Winter Park High School Alums - Class of 1961
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Dexter Coffman
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Dexter Coffman
Subject: RE: WPHS Alums Class of 1961 - Information
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 12:16:48 -0800
From: "Dexter Coffman"
      Hi I just visited with Pudd and Carol Mudd in Atlanta. They asked that I contact you and have you let Dewy know that I am here is California and would like to be included in the 2006 reunion. Also I am to let Bobby Cross know how to reach me.
      I went to WP Elementary and Glenridge JH until seventh grade then moved on to South Florida then to High School at military school in St. Pete.
      My name is Dexter Coffman I lived on Palmer Ave in WP till I left. I now live in Fresno, CA and own a company Tempest Technology Corp. which manufactures PPV equipment for the fire fighting industry. I am now known by the nickname Scorch; this comes from my hobby of Hot Air Ballooning. I am married for 36 years, yes to the same woman, have two grown children -- a boy Leroy B. Coffman III (Coffy) 34 and a daughter Paleyne Coffman (Paley) 31. Leroy is married, no children, and is President of Tempest Technology and Paley is successful in the office furniture business and enjoying the single life in California .
      I look forward to renewing long remembered friendships and catching up.

Dexter and his wife traveled over 3,000 miles to attend the 50th class reunion. He has two children and five grandchildren. Dexter lists his hobbies as hot air ballooning, Harley riding, boating and travel. His favorite vacation spots are the Virgin Islands, Jackson Hole, WY and Europe. When asked what is left on his bucket list, Dexter wrote, "Not much thank God."
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Michael G. Collier
Introducing...Mike Gorman Collier
     A member of the graduating class of 1961 from Winter Park High School, Mike is the son of Gorman L. Collier, 2570 Middleton Ave. He was a member of the baseball team during the 9 and 10 grades and his hobbies are cars and building models. Mike is going to enter the Air Force following his graduation and will follow a course of missile study.
Collier, Michael G. . . . Mike was born in Rockyford, Colorado. Other than attending Winter Park High School, Mike has been a student at Hampton High School in Virginia. His favorite sports are football and swimming while his hobbies are cars and models. So far Mike's most memorable event at WPHS was the homecoming game and the dance that followed. His secret ambition is to become a millionaire. Maybe Mike will make it . . . especially if he keeps the same philosophy of life as he has now which is "be yourself and don't always think you're right." Future plans include the Air Force and then marriage to Linda Keicu.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Jacque Cook
<- Jacqueline Ann Cook
Jacque Cook Hartlage
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Jacque an e-mail!
Introducing...Jacque Ann Cook
     Jacque is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Cook, 532 Worthington Drive. She will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Jacque has been a member of Tri-Hi-Y, Pep, Science and Spanish clubs, a homeroom officer, senior class cabinet and Christmas Court. Her hobbies are reading and swimming. Jacque plans a Liberal Arts course at Oglethorpe University.
Cook, Jacqueline Ann . . . Jacque, alias "J.J.N.", says she stays so sweet because of her philosophy of life: "Variety is the spice of life". Jacque was born on New Year's Day. The favorite sports of this 5'3" standout are bowling and swimming. Her hobbies are sewing and, of course, boys. If on that tropical isle there were a glass of iced tea, a charcoal broiled steak and a certain weed, things would be just right. Jacque's secret ambition is to stay hooked for more than a week. Her future plans are college at Oglethorpe or Stetson and then marriage.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Bio: Went to Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Met and married my husband. Moved to Elizabethtown, KY. We have three children and except for two years in Midland, MI, we have lived in KY since 1965. Ten years from now, we'll still be here! When our youngest left for college, I entered the work force. Working part-time in a local travel agency. It's great fun, and travel is our hobby. So I'm enjoying my new profession.
Future plans and goals: Extensive travel
Source: 30th Reunion 1991

Jacque has three children and seven grandchildren. Her hobbies are traveling, food and family. When asked what is left on her bucket list, she replied "bottomless!" Her favorite WPHS memory is "the Senior Door".
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Steve Cooke
Steve Cooke
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Steve an e-mail!
Happiest memory: Lynne Ricks, Coach Mosher, Dewey Ramsby, (& verbs), Jackie Cook, Coach Vicks, Jeanne Jones, Vernon (trouble) Duncan, Barbara Cayll, Linda Schmidt,
: FSU graduate, 1965. U.S. Army, Fort Bliss, TX. Graduated from Tumon High School, Agana, Guam, 1961 (my other class). Football Allstar (All island) 1960 and 1961. Rock & Roll guitarist (Fender strat) since age 16 (underage club player I might add). Die-hard Seminole. Like big boats. Love to snow ski.
Future plans and goals: More of the same.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991

DiAnn Coppenhaver
(Murdoch Nelson)

Introducing...Di Ann Coppenhaver
     Di Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Coppenhaver, 1924 Lochberry Road. She will graduate from Winter Park High School with the class of 1961. She is a member of Future Nurses and was a delegate to the state convention in Sarasota. Di Ann likes music and reading. She will attend the University of Florida where she will begin preparations for a career in nursing.
Coppenhaver, Di Ann . . . "Dee" Hails from New York City and she came into the world on February 1st. She has blue eyes, blond hair and stands 5'3" tall. Favorites for Dee include horseback riding and listening to records. Her secret ambition is to raise thorobred horses. If Harry Belafonte would sing to her on a tropical isle, she would be satisfied. Dee's favorite expression is "Say now, that's too bad!" But I'll grant you that's not what she said the first time Sam L. asked her out during Mr. MacHardy's American History class, eh Dee? Let us know how the races turn out. Remember Paul at McCoy?
Jacqueline Cottrell
<- Jacqueline Lillian Cottrell
Jacque Cottrell Hughes ->
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Introducing...Jacqueline Lillian Cottrell
     Jackie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Cottrell, Maitland. She is a member of the 1961 graduating class at Winter Park High School She is Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc copy editor. Student Council representative and member of Tri-Hi-Y and Spanish Club. Jackie's hobbies are swimming, boating, and music. She will start her career in the business world in an insurance office.
Cottrell, Jackie . . . Jackie, who's heart is in Falls Church, VA most of the time, has a wonderful secret ambition. She would like to go to a mirror shop and throw bricks. If the mirrors didn't break she would probably say "Oh stink", her favorite expression. Jackie's ideal situation is very good but not realistic. She wants to be born with everything she needs to know. It would be nice, wouldn't it? Future includes college and "Johnny".
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.

Robert "Bobby" Craft

Bob Craft
Yes, this is Bob Craft; I attended Audubon Park, Signal Hill, Glenridge, and Winter Park. I moved in November of 1959 to Okinawa where I graduated in 1961. Went to U of Fla. Graduated in '65, went to Viet Nam for my senior trip as a USAF pilot, flew 21 months there, hired by Delta Air Lines in '73, flying a B-767 to South America and Europe as an International Captain. Will retire in Jan. 2003 and live between our farm in Ga. and our home on Longboat Key Fla. It was great to see everyone that I saw at the reunion; time has been good to us and the ladies still look good. Fly Safe, Bob
Source: E-Mail dated 8/18/2001
Novelist recounts flight on Tuesday, September 11, 2001
Linda Crenshaw
<- Melinda Mae Crenshaw
Linda Crenshaw Barrett ->
Introducing...Melinda Mae Crenshaw
     Linda is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Crenshaw, 140 East Rockwood Way. Following her graduation with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School she will enter Florida State University. Linda hopes to have a career in Inter-American Affairs and will major in Spanish. Her school activities include Tri-Hi-Y, Spanish Club and GAA chaplin. Most all sports and horsebadk riding are Linda's hobbies.
Happiest memory: Funniest memory-Mr. Kent's bad habit of tipping his chair back on two legs. It caught up with him one day in the middle of a test. He disappeared in a loud crash behind his desk.
: Attended USF (Tampa), 1961-63. Instituto Tecnologico, Monterrey, Mexico, 1965, FSU, 1964-66. BS in Spanish/education. Taught English in Puerto Rico, 1966-67. Taught physical education and swimming to delinquent girls, Youth Development Center in Atlanta, 1967-72. Assistant Director, City of Winter Park Recreation Department, 1972-76. 1976, married Joe Barrett, owner/operator of Barrett's Marina, Orlando. Teach sailing, sailboat sales, scrub boats.
Future plans and goals: Stay healthy, travel, sail, fly.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991

James P. Crosby
Per phone conversation March 23, 2002, Jim retired from Bellsouth Telephone Company 2 years ago. He married Flora 34 years ago. She is from Tampa and Jim was sent there to work for a few years...then he was sent back to Orlando. She had three children when they met and married . . . and they had one child together. Jim's family moved to WP with the Martin Company group.
Bob Cross
Bob Cross
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Bob an e-mail!

DID YOU KNOW? (as of 2005)
I was born in Pittsburgh, PA. in 1943 and my family moved to Winter Park when I was 5 years old. I attended Winter Park Elementary, Glenridge Jr. High and Winter Park High. After high school I spent 6 years in the Army Reserve and then joined the Orlando Fire Department in 1965 where I worked for 25 years before retiring in 1990 with the rank of Lieutenant. After retiring from the fire department I formed a video production company that shoots local and national news & sports, magazine shows and reality shows including Trading Spaces, Oprah, 20/20, America's Most Wanted and ESPN. Presently we have 18 photographers & soundmen and 14 cameras. Several of our news crews roam the streets of Orange, Seminole, Lake and Osceola counties 24 hours a day looking for action news.

To all of my friends who grew up with me, I want to thank you for not giving up on me. I just wish that your parents could see how this wild child turned out... I had a couple of wonderful breaks in life that got me over the hump, if you know what I mean... I had a father that never gave up on me, however I think that mom did. I passed the fire department test by one point and I met my wife, Cheryl, who has had her hands full with this CROSS to bear... We have been married for 21 years and we have 3 children and 1 granddaughter (MIA). When I can find spare time I enjoy Snook fishing at Sebastian Inlet...

Bob has three children and three grandchildren. When asked who his favorite WPHS teacher was he replied, "I wasn't in class long enough to have a favorite teacher." Bob's hobbies are dancing and fishing and his favorite sports are his grandchildren's sports. For pets Bob listed "snakes". His favorite vacation was his Alaskan cruise and left on his bucket list is a Hawaiian cruise. Bob told us his favorite WPHS memory was "dancing at the sock hops".
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Demonstrating their
cheerleading abilities!

Shapely Legs
Eric Firchow, David Pughe, Ken Minamyer
and Charlie Matthews