Winter Park High School Alums - Class of 1961
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Mary Sheldon
<- Mary Martha Sheldon
Mary Sheldon Craft ->
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Mary an e-mail!
Introducing...Mary Martha Sheldon
     Mary is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Sheldon, 1850 Englewood Road. Her high school activities include Band, Tri-Hi-Y, Spanish and Latin clubs, and secretary of Future Nurses. She enjoys swimming, dancing and painting. Mary will begin nursing studies at University of Florida.
Sheldon, Mary Martha . . . born on October 19th in El Paso, Texas . . . hobbies are art and music . . . favorite food is "anything with calories" . . . secret ambition is to visit every state in the United States . . . ideal situation to Mary is graduation day . . . after high school, plans are to attend the University of Florida and major in nursing.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
<- Edna Jeannette Shiver
Jeannette Shiver Karl ->

Introducing...Edna Jeannette Shiver
     Jeannette will graduate from Winter Park High School with the class of 1961. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Shiver, 1029 Lewis Drive. She enjoys reading, riding and swimming. Jeannette will begin her studies in Business Administration at Orlando Junior College.
Shiver, Edna Jeannette . . . born in Winter Park, FL on November 12th . . . favorite sports are bowling, swimming, horseback riding, and football . . . pet peeves are conceited people and people with no originality . . . favorite food is pizza . . . favorite beverages are coke and pineapple shakes . . . most memorable event at WPHS was when Mr. Orr knocked a hole in the black board . . . plans after graduation are to go to dental hygiene school, then get married.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Connie Shoup
<- Connie Elizabeth Shoup
Connie Shoup Hudson ->

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Connie Shoup Hudson
Introducing...Constance Elizabeth Shoup
     Connie will major in Elementary Education at Florida Southern. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Shoup, 527 Langholm Drive. Connie is publicity secretary for Student Council cabinet, a home room officer and member of CAT Council, Tri-Hi-Y, Campus Crusaders, W and Spanish clubs. Her hobbies are oil painting and sewing.
Shoup, Constance Elizabeth . . . better known as "Connie" . . . was born in Columbia, South Carolina on November 18th . . . hobbies are sewing and drawing . . . pet peeves are cheats and snobs . . . likes banana pie and orange juice . . . secret ambition is to "Go to college-be wife and mother!!!" . . . graduation plans are to attend Stetson . . work . . get married.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
David Sias
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Dennis Siewert
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Date Posted : October 11, 2003 08:57:40 AM
Email : Dennis Siewert
      I live in Northern Calif. and really enjoy the mountains here. I plan to semi-retire in about two years and move back to the Orlando area. My two daughters live in Orlando and Sanford and I want to be closer to them and their families. I am in broadcasting here in Calif. and really enjoy it.
John Frazier Simpson, Jr.
Happiest memory: Mrs. Tauscher getting me through world history, Mrs. Freddie Good getting me through accounting, Coach Mosher getting me through school.
Funniest/weirdest coincidence: Not going to graduation because I wanted to go see my father race in New York, not thinking about my mother seeing her first child graduate.
Children: Douglas, 24; Timothy, 20; Kevin, 17
Spouse: Lois
Present work and/or activities: Trainer of race horses.
Bio: Married Lois Dancer in 1964. Won Hambletonian with horse called Timothy T. in 1970. 1978-81 trained and drove Classical Way (world champion horse) for Mr. Clarence Gaines, Winter Park and Sherburne, NY. Trained and drove Walton Hanover (world champion horse) for Grady Cooksey, Sr., Dr. George Neder, and Dr. Brock Magruder.
Future plans and goals: Lois and I want our children to finish school and work at their own choice of work.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991
Paul Sims Then
Paul Sims
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DID YOU KNOW? (as of 2005)
Happiest memory: seeing my grandmother for the first time in 50 years
Funniest/weirdest coincidence: seeing a high school teacher 6 yrs later, 3 states away, on the street
Children: b. Aaron 4/17/74, b. Tiffany 8/18/71
Grandchildren: Jeremy 14, Ruben 5, Hallie 3, Ella 3, and as yet unnamed ~1/3/06.
Present work and/or activities: Retired from Progress Energy, now involved in Church Education
Bio: married 9/6/66, reunited with birth family 5/21/93, divorced 6/26/98, married 12/4/99.
Future plans: 45th WPHS reunion, England, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon
Comments: grad. U Tenn-Knoxville, 66 & 67, Electrical Engineering

Click HERE to read more from Paul.

Carol Ann Skelton (Godfrey)
Introducing...Carol Ann Skelton
     Carol is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Skelton, 1202 Osprey Avenue. Her activities at Winter Park High School include Band, Science Club, Latin Club, Tri-Hi-Y, National Honor Society and Civic Orchestra. Carol likes swimming, tennis and reading. Following her graduation next week she will attend Pan Am technical school for airline training.
Skelton, Carol Ann...or "Skeleton"... born Sept. 2nd in New Orleans... hobbies are music and swimming... person who Carol would like to be ship-wrecked with on a tropical isle is "Dr. Bender"... after high school Carol plans to go to college at Meadows-Deaughon in New Orleans.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.

John Winfield Slegel

Introducing...John Winfield Slegel
     John is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Slegel, 2746 Amsden Road and will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. He was secretary of the Judo team and also the Stock Car Club and a member of the Band. John lists cars, fishing, pool and model cars as his hobbies. He will enter the Navy.
Slegel, John Winfield . . . born on September 2nd in Reading, Pennsylvania. John's favorite sports are fishing and judo. His pet peeve is marching and the band . . . favorite foods are hamburgers and french fries and his secret ambition is to make a million dollars and then become a Beatnick. His plans are to go into the Navy and get an education there after high school.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.

Anita Mae Smart (Coffman)
Smart, Anita Mae . . . Nina . . . born in Akron, Ohio on October 20, 1943 . . . likes volleyball, peanut butter sandwiches and orange drinks . . . dislikes slow drivers. Her philosophy of life is to live in the present; not in the past or the future. The person with whom she would like to be ship-wrecked with could be anyone she could get along with. After graduation Anita plans to work.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
David Smith
David Kirck Smith
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Introducing...David Kirck Smith
     David is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Smith, 511 Lake Sue Avenue and will begin his pre-med studies at Davidson following his graduation from Winter Park High School. He is treasurer of Student Council and Inter-club Council secretary, also a member of Key Club, golf team, Honor Society, Spanish and Science clubs and Chemistry assistant. When he has time David likes to swim and ski.
Smith, David Kirck . . . Dave would like to be ship wrecked with Lynn Ricks. Hailing from Great Falls, Montana, this student council member wants to become a doctor. He likes golf, football, skiing, sailing, baseball, hunting, and fishing. He doesn't like to see girls chase boys. Future plans include Davidson College, Hapdan-Sydney, Wake Forest or Chapel Hill.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: All the old friends, good times, and old WPHS building with it's hard wood floors and high ceilings. It was a comfortable place.
Present work and/or activities: Private practice of general dentistry. St. James Episcopal Church, usher and vestry. Lake County Dental Society, past president. Kiwanis Club, past president. Boys and Girls Club, director. I enjoy golf, fishing, hunting, boating, diving, and snow skiing.
Bio: Graduated with a BA in English from Emory University, 1965. Roomed with Steve Grantham and later with Mike Kelly (WPHS '62). Graduated from Emory Dental School, DDS, in 1969. Served two years in the USAF at Kirtland AFB, NM. Returned to Leesburg and began a solo dental practice in 1972. I met my wife Jan Jarrett in Atlanta, and we were married in 1967. Our lives have been filled mostly with family activities and community activities.
Future plans and goals: Enjoy life and live each day to the fullest.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991
Click HERE to read more from David.
Stuart Smith Then

Stuart W. Smith
Introducing...Stuart W. Smith
     Stu was Sports Editor of the Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc; a member of Science and Spanish clubs and Student Council representative. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Smith, 1840 Laurel Road. Stu will graduate from Winter Park High with the class of 1961. He will major in English at either Rollins or University of Florida. Water sports, pool and billiards are Stu's hobbies.
Smith, Stuart W. . . "I hereby declare myself divorced from 'Tiger', 'Little One', and any others that I might have forgotten about" . . . Stu's ideal situation is to have a plush job, good pay, a woman to come home to, and a soft bed to sleep in . . . From Baltimore, Maryland, this senior likes swimming, football, ice skating, snow skiing, pool, sailing and fishing. His pet peeve is "people who knock my old green tank". Future includes college.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
FONDEST WPHS MEMORY: The 'Senior Gift'. While the Brinks' job captured the imagination of the public back then, we found it exceedingly more challenging to steal a life-sized nude marble statue and return it to permanent public display while eluding detection. A feat far superior to simply stealing something as light as money and keeping it. We were a well-oiled felonious machine. The nude's midnight removal from the Rollins Campus and boat ride across Lake Virginia went without incident. Pat Phillips stored, cleaned, and delivered her to WPHS according to plan. By the time we had her standing in the cafeteria fountain, Bob Finfrock arrived with the concrete truck, re-bar and banana wire. Our sentry's confirmed all systems are go! Within 20 minutes of arrival, the deed was done...a far superior gift compared to the Class of 59's "tires stacked on the flagpole" stunt. So pleased with our cunning, we felt compelled to put our initials in the fresh cement. And, were it not for this conceit, the crime would remain a mystery to this day....oh, nevermind, I forgot "loose-lips" Muller was a member of our cabal.
Click HERE to read more from Stu.
Ann Spaulding

Ann "Stevie" Spaulding (Wilberding)
Ann Spaulding Now
Introducing...Ann Stephen Spaulding
     Ann served as editor of Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc and will major in Theatre Arts at Rollins College this fall following her graduation from Winter Park High. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Spaulding, 1650 Lakehurst. Honor Society, Senior Class play, Future Teachers, W Club, Thespians, Cheerleader, UCYM vice president, Latin Club, Chaplain and National Forensic League chaplain are just a few of Ann's many school activities.
Spaulding, Ann Stephen . . . "Stevie's" ideal situation is to have a senior skip day every Friday . . . Ann comes to us from Amsterdam, New York. She favors swimming, riding, riflery, dancing and Alan. Her secret ambition is to spend one night in jail. Live and let live Ann's philosophy. Future includes college at Rollins.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: Playing the black maid, Reba, in "You Can't Take It With You," the senior play. I stepped on stage in black grease paint and the audience died laughing - much to my surprise. (I laughed too!)
Funniest/weirdest coincidence: I've never won the lottery or even a door prize but I don't seem to be able to go to an airport without running into someone from another incarnation. Ten years after doing the Christies's course in London, where among other things I studied mosaics, I stopped to view a minor mosaic on the Kings Highway in Jordan to fine the only other person there was a classmate from Christie's.
Present work and/or activities: I work for International Executive Service Corp as Director of Women's Program; VP of the Bruce Museum Board; work with refugees at church, and am outgoing chairman of the Greenwich Antiques Society.
Bio: FSC, 1966, business administration. Marketing: Chase Manhattan Bank, 1966-69, NYC. Married Steve in 1969. Taught in Appalachia and created crossword puzzles for The New York Times. Steve is an international investment banker (Merrill Lynch). Lived in Tokyo, 1973-76, where I studied and wrote about Japanese art for international publications. London, 1976-81, where I did the Christie's Course and worked for the Tate Curator of Art, Bruce Museum; with my children, tutored inner city children; and ran antique shows for the church. Saudi Arabia, 1984-89, where I wrote Di'aiyah, a book of original research; I bought Bedouin jewelry for NY dealers; taught tap dancing and represented Tips on Trips. One nervous breakdown and a lousy tennis game. Back in Greenwich, 1989 where I spend a week, a month in London where Steve is working - financing the reconstruction of Kuwait and privatization of Eastern Europe. We're sometimes found lecturing on the Arabs; paddling down the Zambizi; on elephant safari in Nepal; or winging in a hammock at our farm in the Adirondacks.
Future plans and goals: To be thin without ever having to jog again. To trek in Kashmere and travel into China via the silk route in Pakistan and on to Bejing by car. To live on the same continent as my husband and even in the same house!
Source: 30th Reunion, 1991
Click HERE to read more from Ann.