Linda Suzanne Miller
Suzie Miller Roth ->

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Suzie an e-mail!
Introducing...Linda Suzanne Miller
     Suzie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Miller, 502 Dunraven Drive. She will major in education at Florida State University following her graduation from Winter Park High. Tri-Hi-Y, Pep Club secretary; Spanish Club, Student Council recording secretary and Christmas Queen are some of Suzie's high scool activities. She enjoys reading and being with people.
Miller, Linda Suzanne . . . "Suzie" . . . born in Atlanta, Georgia on September 23rd . . . most memorable event at WPHS was the Apopka football game in 1958 and decorating cars . . . favorite expression is "You only live once, so . . . " After graduating, Suzie plans to go to college, work, and then get married.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: The funny, wonderful people, the great teachers (especially Mrs. Eloquin), and May 5, 1961, when Alan Shepard went into space, and many of us had been awake all the previous night at a sleep-over party (except, I'm sure, Jacque Cook).
Funniest/weirdest coincidence: One steaming, humid, miserable, very hot day in Mr. Weissenburger's class, he told of areas with mild, year-round, Mediterranean climate. I circled my map of the San Francisco Bay area and knew where I was going.
Bio: Graduated from FSU in 1965. Lived in New York City and flew for Pan Am. Married in 1968 and moved to San Francisco and learned to live with droughts and earthquakes. Work with my husband (Simon Legree) in property management. Have been involved with children's schools, SF Junior Leagues, SF Museum, National Charity Leagues, etc. etc. Taken, and continue to take, courses at Berkeley extension, SF State Extension and community colleges. Have lived in San Francisco and Atherton for the past twelve years.
Future plans and goals: Travel more, study Russian, run SF Bay to Breakers and run a marathon with my daughter (maybe better a mini-marathon!).
Source: 30th Reunion, 1991
Here's an update on what I've been doing. My older daughter, son and I climbed Half Dome days before he left for college leaving me with the empty nest. After he left, I decided to run a marathon and write a screenplay. Two months later, I was "taking the hill" at Arlington, finishing the Marine Corp Marathon before I usually get out of bed in the morning. Later, I ran two half marathons on my own time zone...much easier. My son graduated in May and is with Salomon Smith Barney in NY training to be an investment banker, but still I write, rewrite and/or suffer writer's block. My older daughter dropped out of an MBA/MA program at Wharton with a life threatening illness. She's fully recovered from this and some day I hope to be also. She's involved now with education and lives in LA. My other daughter is in the fashion world of LA working on movies, TV and magazines. She's been in some movies but doesn't have an interest in that. She and I were in Italy last fall when her Italian Vogue issue hit the stands. She saved me from buying "last year's" clothes. What did I know? I do Bikram yoga, swim, have wonderful friends and have remained married to the same man, a California miracle. If any of our classmates visit SF, please let me know. Suzie
Source: E-mail dated 8/23/2001