Winter Park High School Alums - Class of 1961
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Bob Finfrock
Robert Dugan Finfrock
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Robert Finfrock
Funniest/wierdest coincidence: Still Classified
: Vanderbilt University, BS Engineering, 1965. Rollins College MCS, 1971. 1965-present, Finfrock Industries, Inc. - president/owner. Manufacturer of precast/prestressed concrete structures.
Future plans and goals: I plead the 5th.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991

Bob and his wife Ginny have four children and eight grandchildren. He wrote that his favorite WPHS teacher was "Bill Orr - He has a tough persona, but is a caring and sincere person. He said something like it won't do any good to educate your mind if you don't have a body to keep it in." Bob's hobbies are traveling; flying; swimming; reading in economics, physics and business; wood carving; building and rebuilding airplanes; music; photography; his business; playing with his grand kids; and skiing. His favorite sports are swimming, golf and basketball. Bob told us his family pet is a cat. His favorite vacation was an around the world flight he went on earlier this year. Left on his bucket list is more travel and some business goals. In writing - and probably because the statute of limitations has expired, Bob wrote "the nude statue in the fountain just before graduation and the outhouse on the roof", were his two most memorable pranks while a student at WPHS. Bob wrote that an honor he received are his "...four great kids and some industry honors". Favorite WPHS memory he wrote "the classmates, many of which are still friends".
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Erick Finchow
Eric Hamilton Firchow
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Eric Firchow
Introducing...Eric Hamilton Firchow
     A member of the graduating class of 1961 from Winter Park High School, Eric is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Firchow, 430 Ellendale Drive. He was president of Los Amigos (58-59), Varsity basketball manager (59-60) and a member of Jr. Civitans, Wheel Club and track team. Eric would like to study medicine or aviation and will be a student at the University of Florida in the fall.
Firchow, Eric Hamilton . . . "Red" . . . born in Key West, FL... stands 5'10"... has hazel eyes and red hair... weighs 146 lbs... favors football, basketball and track to all other sports... likes trying to understand the female sex... has attended Southwest Miami and Boone High School... philosophy of life is to "Be Yourself"... favorite expression is "pure sex"... future is to go to college and eventually marry Sharon Hayes... may study dentistry. Additional comments were: "I think there should be some method, sought by the faculty, student body, and all Winter Parkers interested, to improve the school's spirit. In my own opinion, we have almost no spirit at WPHS."
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: The friendships I developed (having attended 27 schools by the time I reached WPHS) and running track.
: I started at University of Florida, then received a BA in psychology from University of Texas in Austin. After graduation, I worked for American Hospital which was later bought by Baxter Healthcare. I have sold orthopaedic implants and been certified in autogas fusion (blood recovery in the operating room), and have travelled extensively - Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Wyoming . . . I spent 1972-79 in Denver, then moved to L.A. for the following year. We have been in Austin since 1980. I plan to settle in the ??? after my children are grown. Hopefully, I'll be inviting everyone to my ranch when you try to find me in ten years.
Future plans and goals: I've been looking at guest ranches in Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991
Edward W. Fishback, Jr.
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Fishback, Edward Wilmott, Jr. . . . Born on November 5, Orlando, FL . . . stands 6 ft. tall with brown hair and hazel eyes (sometimes wearing glasses). Ed's favorite sports are football, basketball, baseball, and golf . . . his pet peeve is homework . . . he would like to be shipwrecked with "38-23-36" . . . and his future plans are to attend the University of Florida or Davidson.
Source: Senior Salutes, 1961.
Edward (Ed) W. Fishback Jr. is the President of Marquis Software Development, Inc. Ed is a graduate of Duke University with a Degree in Civil Engineering. After a fourteen year career with the Florida Department of Transportation, he formed his first software development company in 1979. The Florida Department of Corrections (FLDOC) was one of his first customers. Working with the FLDOC, Ed pioneered the concept of an integrated offender database with online real-time processing.

Ed has been the chief architect of the Florida Integrated Offender software for over twenty years. In addition, he has taken the lead role as chief architect to transfer the Florida offender software to eight additional states. (added 7/20/2010)

George Fisher
George Harold Fisher, Jr.
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George Fisher
Introducing...George Harold Fisher, Jr.
     George is the son of Lt. Col. George H. Fisher, Sr., 1820 Windsor. He is a member of the 1961 graduating class at Winter Park High School. Activities during high school include Honor Society, Labin Club, parlimentarian, Senior Homeroom president, Campus Crusaders, Vice president. Science Club and Chemistry assistant. George likes to swim and ski. He will study chemistry at Rollins.
Fisher, George Harold, Jr. . . . hails from San Antonio, TX . . . hazel eyes . . . brown hair . . . stands 5'2" . . . favorite sports are water skiing and swimming . . . collects coins . . . most memorable event at WPHS was when he was inducted into the Honor Society . . . secret ambition is to be a multi-millionaire . . . plans to go on to college, probably the University of Florida.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
DID YOU KNOW? (as of 2006)
Happiest memory
: Latin club toga parties and trip to Tampa on the train in togas.
: BS in chemistry, Rollins, 1965. MS in organic chemistry, University of Florida, 1968. PhD in organic chemistry, University of Miami, Dec. 1972. Jan. 1973-Nov. 1975, post-doctoral research fellow, Institute for Biomedical Research, University of Texas at Austin. 1975-77, Research Scientist, Papanicolaou Cancer Research Institute, Miami. 1977-89 Research Assistant /Associate Professor of Chemistry and Medicine, University of Miami. 1987-88, Visiting Associate Professor of chemistry, Florida International University, Miami.
1988-present, Professor of Chemistry, Barry University, Miami. Visiting Research Scientist, Zoological Station of Naples, Italy, summers 1994, 1996, 1999. Adjunct Professor of Chemistry, University of Miami, 1985-present. Barry University Outstanding Faculty Award, 2002; Barry University Presidential Faculty Scholar Award, 1998.
Member of American Chemical Society (ACS): Florida Section ACS Chairman 1981; National Councilor 1983-2000; Alternate National Councilor, 2001-present; South Florida Section ACS Chairman, 2003-2004; ACS Southern Chemist Award, 1995; South Florida ACS Distinguished Service Award, 1991. Florida Academy of Science; Sigma Xi Society; Phi Kappa Phi honor society; Gamma Sigma Epsilon National Chemistry Honor Society, Executive President 1997-99, Executive Treasurer, 1999-present. Listed in: American Men and Women of Science, Who's Who in American Education, Who's Who in Technology Today, Who's Who in the South and Southwest. Published papers in scientific journals on biochemical research on altered amino acids in aged and dysfunctional tissues such as Alzheimer’s brain, cerebrospinal fluid, and osteoarthritic cartilage.
Has lived in Coconut Grove section of Miami since 1977. Outside interests include legitimate theater and classical music; top ten fund-raisers for annual Miami AIDS Walk 1997-2005; United Church of Christ Coalition for LGBT Concerns, South Florida Coordinator. Never married, but had 2 domestic partners: 1978-1995, 1996-2005.
Future plans and goals: Continue to teach chemistry and direct research at college level.
Jim Fleming Then

James Robert Fleming
Fleming, James Robert . . . Gentle Jim . . . arrived in this world on June 9th in Ocoee, Florida. . . attended Edgewater before coming to WPHS. Favorite sports are judo, basketball, baseball and football. Jim likes Golden Point hamburgers and milk. His plans include joining the Navy and trying not to get married.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Bio for Jim Fleming:
     I was born at 1:15 PM on June 9, 1943 at 102 West Floral Street, Ocoee, FL in the northeast corner room on the first floor. The home was completed in August 1887 by my great-grandfather, John R. "Bud" Pounds, and great-grandmother, Mattie Carroll Ponds. I lived there off and on until I got married at age 22 to Margaret Marion Odom on 22 Jan 1966. We were married in The Ocoee Christian Church, Est. 1883, and built in 1891. This is the oldest, continuous operating Christian Church in Florida. I attended Ocoee Elementary School, Ocoee Middle School, Robert E. Lee Middle School, Edgewater High School and graduated from Winter Park High School. I played a little track and field for Coach Bob Mosher as a senior. I still have two of the three first place medals I won in the district track meet in 1961.
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