Winter Park High School Alums - Class of 1961
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<- Betty Jane Gabel
Betty Jane Gabel Griffin->
Introducing...Betty Jane Gabel
     The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William I. Gabel, Betty Jane will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. She enjoys sports, music and drawing. Her high school activities include band, basketball, tennis and volleyball. Betty Jane will go to the University of Florida where she will be an education major.
Gabel, Betty Jane...Squid...Baltimore, Md...favors tennis, swimming, music and art. Pet peeve--students who complain about school. Philosophy of life is to learn as much as you can in what time you have. Future includes college at Gainesville.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Gary Edward Gardner
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Introducing...Gary Edward Gardner
     Gary will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Gardner, 1803 Barker Drive. Gary was a letterman on the swimming team and his hobby is skin diving. He will enter the United States Coast Guard following his graduation.
Gardner, Gary Edward...born January 12th... in Ashtabula, Ohio, stands 6' tall. Brown hair and gray eyes with favorite sports including swimming, boat racing, skiing and skin diving... likes fish and cokes... philosophy of life is to stay happy... would like to be given one million dollars... after high school Gary plans to attend either the Naval or Coast Guard Academy.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Letter dated 1991:
Family in Central Florida: You can probably reach me through Jeff Butler, a professor in the communications dept. at UCF. We have been close since boyhood.
Children: Sett - 9
Present work and activities: writing and research in mythology and comparative religion.
1991 Recap: After high school, I was with the US Coast Guard for 4 years, then served as navigator on several private yachts and fishing vessels. In 1971, I began free-lance writing, poetry and short stories; I'm still doing it. In 1980, I received my BA in philosophy from UCF. I married Rita Balise in 1981; we have a 9 year old son.
Subject: WPHS Class of 1961 Alumni Web Site
From: Gary Gardner <>
Dated 8/15/2009 - 12:51 PM

Dear Classmates,
      Greetings from Midland, TX, boyhood home of George W. Bush. I remember well the excitement after the 2000 election. Bright, shining banners emblazoned with his name hung from every streetlamp and each day was full of talk of Bush. Cars honked at each other, and smiles were wide. His fans are more subdued now. The few banners still hanging are fading away, shredded by the west Texas wind. So it goes, as old Vonnegut would say.

      Except a few aches and pains, I am well, living with my wife, Rita, two cats, and various local invertebrates. We all practice tolerance and get along fairly well. Rita has Parkinson’s Disease and spends most of her days in a wheelchair reading books, listening to books on tape, watching TV, and discussing plots and counter-plots with the cats. They pretend to listen, but I doubt they grasp the subtler nuances. The cats are brothers and not the brightest felines on the block. They’re friendly, though.

      For the past ten years, I’ve been working as a reference librarian at the Midland County Public Library. It’s a good,
sit-down job and I’ll probably stay with it a few more years. As an employee, I get first shot at the new books and this makes talking to our few cranky patrons well worth while. I’ve always loved to read, which is probably why I did so poorly in high school: the world is full of beautifully written books, but none of them are textbooks. I first went into library work in Burlington, Wisconsin about twenty years ago. I was flattered when the head librarian asked me if I wanted a job. I quit my high paying factory job that same day and never regretted it, although I later learned that the librarian wanted me because I could reach the top shelves. I’ve been working libraries ever since; I couldn’t hope for more pleasant work.
      A nice Mexican lady (and now a U.S. citizen), Irma Avila, helps take care of Rita and is also helping me with my Spanish. I hope to someday be semi-literate in that language, although considering my past studies in high school and college, the odds are against it. Ms. Rosenburg was a patient lady but even she threw up her hands and despaired in the end.
Our son is living in Liberty, Maine where he works at an antique tool museum. He also builds and repairs computers and teaches Karate. I don’t know where he gets all this energy--certainly not from me.
Well, that’s enough. It was the death of Dewey Ramsby that moved me to write. I hadn’t seen him since graduation, but if I had to pick one person who best personified the class of ’61, it would be Dewey. He was a good guy.
May he rest peacefully. May all our dead rest peacefully.
Buena suerte
Gary Gardner

William Thomas Gardner, II

Gardner, William Thomas, II... known as "Beaver"... born on February 1st... in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Before coming to WPHS Bill attended school in Wiesbaden, Germany and Greenville, Mississippi...likes football... hobbies are collecting stamps, chess, and predicting football scores... Bill's pet peeve is a high school that requires more than 16 credits to graduate. Future plans include University of Florida to study Aeronautical Engineering.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Terry Lewis Gartside
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Terry Lewis Gartside 2011
Introducing...Terry Lewis Gartside
     Terry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Gartside, 1124 Azalea Lane. He is a member of the graduating class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Terry was a member of the basketball team, 9-10; track team, 12; and managed the baseball team, 10. He likes to bowl in his spare time and looks forward to a career with one of the major airlines.
Gartside, Terry Lewis . . born in Hadden Heights, NJ . . on September 26th . . stands 6'2" . . red hair and blue eyes . . favorite sport is basketball . . likes hamburgers and milk shakes . . Terry's secret ambition is to become a pilot . . plans to go to OJC and then go on to a university. Additional comments: "I think Dr. Bender should have a lab of his own."
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Subject: Re: WPHS Alums - Then and Now - Class of 1961
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 13:18:08 -0400
From: "Terry & Margie Gartside"
   I've been living most of my life here in Orlando, except for about 9 years in Atlanta during the decade of the 70's. Big "A" town was pretty nice back in the 70's. My dad died in 1980. My wife and I moved back here to Orlando at that time to help take care of my mother. She is now in assisted living, but has been going back and forth a few times between the nursing home and assisted living.
    My wife and I are still full time workers. No children . We got married in 1975. I was 32 at the time. She has been my one and only. We're still going strong trying to stay ahead and keep up with the changing times in this world. Some day, which won't be too long down the road, say about 3 to 5 years, I'm gone to hang it up and start enjoying life (retirement, per se). At that time, I'm going to let someone else do all the hard work!
Continue . . . . .
William Terrell Gay
Introducing...William Terrell Gay
     Terry is a member of the graduating class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. His parents are Capt. and Mrs. T. W. Gay, 1817 Lochberry Rd. Terry was active in the Latin and Science clubs. His hobbies are skin diving and boating. He will study Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia.
Gay, William Terrell . . . or Terry . . . hazel eyes, brown hair and is 5'7" tall . . . born in Mississippi on January 6th. Hobbies are wildlife and skin diving. Favorite food is hamburgers; favorite beverage is iced tea. Terry would like to be on a tropical isle with any beautiful girl . . . secret ambition is to become rich . . . wants to attend the University of Georgia and become a veterinarian.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Richard Carl Giannini
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Introducing...Richard Carl Giannini
     Richard is the son of Mrs. E. H. Giannini, 171 Lake Sue Avenue. He is a member of the Annual staff. Richard's many high school activities include football, 2, 3, 4; basketball 1, 2, 3; track 1, 2, 3, 4; Home Room President 3; Hi-Y treasurer 4 and secretary of Letterman's Club 4. Richard will major in Business Administration at the university of his choice.
Giannini, Richard Carl . . . or "Cheno" . . . born November 12th . . . hails to us from New York . .. favorite sports are football, basketball, and track . . . likes hamburgers and coke (along with Sigrid) . . . philosophy of life is to live and learn . . . secret ambition is to go to the 1964 Olympics . . . hopes to go on to college at St. Boneventure, Belmont Abbey, or University of Kentucky.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Subject: WPHS Alums Class of 1961 - Information
From: "Richard C. Giannini"
     What a delight to see the WPHS web page. You have done an outstanding job in preparing the site and it is a real service to our alumni. You both are to be commended for taking the time to establish the site. I really enjoyed the 40th reunion this year, although my wife and I were only able to spend Friday night with the group.
Continue . . . . . .

Richard and his wife Gayle traveled 608 miles to attend the 50th class reunion. They have four children and seven grandchildren with two more due May, 2011. He lists his favorite teachers as Bob Mosher at WPHS and Jim Vickers at Glendridge Jr. High. He lists his hobbies as work and golf. His favorite sport is football. Richard told us he has four Schnauzers as family pets. The favorite vacation spot Richard lists as Perdido Beach, AL which is on the FL line. Left on his bucket list is to take a motor home from Vermont to Washington, northern route going west and southern route coming east. Richard's "most creative or memorable prank" as a WPHS student was throwing paint on front steps of WPHS with the boys. He feels that it's his honor to have his wife Gayle, four daughters and nine (to be) grandchildren. His favorite WPHS memories are "Just a bunch of fond memories of my male and female friends..."
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Carole Giddens
<- Carole Leigh Giddens
Carole Giddens Austen
Introducing...Carole Leigh Giddens
     Carole is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Giddens, 100 Perth Lane and a member of the graduating class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Carole plans to major in business education at Florida State University.
Giddens, Carole . . . came to into this world on August 6th . . . in West Virginia. She lists football and basketball as favorite sports . . . she doesn't like conceited boys . . . but she does like cottage cheese and cokes. Carole thinks being the only girl in the world would be an ideal situation. She plans to attend college after graduation.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Joyce Gillingham
<- Joyce Kathryne Gillingham
Joyce Gillingham Frey
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Introducing...Joyce Kathryne Gillingham
     A member of the graduating class of 1961 at Winter Park High School, Joyce is the daughter of Mrs. A. J. Gillingham, 664 South Maitland Ave. She served as copy editor for the annual staff; Tri-Hi-Y and Latin Club chaplain; Homeroom officer; Student Council representative and member of the Honor Society. In her leisure time Joyce enjoys reading, cooking and horseback riding. She will attend Mercer University where she will begin studies for a career in social work.
Gillingham, Joyce . . . hails to us from Detroit, Michigan . . . this cute redhead was born on July 16th . . . hobbies are cooking, reading, and dancing . . . her pet peeve is people who hog a party line . . . most memorable event at WPHS was when she fell down the stairs in the 10th grade . . . secret ambition is to own a racing car and follow it in races around the world . . . FSU will probably be Joyce's home after graduation.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Subject: WPHS Alums Class of 1961 -Information
From: Joyce Gillingham
Date: Fri, March 15, 2002 3:32 pm
     Hi -will send you a photo very soon. My bio update info. is: After many years "upnorth", returned to Florida - love St. Pete. Worked for years as Executive Director of retirement and nursing home communities (still do). Have two Gkids, a greyhound, 2 cats and a great husband. Want VERY MUCH to contact Linda Wentworth, Marti Grove, or MaryJane Ezzard.Thanks for your work on this. Love it.
      Joyce Gillingham Frey
Thomas Atkinson Golay
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Introducing...Thomas Atkinson Golay
     Tom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Golay, Maitland. He will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. His hobby is cars. Tom will study business management at Orlando Junior College.
Golay, Thomas A. . . or "Tom" . . . made the scene on February 9th . . . in Lumberton, NC . . . before coming to WPHS Tom attended Narimasu (Tokyo American high school) and Wortsmith (Clark Air Base, Philippines) . . . his favorite sports are basketball and football . . . Tom's pet peeve is stuck-up girls . . . his favorites on the "goodie" side are hamburgers and cokes . . . future plans include the Coast Guard Academy.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Bio: I attended Orlando Junior College in 1961-1962. I joined the Orlando Fire Department in July, 1962 and stayed until January, 1989 when I retired. While there, I began teaching in 1979 at the Fire Academy as a part-time job; teaching both recruits and in-service classed. After retirement I went to work for Orange County Schools at Mid-Florida Tech as a full-time instructor/coordinator at the Fire Academy. In 1993, I left to go into business with a couple of friends. In December, 2000 I decided that it was time to get back into the fire service and accepted employment with Osceola County as a Fire Inspector where I am today. I have two adult children from my first marriage. They both graduated from Florida State University. My daughter, Tracy, graduated in 1989 and is now the Marketing Director for CNL. My son, Patrick, graduated in 1992 and is in route sales for City Beverage. I married again in 1986 to Debbie who is a wonderful wife and homemaker.
Freddie Good
Fred Good
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Fred Good

Freddy and his wife Charlene traveled 30 miles to attend the 50th class reunion. They have one child and one grandchild. He lists his favorite WPHS teacher as Mr. Wilson. Although Mr. Wilson was the principal, Freddy has memories of the faith he had in him. His hobby is riding motorcycles. His favorite sport is FSU football. Favorite vacation or vacation spot is listed as spending the month of July in New Smyrna Beach when he is not on a motorcycle trip. Left on his bucket list is a motorcycle trip to Canada and riding along the California coast on the Pacific coast highway.
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

<- Polly Elizabeth Gouck
Polly Gouck Hall->
Introducing...Polly Elizabeth Gouck
     Polly plans a career in nursing after her graduation with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. She was a member of the Future Nurses of America, Science, Spanish, and Pep clubs, swimming team, Tri-Hi-Y, GAA and Intramurals. Her hobbies are sewing, painting and sports. Polly is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Gouck, 250 Benmore Drive.
Gouck, Polly Elizabeth . . . nicknamed "Gooke" . . . was born in Medford, Massachusetts. Her pet peeves are people who are snobbish and unfriendly. Polly's favorite foods are hot dogs and hamburgers and her favorite beverages are coffee and wine. Polly refused to answer with the tropical isle question, however she said her secret ambition is to skip a day of school. Plans are to go to college and become a nurse at Massachusetts General Hospital after high school.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Carol Graham
<- Carol Lee Graham
Carol Graham West
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Carol Graham West
Introducing...Carol Lee Graham
     Carol is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Graham, 1912 Sycamore Drive. She will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Carol is chairman of the membership committee of D.C.T.; a library assistant and member of the Glee Club. Following graduation Carol will continue working at one of the local banks.
Graham, Carol Lee . . . came to us from Boone . . . she was born in Hazard, Kentucky on June 13th . . . Carol's favorite sport is swimming . . .her pet peeve is people who always say "Long Time no see!" . . . live, love, laugh and be happy is Carol's philosophy of life . . . after graduation she plans to continue working at the Winter Park Federal Savings and Loan.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Steve Grantham
Jon Stephen Grantham
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Steve Grantham
Introducing...Jon Stephens Grantham
     Steve is a member of the graduating class of 1961 at Winter Park High School. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Varley H. Grantham, 2311 Forrest Road. During high school he has been a member of Hi-Y, Science Club, Chemistry assistant, JV football team, and Homeroom president. Steve's hobbies are skiing and swimming. He will study medicine at Emory University.
Grantham, Jon Stephen . . . this 5'8" blue-eyed, brown-haired senior was born in Kearney, Nebraska on March 24th . . . his pet peeves are slow drivers and speed limits . . . Steve's philosophy of life is to eat, drink, and be merry . . . Steve plans to enter the field of medicine . . . Additional comments: "Moved down to Florida 4-1/2 years ago from Alliance, Nebraska."
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: Cementing statues in WPHS fountain.
: 1961-63, Emory University. 1963-67, W.S.A.F. Europe. 1967-69, Humboldt State University, Atlanta, GA. BA in Management. 1969-71, Golden Gate University, San Francisco, CA, MBA in Management. 1969-71, Ford Motor Company-Oakland, CA-Zone Manager. 1972-82, Grantham Distributing Co., Orlando. 1983-present, Grantham Beverage, Inc., Sarasota. Married 1969-present.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991

Steve and his wife Donna traveled 225 miles to attend the 50th class reunion. They have three children and three grandchildren. He lists his hobbies as photography and hiking. His favorite sport is running. His house pet is a yellow Lab. Favorite vacations spots are listed as Colorado and Utah. Steve requests that we ask Pat Phillips about his most creative or memorable prank or practical joke he participated in as a WPHS student.
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire