Winter Park High School Alums - Class of 1961
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Pudd Mudd
Richard "Pud" Mudd
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Richard "Pud" Mudd 2011
Happiest memory: The friendships we all had growing up together.
Funniest/weirdest coincidence: All my life has been funny and weird at times.
: College - FSU, graduated in 1967, BS in marketing, minor in advertising, minor in psychology. Married in 1966. Wife has bachelor and masters degrees in Education. Career - Shell Oil Company, currently, Purchasing Representative, east Coast Distribution.
Future plans and goals: Retire at 50 and eventually develop and build homes on 6.3 acres, one hour north of Atlanta. Relax and enjoy life.
Source: 30th Reunion, 1991

Pud and his wife Carol drove over 500 miles to attend the 50th class reunion. They have two children and two grandchildren. His favorite WPHS teachers were Coach Gordon and Wayne Johnson. Pud lists his hobbies as volunteering at the Cherokee Animal Shelter. He lists his favorite sports as "...shooting - rifles and pistols." Pud and Carol have two German shepherds. He lists his favorite vacation spot as "...any beach, anytime, anywhere." Left on his bucket list is Ireland, Africa and Australia. Pud told us that an honor he would like to share is when he made "...Dean's List at Florida State. His favorite WPHS memory is "Friends".
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Chan Mueller

Chandler Robinson Muller

Chandler Robinson Muller
Introducing...Chandler R. Muller
     Chan is a member of National Honor Society, Wheel Club, Science Club, vice president of Student Council and a member of the football, track and tennis teams. The son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Muller, Chan will major in English at the University of his choice following his graduation from Winter Park High. His hobbies are skiing, hunting and camping.
Muller, Chandler Robinson . . . "Chan" . . . born October 7th in Denver, Colorado . . . favorite sports are football, tennis, swimming, and track - hobbies are hunting and camping . . . pet peeve is gripers . . . likes steak and water . . . secret ambition is to be a cafeteria manager . . . After graduation Chan plans to go to college at Davidson. What about Susan?
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
A brief bio since 1961: (How could that be brief . . . 40 years?)
   After graduating from WPHS, I went to the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. I met Judy, my wife of 35 years there when I was a sophomore. We were married in 1966 in the summer after my second year of law school at the University of Florida. I came back to practice law in Winter Park in 1968 and have lived here ever since.
   Judy and I have three grown children. Our oldest, Laura, lives here and is a pharmaceutical representative. She is married. Our oldest son, Chan, Jr., is in his second year of law school at Florida State University. Our youngest son, Josh, is getting a master's degree in Wetland Ecology at the University of Florida and is getting married in May.
   I have been blessed with a wonderful family. Additionally, I have kept up and renewed a number of friendships with our classmates since our high school graduation. I have been very moved by the ties that our class has.
Source: E-Mail dated 1/11/2002

Living locally, Chan and his wife Judy did not have a long commute to attend the 50th class reunion. They have three children and two grandchildren. Chan told us his favorite WPHS teacher was Harold Bender "...being in his chemistry class convinced me to be a lawyer, not a scientist". His hobbies consist of hunting and photography in the woods. His favorite sport is football. He told us he has a Cairn Terrier named Gracie and a tom cat named Oliver. Chan's favorite vacation spot is New Smyrna Beach. Left on his bucket list is to " with Judy." Memorable prank? Chan confesses to that being "..the statue in the fountain". Favorite WPHS memory is "...the whole kaleidoscope of experiencing high school and friendships."
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Julius Mullins

<-Marilyn Millicent Murphy
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Introducing...Marilyn M. Murphy
     Marilyn will be a French major at Sullins College following her graduation from Winter Park High School. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy, 832 Nottingham, Marilyn is a member of GAA, Campus Crusaders, Latin and French clubs. Her hobbies are swimming, riding and skiing.
Ray Myers
Raymond Edward Myers
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Ray an e-mail!
Introducing...Raymond Edward Myers
     Ray is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Vernon Myers, Maitland. He was co-captain of football and track teams, vice president of Wheel Club, Home room president and member of Science and Letterman's Clubs. His hobby is sports and he will major in Chemistry at Georgia Tech.
Myers, Raymond Edward . . . "Ray" . . . born on April 20th in Baltimore, Maryland . . . likes football and track . . . dislikes people who are late. His favorite combination is hamburgers and cokes. His most memorable event at WPHS is the Beatnik Dance. Ray's secret ambition is to be the last man on earth. He plans to attend any college where he can get in and hopes to get married in his junior year.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Bio: Born 1943 in Baltimore, Maryland, I was Reared in Parkville, Maryland until age 14. Parents moved to Winter Park/Maitland in the summer of 1957. I attended 9th grade of Glenridge Junior High and graduated from Winter Park High School with the Class of 1961. I entered college at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta majoring in Chemistry.
      I was married during my junior year on September 11, 1965. I graduated with a BChem in 1966 and a BChE in 1967. I obtained a job with DuPont in Orange, Texas as a process chemical engineer. In 1971, I returned to Winter Park to join my father's construction firm. After struggling through the '74 recession, the firm went out of business in 1979.
      During the 1980's, I was employed by several building supply companies in Orlando, Eustis, Clermont and Largo, Florida, either in sales or sales management. During the 1990's, I worked for myself as an independent building inspector specializing in new construction and also became a stock and option day trader on borrowed funds. In late 2000, my high flying day trading went south and I had to file for bankruptcy.
      At the age of 58, I am starting over again and will probably have to work for the rest of my life. I am still married to the same woman, Helane Stephanie Paprocki, a good "Polack" from Pittsburg, PA. - now 37 years.
Happy Memories: Bender's Chemistry Lab, Running Track, New Smyrna Beach Parties, College
Regrets: Having No Children.
Future Plans & Goals: Find Time For Visiting Old Friends & Enjoy The Time That Is Left
Provided to the website 4/16/2002 by Ray.

Ray and his wife Stephanie live in Maitland so their commute to the 50th class reunion was very easy. Ray told us that his favorite teacher was Dr. Bender (apparently he hasn't changed his mind since 2002). He lists his hobby as "day trading". His favorite sports are football and track. Ray tells us his favorite vacation spot is "Las Vegas/Hoover Dam/Grand Canyon". His bucket list? Well, Ray is "...just glad to be able to retire!" His favorite WPHS memory is "...running track with fellow classmates."
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire