Winter Park High School Alums - Class of 1961
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Nancy Temple
<- Nancy Lloyd Temple
Nancy Temple Jerome ->

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Nancy an e-mail!
Introducing...Nancy Lloyd Temple
     1960 Girls State delegate, Nancy will be rembered as Laurey in Winter Park High's production of Oklahoma this year. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Temple, 271 Brewer Ave. She is vice president of National Honor Society, sergeant in the Band, attended All-State Band Clinic, plays solo French horn and is a member of Future Teachers, Science Club and a Chemistry assistant. Nancy will follow a Liberal Arts course at Duke University.
Temple, Nancy Lloyd . . . born October 17th in Orlando, FL . . . favorite sports are swimming and watching football. . . hobbies are reading, writing, talking, and 'socializing' . . . most memorable event at WPHS was when she was tapped into Honor Society . . . philosophy of life is "Be an individual!" Plans after graduation are college at Duke University, then work!!!!
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: Band and Chem II activities
Children: Jennifer, 20; Julia, 16; Mary, 14 and twin Trisha
Spouse: Forrest
Present work and/or activities: Special Events Coordinator, Classic Food Services (NYC); P/R work for The Open Book, Classic, other clients (fledgling venture); performing!
Bio: BA, Duke University, 1965 (roommate was Maurine Doggett). Post-graduate work, Manhattan School of Music, voice. Married Forrest in 1969. Thirty-plus years of performing, musical and theatrical (the neat thing is there's no mandatory retirement age!) Some highlights: founding member and leading soprano of Light Opera of Manhattan; charter member of The Open Book (professional readers' theater group); premiers of works by at least a dozen contemporary composers and probably as many writers and playwrights; soloist at St. Ignatius Episcopal Church, NYC for nineteen years. Four wonderful daughters. Various volunteer activities over the years, church vestry, soup kitchen, PTA officer, teaching, etc.
Click HERE to read more from Nancy dated June 20, 2002.
DID YOU KNOW? (as of 2006)
Happiest memory: Impossible to pick just one!
Funniest/weirdest coincidence: (Most recent one) I think Mark Loeb and some members of his congregation were visiting Central Synagogue in NYC when I was singing in the choir there three or four years ago- I raced downstairs from the balcony after the service to try and find him but was unsuccessful.
Children: Four daughters - a publishing executive/published poet, a regional HR manager, a physical therapist and a professional actor/ lifetime member of the Actors Studio
Grandchildren: All our "grandchildren" are kittycats (6)!
Present work and/or activities: Still singing/ acting in NYC (7 concerts scheduled for 2006, plus an off-off-Broadway show in Dec.)... 2 special vacations with my husband Forrest- an American Orient Express trip last fall to see several Western national parks, and a junket to Hilton Head this spring for a private golf invitational... visiting with sister Patsy and brother-in-law Andre, both here in FL and at their place in E. Boothbay, ME... working on the house/yard in WP... volunteering at Jazz at Lincoln Center... attending performances of the Orlando Opera... haunting the WP YMCA... reading voraciously... considering political activism beyond letters to elected officials/ contributions to candidates and causes...
Bio: Retired from corporate life in 2004 but have continued commuting between FL and NYC for singing/ acting work.
Future Plans: Continue spending non-performing time in WP... get my drivers license... swim a lot more... make friends with technology and really learn how to use all everyday things digital/ electric/ mechanical... work harder at staying in touch with family and friends... find a church home in WP.

Nancy and her husband Forrest live in Winter Park so they did not have a long distance to drive to attend the 50th class reunion. They have four children and two grandchildren. Nancy told us her favorite WPHS teacher is "...Edgar W. Williams (band director) because he had "...integrity, modesty, sense of humor, love of music, teaching and his students". She told us her hobbies are her grandchildren, frirends, family, music and theatre. Her favorite sports are swimming and Duke basketball. She has two Siberian cats - Howler and YumYum. Her favorite vacations are "train trips". She told us that left on her bucklist is to travel more abroad - more travel - period! Nancy says that there are too many favorite WPHS memories to have to pick one favorite!
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Carol Tennesson
<- Carol Bromley Tennesson
Carol Tennesson Snyder ->

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Introducing...Carol B. Tennesson
    Carol received the Honorary Literature Award for creative writing. She was a member of Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc staff and Towayam staff along with helping backstage at the school productions. Carol is the daughter of Col. and Mrs. Charles E. Tennesson, Maitland. She is still undecided about which college she will attend but plans for a career in journalism. Carol enjoys swimming, reading and people.
Tennesson, Carol . . . 'Tiger' . . . was born January 8th in Pennsylvania. Carol came to WPHS from Washington-Lee High. Her hobbies are reading and boys. Her pet peeve is tarantulas. She likes fried tarantulas and coke. Her philosophy of life is to keep away from tarantulas. After high school Carol plans to go to college.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: Twin metropolitans with Jackie Cottrell, lunch at Steak and Shake, senior English class--good teacher.
Children: Scott 20, Stepson Milt, 20
Spouse: Kirk
Present work and/or activities: Coordinator, Professional Education Preparation Program at the University of Kentucky.
Bio: College: BA, MA, and post-graduate second master's degree, University of Kentucky. Husband, Kirk Snyder, graduate of Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, owner of Richmond Road Veterinary Clinic, Richmond Road Kennels. For fun: Kirk and I and our boys enjoy snow skiing at Lake Tahoe each year (and blackjack, too!), and we spend a lot of time at Hilton Head Island playing golf and deep sea fishing. We also enjoy playing bridge and poker and attending horse races at Keeneland Race Course here in Lexington. We love and enjoy our pets, too.
Future plans and goals: We plan to finish educating our boys and buy a villa at Hilton Head Island.
Click HERE to read more from Carol.
Becky Thornton

<- Alice Rebecca Thornton
Alice Thornton Van Hekle ->

Introducing...Alice Rebecca Thornton
     Becky is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Thornton, 984 Mayfield Ave. Following her graduation from Winter Park High with the class of 1961 she will enter Florida State University in the fall. She was a member of Tri-Hi-Y, Campus Crusaders and Spanish Club.
Thornton, Becky . . . or 'Dober' . . . came to us from Charlotte, North Carolina. Born on August 14, her pet peeves are people who think they are better than everyone else and people who eat bananas noisely . . . favorite expression is 'golly-ding' . . . after graduation Becky plans to go to FSU and then get married.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Click HERE to read more from Becky.
Sue Tinklepaugh

<- Dorothy Sue Tinklepaugh
Sue Tinklepaugh Kelch ->

Introducing...Dorothy Sue Tinklepaugh
     Sue is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tinklepaugh, 1301 Falcon Drive and will major in education at University of Florida after graduation from Winter Park High School. Sue was Student Council representative, Homeroom officer, Secretary-Treasurer Campus Crusaders, Member of Quill an Scroll and National Honor Society. Her hobbies are writing, singing and piano.
Tinklepaugh, Sue . . . 'Tink' comes from South Carolina. She describes herself as having a 'blushing complexion and a shinny nose'. Her favorite pasttime is dancing, and to this she adds a quote . . . "It can turn into a wrestling match." (We wonder what she means.) Sue likes writing, eating, talking, and singing. Her secret ambition is to play the bongos. She lists the ideal situation as being accepted at MIT. Good luck, Sue!!!
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Click HERE to read more from Sue dated December 11, 2001.

Sue lives here in Orlando and did not have to drive far to attend the event held on Saturday afternoon touring the chain of lakes with friends from the Class of 1961. She has three children and three grandchildren. Sue told us her favorite teacher was Miriam Blickman because "she inspired a love for English language and literature". Sue's hobbies are reading, singing and gardening. She is a Gator football fan. Sue told us that she has a retired seeing-eye dog named Quail who is 14 years old. Her favorite vacation spot is the north Georgia mountains. Left on her bucket list is "...sailing to Alaska is the big thing - lots of little ones..." When asked to tell us about the funniest, most creative or memorable prank or practical she participated in as a WPHS student she wrote "...I was such a 'goody two-shoes' that I never did anything daring until I went to UF..." Sue was honored by Conway Elementary School as the "Support Person of the Year" for 2006 and 2008. Her favorite WPHS memory is "...the first day in biology class. Coach Orr stopped at my name. "Tinklepauth", he said. "Your dad a marine?" "Retired", I replied. "He recruited me," said Coach. "Lucky for you I had a good tour."
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Tom Tobin
Tom Tobin
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Tom Tobin

Bio: Wow, it’s hard to believe that we are approaching our 45th Class Reunion. It seems to be an appropriate time to update my Bio.
After High School I put 2 years in the Army. Then attended Northwestern University in Evanston, IL and Donnelly College in Kansas City, Ks. I’ve worked as a Sales Representative in the Health Care Industry since then. I just retired from Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, a division of Johnson & Johnson. I spent 24 years with J&J. I’ve been single now for over 3 years. I have 4 children – 2 Girls and 2 Boys. I live in Winter Springs, in the same home for the last 32 years. My hobbies include running, motorcycles, fishing, camping, boating, and computers. I’ve run 18 marathons, including Boston in 2005.
I planned ahead for my retirement and attended a professional baseball umpire school during the Christmas Holidays 2004/2005. I’m now working as an umpire doing games all the way to High School and College level (including Winter Park HS this year).
It’s really wonderful that we have such a together class. I enjoy reliving memories of the Orlando/Winter Park area BD (before Disney).

Updated 1/17/2007: I'm keeping really busy with baseball. I'll be working at Disney's Wide World of Sports for spring training. I'll be umpiring for high school and college baseball teams for just over two months, beginning February 17. I also started teaching science classes part-time for a group called MadScience. I did a program last night at a private school in Sanford and on Friday I'm doing two assemblies at Rainbow Elementary, with 300 students in each assembly. I don't make a lot of money doing it...........but it sure is fun :-). My youngest kid just moved back now it's me and Jonathan and the old cats.

Tom lives in Winter Springs so he had a short commute to attend the 50th class reunion. He has four children and two grandchildren. When asked who his favorite WPHS teach and why Tom wrote "Coach Mosher and Coach Orr. Mosher - inspiring and challenging; Orr - taught love of science". His hobbies are motorcycles, boating, fishing, hiking, gardening, computers, running and cooking. His favorite sport is college football. Tom told us that he has two cats for house pets. When asked his favorite vacation/vacation spot Tom wrote, "love to travel - exploring anywhere". He says he has "LOTS" left on his bucket list. His most memorable prank while at WPHS was "borrowing" lawn statues from Winter Park/Maitland and putting them on the roof leading to the gym from school in middle of night. Honors/awards? Tom told us that he has completed 18 marathons including Boston, New York, Chicago, Marine Corp., etc. His favorite WPHS memory is "Fun - Fun - Fun."
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Stephen W. Toothaker
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Introducing...Steve W. Toothaker
     Steve will major in Business Administration at the University of Florida following his graduation from Winter Park High with the class of 1961. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hall, Maitland. Steve is a Student Council representative, member of Wheel Club and football team. His hobbies are water skiing and working on cars.
Sue Trapnell
<- Sue Louise Trapnell
Sue Trapnell Heyward
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Sue an e-mail!
Introducing...Sue Louise Trapnell
     Sue will graduate from Winter Park High School with the class of 1961. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Trapnell, Jr., 2322 Fosgate Drive. Sue will study Psychology at Florida State or Brenau. She was a member of Tri-Hi-Y, GAA, Campus Crusaders, Intramurals, French and Spanish clubs and a home room officer. Sue finds time after school for writing and cooking.
Trapnell, Sue . . . 'Trap' . . is a Georgia gal who just loves horses and Tab Hunter. She's also one of those particular people who cringe at the sight of a man who crosses his legs like a lady. Sue's words of wisdom are "Enjoy your teenage years; there are too many responsibilities when you're older." She'd like to marry a man from Kentucky who owns a horse breeding farm, but ironically enough, she plans to attend FSU and then marry a fella from North Carolina.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: Almost the entire senior year
Funniest/weirdest coincidence: Life is full of weird things-there have been too many
Children: Emory, 22; Janet, 18
Spouse: Emory
Present work and/or activities: Medical assistant. Hobbies are gardening and working with stained glass
Bio: Wesleyan College, Macon, GA. Lived in Atlanta, 1963-75; Birmingham, AL, 1975-76; Nashville, TN, 1976-89; Clarksville, TN, 1989-90; Murfreesboro, TN, 1990-present. Was dental assistant and office manager for orthondontist before children. Back to work full time in 1989 as office manager in dental office. Am now a medical assistant for a dermatologist. Plan to work for a few more years until husband retires and we can travel and play with grandchildren when they come.
Future plans and goals: To have a place on the beach I can go whenever I want for a few weeks at a time.
Click HERE to read more from Sue dated May 28, 2003.