Winter Park High School Alums - Class of 1961
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Buddy Kirk

William Lee Kirk

Buddy Kirk Now
Introducing...William Lee Kirk
     Buddy is the son of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Kirk, 835 South Lakemont and a member of the graduating class of 1961 at Winter Park High School. He will begin his medical studies at University of Miami. Buddy was a member of Hi-Y, Latin and Science clubs and stage technicians. His hobbies ar stamps, aeronautics, coins and currency.

Subject: Class of '61 Greeting
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2003 12:21:07 -0900
From: "Bill Kirk"

e are getting a full-fledged winter here. I guess it is making up for a mild one last year. So far, we are pushing 70" and a normal full winter is about 70", so who knows what else is coming. At last check about an gout ago, it was about 5F and falling - typically 0 - 10 below most nights for the last few weeks. The snowblower is getting a good workout this year.
      Alaska got a little more serious this week with the possible threat to the oil facilities at Valdez. It is a tough place to defend and the cold weather doesn't help. Fortunately, the trrops at Fts. Richardson and Wainright carry out winter exercises every year and are darned good at moving around in this stuff. It is also good to know that there are F-15s and 16s that fly over the area.
      The Kirk's were blessed this Christmas by having all of the children and their kids over to the house last night. Although they all live in Anchorage, it seems that it is difficult to get them all together at one time anymore. To date, there are about 15 when they all are together.
      I do not remember if I told you yet, but on September 19th I pulled the plug with 27 1/2 years of federal service ( 26 with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service). I had planned to go to 30, but the politics were getting to be a bit too thick for enjoyment. I am now teaching as a Biology adjunct with the Eagle River campus of the Univ. of Alaska and trying to get another couple of new courses offered so I can become employed at least part-time. I have had between 12 to about 25 students each semester in either the labs or the lectures - a good workable size. Bev has been working for about 2 months with the Anchorage School District as an instructor with a Title 1 program at one of the elementary schools in north Anchorage. Their focus is with helping children from homes where the language and reading skills are poor to become more capable to perform at grade level.
      I will close for now, but will get back to you soon. Give all my best regards to the 'mates and here's wishing you and all of them and their families, a joyful holiday period and a great coming 2004. God bless each of you.
      William (Buddy) Kirk
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Subject: Cookout (Bar-B-Q) at Bob's House - April 13th
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 01:45:02 -0900
From: "Bill Kirk"

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Sun, 7 Oct 2001 03:49:47 -0800
From: "Bill Kirk"

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July 19, 2001 - WPHS Class of 1961 Alums
I would like to see any of our classmates that are heading this way (Alaska). I know it is a bit out of the way unless you are going to Korea or China, but we are on the map and growing, not too fast though (about 560,000 in the state according to the latest census). Half of those are in Anchorage. That leaves the rest of the state with a lot of open room.

<- Kathy Kivinski
Kathy Kivinski Clark ->

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Anne an e-mail!
James Franklin Kopp
Introducing...James Franklin Kopp, Jr.
     Jimmy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kopp, 2125 Woodcrest Drive. He will study Business Administration at Orlando Junior College following his graduation from Winter Park High School with the class of 1961. He participated in football, wrestling, and track and his hobbies are swimming, skiing and fishing.
Kopp, James Franklin . . . Jimmy was born in Baltimore, Md . . . favorite sports are football and track . . . best liked hobbies are fishing, swimming and track . . . attended Parkville High before coming to WPHS. Jimmy would like to be shipwrecked with Suzie Gray . . . Future includes college at OJC. Additional comments are: "Can You Imagine!" Coach Orr teaching typing, Mr. Creech managing the girls physical education class, Mr. Hotaling coaching the football team, Mrs. Blickman not giving homework for a week, Mr. Groene with hair, and the Seniors with their own parking lot!!!!
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Anne Laing
<- Anne Elizabeth Laing
Anne Laing Ryder ->

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Anne an e-mail!
Introducing...Anne Elizabeth Laing
     Anne is publications editor of "Senior Salutes" and a member of Tri-Hi-Y, Spanish Club, Girl Scouts, Campus Crusaders and Pep Club. She will graduate from Winter Park High School next week and after summer school at Mars Hill College, NC., Anne will enter Florida Southern as an elementary education major. She is the daughter of Ruth Laing, 2204 Fosgate Dr. Her hobbies are sewing and art.
Laing, Anne Elizabeth . . . known to many as "Dutch" was born in Cortland, NY on October 1st. Her eyes are brown but the color or her hair varies. Anne's favorites include swimming, bowling, horseback riding, rice pudding, cheeseburgers, and skim milk. Her hobby is collecting tickets from drive-in movies. Miss Laing's pet peeve is "having to be faithful." She hopes to attend Florida Southern and to marry Russ Buhl . . . Anne leaves this note to all underclassmen: "Your school is only what you make it -- Pick up the school spirit!"
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory of WPHS: My senior year and our tenth class reunion.
Bio: I have been working at the University of Central Florida; currently as a computer programmer analyst in the office of Institutional Research. I joined the staff at UCF (then Florida Technological University) February 22, 1971. Married to my second husband Jack in May of 1981, we combined families and raised his two children, a son and a daughter and my son. As of 2005, our son Jack, Jr. is with the United States Border Patrol (Immigration and Naturalization Services) in Texas while serving as an active Army reservist after serving 12 years fulltime military, where he has served in the middle east (Iraq & Saudi Arabia) as well as Bosnia/Croatia, Korea, the Pacific, Germany and several duty stations stateside. Our other son, Ken, teaches computer support applications in Scottsdale, Arizona, while running a small business providing hardware, software support and networking to area businesses. Our daughter lives outside of Ft. Bragg and has two children, is a housewife married to an active duty soldier. Jack and I enjoy cruising and at this point we don't much care where the ship goes. We live in a small golf community in Orlando, Florida and enjoy our free time together.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991

Anne and her husband Jack live locally so they did not have a long distance to drive to attend the functions of the 50th class reunion. She has three children, including two step-children and five step-grandchildren. Anne's favorite teacher was Wayne Johnson, American History, because of his great personality. Her favorite sports are football, basketball and golf. Favorite vacation spot is "...aboard any cruise ship with no real concern about the itinerary." There is nothing remaining on Anne's bucket list. Favorite WPHS memory is attending the dances including proms during her sophomore, junior and senior years.
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Judy Law
<- Judy Winifred Law
Judy Law Stroud ->
Introducing...Julia W. Law
     Judy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. h. P. Rossell, 1827 Harmon Avenue. At Winter Park High School she has been a member of Tri-Hi-Y, Future Nurses, Glee Club and D.C.T. After graduation Judy will continue her business training in one of the local insurance offices. Her hobbies are skiing, swimming and dancing.

Sam Leatherbury

Leatherbury, Sam . . . born on October 14th in Houston, Texas, has blue eyes and brown hair . . . favorite sports include girl hunting and racing. Sam loves fried chicken. His idea of the ideal situation is the "out of gas routine" on a lonely road with a sharp girl. The philosophy Sam lives by is "put off today what you can do tomorrow" . . . pet peeve is "hub thieves" . . . his most memorable event at WPHS hasn't happened yet. Sam plans to go to college and then let girls take all his free time.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.

Charles Elwood Leonard

Introducing...Charles Elwood Leonard, II
     Woody is the son of Capt. and Mrs. Charles E. Leonard, 1232 Wilkinson Ave. At Winter Park High School he was a member of Hi-Y, Science Club, senior class play, and served as treasurer of Thespians. After graduation Woody plans to study biology or electronics at University of Maryland in Munich, Germany. His hobby is sports.
Leonard, Charles Elwood, II . . . was born in Louisville, Kentucky, on January 18th. He has brown eyes, light brown hair and is known to most as Elwood or "Woody". His favorite sports are football, basketball, and tennis; his hobbies change every few days. Woody's most memorable event at WPHS is the Thespian Play. When in an expressive mood he can be heard saying, "Well hello there!". His pet peeves are people who have as big a mouth as he has. After high school Woody plans to attend college or the Air Force Academy, get a career started, then possibly get married.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Present work and/or activities: Devcon International Corporation. Construction manager for projects in the Bahamas and West Indies.
Bio: 1961-1963, University of Maryland in Munich, Germany. 1963-1967, University of Florida. 1967-71, U.S. Army helicopter pilot. Flew helicopters for 1st Air Cavalry Division October 1968 to October 1969 in R.V.N. Awarded Silver Star for gallantry in action, August 1969. 1971-present, Boca Raton, FL/Pompano Beach, FL. Florida real estate broker. Certified general contractor, State of Florida.
Children: Matthew, 20.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991
Brett Leroux Then
FoundGay Breton LeRoux
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Bret an e-mail!
Introducing...Gay Breton LeRoux, III
     Bret is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. LeRoux, Jr., 1357 Lake Spier Drive and a member of the graduating class at Winter Park High School. He plans to enter the service and complete his military obligation before entering Forestry School. Bret was a member of the baseball team and his hobbies are hunting, cars and boats.
LeRoux, Gay Brenton . . . known to many as "Bret" was born in Baltimore, Maryland on January 24. His hobbies include cars and women. Hunting and baseball are his favorite sports. The Junior Class Stunt Night was Bret's most memorable event. His philosophy is, "Do unto others as they would do unto you; but do it first." Future plans include taking a trip around the world, joining the service, going to college, and then possibly getting married.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Chip Lipps
Larry Charles Lipps
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Chip an e-mail!
Introducing...Larry Charles Lipps
     Chip is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Lipps, 224 Blossom Lane. He will graduate from Winter Park High School with the class of 1961. Chip has been a member of Wheel Club, Science Club, Hi-Y, National Forensic League, Glee Club and cast of Oklahoma. He will begin his law studies at Stetson University.
Lipps, Charles Larry . . . born in Athens, Tennessee on January 20th . . . has blue eyes, brown hair, and likes football, baseball, and skiing . . . pet peeve is "finding out something after it has happened". "Chip" likes onion rings and water. . . his philosophy of life is "Breathe in order to live." . . . secret ambition is to make money. He plans to go to college at Stetson, join the Marines, and then get married.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: Knowing and working with Mr. Dillion, the physics instructor.
Bio: Orlando Junior College, University of Florida, two years Corps of Army Engineers (includes one year in Vietnam). Twenty-three years consulting mechanical engineer for air-conditioning ventilation and solar systems (last thirteen years self employed). Part-time work (volunteer): one year Leesburg Chamber of Commerce treasurer, one year Civitan president and four year member, initiator and president of Picciola Area Volunteer Fire Department, fire fighter, fire commissioner of northwest Lake County fire district for eight years, church youth counselor, Sunday school teacher, Sunday school director, choir member, mission work in Guatemala (one summer).
Future plans and goals: Work seventeen more years, retire, travel with wife Nancy.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991