Winter Park High School Alums - Class of 1961
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Ronald Peacock
Ronald Thomas Peacock
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Peacock, Ronald Thomas . . . or "Ron" . . . born in Georgia on August 21st . . . favors most all sports . . . pet peeve is to walk into a class late . . . favorite food is shrimp and favorite beverage is iced tea . . . favorite expression is "Nuts!" . . . after graduation Ronnie plans to go to Rollins College
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.

Ronnie traveled over 400 miles to attend the 50th class reunion. He and his wife Toni have two children and four grandchildren. He lists his favorite WPHS teacher as "...Harold Bender - Great Motivator." Ron lists his hobbies as woodworking and fishing. His favorite sport is football. His favorite vacation spot is the mountains of North Carolina. Left on his bucket list is to visit Antarctica. Ron shared a wish he has...specifically "I wish I had put the tires over the flag pole". (I wonder what he means by that!) His favorite WPHS memory is "graduation".
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Bonnie Pechin
<- Elena Maxene Pechin
Elena Pechin Johnson ->
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Introducing...Bonnie Pechin
     Bonnie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pechin, 2308 Woodcrest Drive. She was a member of Future Nurses and is publicity chairman for D.C.T. at Winter Park High School. Her hobbies are skiing and cars. Bonnie hopes for a career with the airlines following her graduation with the class of 1961.
Pechin, Elena Maxene . . better known as "Bonnie" . . . was born in Evanston, Illinois on April 2nd. . . hobbies include picture-taking . . . pet peeve is incorrect table manners . . . likes steak, hamburgers and root beer . . . secret ambition is to be rich . . . wants to go to the University of Florida after graduation.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Bunnie Pechin

<- Ethel Rosanne Pechin
Ethel Pechin McBride ->

Introducing...Bunnie Pechin
     Bunnie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pechin, 2308 Woodcrest Drive. She would like to be a social worker and will enter University of Florida following her graduation from Winter Park High with the class of 1961. Bunnie is a member of D.C.T. and is employed as a receptionist. Her hobbies are her car, her cats and Frankie Laine records.
Pechin, Ethel Rosanne . . . was born in Evanston, Illinois . . . on April 2nd . . . favorite sports are bowling and soccer . . . pet peeve is people who take advantage of others . . . philosophy of life is to live by the Golden Rule . . . plans to go to the University of Florida after graduation.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Mary Parsons

<- Mary Kathryn Persons
Kathryn "Kay" Persons Calvache ->


Frederick "Rick" Clinton Pfeiffer

Introducing...Fred Clinton Pfeiffer
     Rick will attend the University of Florida next fall following his graduation from Winter Park High School. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfeiffer, 1461 Sunset Drive. He is a member of the track and baseball teams and vice president of his Homeroom. Playing the guitar is his hobby.
Pfeiffer, Fred Clinton . . . "Rick" . . . born on January 24th in Dayton Ohio. His favorite sports are track and football. . . . hobby is playing a guitar . . . favorite foods are steak and lobster . . . plans after high school are OJC and then FSU.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes
Mary Phillips
<- Mary Wallace Phillips ->
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Mary Phillips
Introducing...Mary Phillips
     Mary is the daughter of Mrs. W. L. Phillips, Goldenrod and will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. She is a member of Future Homemakers, Tri-Hi-Y, Spanish and Latin clubs. She will take a secretarial course at Jones Business College.
Phillips, Mary . . . Green eyes, blonde hair, and David Wright add to the charm of this girl. Mary takes a special interest in football. Rating high in Mary's list of memories of WPHS is the time Mr. Rehmond sent her to the office with her hair rolled up in pin curls. Her secret ambition is to have a 1959 baby blue Thunderbird. Her ideal situation is to have it stalled in the middle of Highway 50 and Mills. Mary plans to eventually marry David after school is out, live in California, and have two children.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.

Mary lives locally so the 50th class reunion was very convenient for her to attend. She has one son and five grandchildren. Her favorite WPHS teacher was Mr. John Rehmund because he made bookkeeping fun. Mary enjoys gardening, gourd art, camping and cruising. Her favorite sport is bike riding. Her favorite vacation was going on a backpacking trip throughout 17 European countries. Her bucket list is blank - she has "nothing left to do." Mary's favorite WPHS memory is "Graduation Day!".
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Pat Phillips
Robert Patrick Phillips
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"Pat" an e-mail!

Introducing...Robert Patrick Phillips
     Pat is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joel P. Phillips, Jr., 2233 Howard Drive. Although he is undecided about the course of study he will follow, Pat will attend Orlando Junior College. His hobbies are flying and boating and his high school activities include track and swimming teams, Varsity club vice president, Homeroom president and Student Council representative.
Phillips, Robert Patrick . . . "Pat" . . . along with blond hair and brown eyes, this 5'6" senior describes himself as having two arms and two legs. His favorite hobby is "anything you can imagine". This native of Orlando likes steak and water. He remembers most of all the '60 Homecoming parade, but doesn't say why. Pat plans to attend OJC after graduation.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.

William Thomas Phillips

Introducing...William Thomas Phillips
     Bill is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Phillips, 122 East Harvard. Following his graduation from Winter Park High School with the class of 1961, Bill will enter Davidson as a chemistry major. He is president of Key Club and delegate to Florida District and International conventions besides being a member of Spanish and Science clubs and Student Council. Bill enjoys swimming and skiing.
Phillips, William . . . This blue-eyed Senior, who has in his 17 years reached the height of 190.5 centimeters, has extreme interests in skiing, bowling and titrating H3PO4. Bill's secret ambition is to be able to drink as much coffee as does Dr. Bender. He would like to see the Key Club stamp the Wheel Club in basketball. He dislikes people who don't do something they volunteered for. Bill plans to attend either Davidson College or Duke University.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Gloria Pipich
<- Gloria Pipich
Gloria Pipich Doscher ->

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Gloria an e-mail!
Introducing...Gloria Jean Pipich
     Gloria will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Wagner, 1127 Minnesota Ave. She is a member of Glee Club, Future Homemakers and the swimming team. Gloria is not sure about her future plans but becoming a secretary ranks high on her list. Swimming and diving are her hobbies.
Happiest memory: The friends I made.
Funniest/weirdest coincidence: Anyone who remembers George Sprinkel ('59) remembers how gorgeous he was. Well, a few years ago I had the opportunity to be his Judicial Assistant when he became a judge - what a way to start the day! and what a small world!! Of course, he used to tell everyone I graduated before him.
Bio: Don't know how you lost me, I've attended the other two reunions, plus have lived in the same location since 1966, until just recently, when I moved to Orlando from Winter Park.
Future plans and goals: Hope to retire someday!!!
Source: 30th Reunion, 1991

Gloria lives locally so she did not have to travel a long distance to attend the 50th class reunion. She has two children and two grandchildren. When asked who her favorite WPHS teacher was she replied with "...all good as far as I can remember." Her hobby is listed as her family. Her favorite sport is swimming. She has one cat as a house pet. Gloria listed her favorite vacation spot as north Georgia and Tennessee. When asked what is left on her bucket list she wrote "well, not to kick it, that's for sure!"
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire