Winter Park High School Alums - Class of 1961
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Joy Hardy -- 1961

<- Joy Loretta Hardy
Joy Hardy Marshall ->
Introducing...Joy Loretta Hardy
     Joy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen D. Hardy,1430 Elvin Ave. She will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Joy is a member of Future Nurses, Pep Club and Band. Her hobbies are bowling and roller skating. She will go to Nashville for her nurse's training.
Hardy, Joy Loretta . . . a brunette with lovely brown eyes . . . stands only 5'3" in her stocking feet. Seventeen years ago in Keene Valley, New York on on the 14th of August Joy was brought into this world. Besides eating steak, she enjoys bowling, skating and swimming, and in between these activities she manages to do a little sewing and knitting. At her island scene Art Crammer will be her partner in the sun. Miss Hardy's outlook on life, to live for the next day, goes well with her personality.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
7/3/05 - Sharing with us, Wayne Marshall, husband of Joy Hardy, tells us about Joy since leaving high school.

     Joy had two children, Andrew W. Marshall, Jacksonville, Fl and Evelyn J. Locke, Oxford, FL. She graduated from the Baptist School of Nursing in Nashville, TN and practiced her nursing (Operating Room) in Florida Hospital(s) in Orlando and Altamonte Springs. Early in her marriage her husband took an assignment working for Trans World Airlines in Athens, Greece. They stayed in Athens for two years and that was where their son was born. They came back to the USA (Florida) and Joy resumed her nursing at Florida Hospital. During their time in Florida, their daughter was born. Five years later her husband took an assignment working for the Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO) in Saudi Arabia. They lived there for 17 years and Joy also worked for the company hospital in the operating room. Their children were 3 and 5 when they went over there and that is really the only childhood home they remember. The company had and American school on the company compound for grades 1 through 9. Then their children were sent to boarding schools in the United States. Andy went to Blair Academy in New Jersey where he graduated and Evelyn graduated from Montverde Academy near Clermont, FL.
      Upon retirement they settled in The Villages located just north of Lady Lake, FL and have since moved to our present address. Joy was an avid bowler and bowled up until March 2005 when her cancer came back. She was diagnosed with 'Inflamatory Breast Cancer' in January 2004 and during that entire year under went chemo, mastectomy, more chemo then radiation treatments. At the end of the radiation treatments, 2nd week of December, they thought they had this 'licked'. Things started looking favorable. Then March, the redness and excessive swelling started all over again. With Joy's medical knowledge Wayne thinks she knew that her time was limited. They found the cancer had moved to the brain. Radiation treatments were then performed on the full brain. It just wasn't meant to be. She was not afraid of death for she knew where she would spend eternity. She was one strong Christian woman and always was one of His servants.
      Joy Hardy Marshall was laid to rest in the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell, FL on June 13, 2005.

Tom Harmeling -- 1961
Thomas J. Harmeling
Introducing...Thomas J. Harmeling
     Tom is the son of Robert K. Harmeling, 1751 Blueridge Road and a member of the graduating class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. He was a member of the swimming team and his hobbies are swimming, skiing, and working with cars. Tom will enter Hope College in the fall.
Harmeling, Thomas J. . . came to us from North High School, wherever that is. T.J. has blue eyes, blond hair, and is 6' tall. Tom likes to work on cars, eat steak, drink strawberry malts, and swimming. Anyone of the homecoming attendants would be a pretty good companion on Tom's little island paradise, as long as she'd let him remain a big, bad bachelor. Tom wants to go to any college that will accept him. Is that a problem? Before that, however, he would like to be the only boy on a hayride with about 30 girls.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Richard Wesley Harold
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Introducing...Richard Wesley Harold
     Richard is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Harold, 778 S. Pennsylvania Ave. Following his graduation from Winter Park High School he will enter University of Florida where he will major in Chemistry. He is a member of National Honor Society, Science Club, Chemistry assistant and president of the Library staff. Richard's hobbies are reading and chemistry.
Harold, Richard . . . born in Louisville, KY, and now weighing 1828.8mm. Rich has blue eyes, brown hair, and believes in taking things as they come. He likes titrating sodium hydroxide, horseback riding, and tennis. Southern fried chicken is what this Senior fellow likes to see at the top of his menu, along with iced tea. Mr. Harold is now a chemistry assistant, and wants to study chemistry at the University of Florida, and eventually obtain his Ph.D.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Source: Vitae
      Richard W. Harold is a consultant on color and appearance technology. He manages the group, Color and Appearance Consulting LLC, licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The range of services includes color and appearance measurement, applications engineering, consulting, and custom educational training programs. He is also a member and consultant with Avian Group USA.
      Mr. Harold received his B. S. degree in chemistry from the University of South Florida (Tampa) in 1965. Click HERE to continue....
Kay Harris - 1961
<- Kay Melissa Harris
Kay Harris Russell ->
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Introducing...Kay Melissa Harris
     Kay is a member of the graduating class of 1961 at Winter Park High School. Her parents are Maj. and Mrs. H. F. Harris, 1701 Lochberry Rd. She has been a Homeroom officer and member of Tri-H9-Y and Pep Club. Her hobby is water skiing. Kay will go to Florida Southern College where she will follow a course in Fine Arts.
Harris, Kay Melissa . . . known to many as "Harry", was born in Wichita, Kansas on June 8. Kay likes volleyball, the drive-in, waterskiing, and disconnecting the speedometer wire in her Volkswagon. Naughty girl! Any good looking boy, and believe me, they're hard to find, would do on Kay's private isle. Miss Harris wants to go steady with a boy who likes fried chicken and all other fattening foods. They can get chubby together! Kay has blue eyes, light brown hair, and good-looking legs! Not bad, huh? Hope you find your dream man, Kay.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Bio: After graduation I went to Japan for the summer. Florida Southern College one year, Okinawa two years. Oklahoma City two years. Married in 1965. Stationed in Fort Sill, OK, Germany, Atlanta. Athens, GA until 1976. Moved to North Little Rock. Divorced in 1989. Single and working until present time.
Future plans and goals:
To eventually be a director of volunteer services
Source: 30th Reunion 1991
Sam Harris - 1961
Samuel Mitchell Harris
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Sam Harris 2011
Introducing...Samuel Mitchell Harris
     Sam is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Harris, 2218 Via Tuscany. He is undecided about the course of study he will follow after his graduation from Winter Park High School next week, but looks forward to entering Florida State or Maryville this fall. He is a member of the Towayam staff, tennis team, Projector and Photography clubs and vice president of his homeroom. His hobby is photography.
Harris, Samuel Mitchell . . . may answer to the alias of "Samuella", but usually, he's known as good old "Sam", the friendly photographer. Tennis, softball, swimming, basketball, electronics, shrimp, dates with Sharon, and hamburgers are part of the long list of Sam's likes. Drinking coffee and eating liver are his pet peeves. "Live life, every golden minute of it" is Sam's philosophy, and he'd like to win his own home complete with swimming pool (Wouldn't we all?).
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Dated: 8-18-04 (10:04 AM)
From : Sam Harris
     After 30 years as a pastor, I retired in 2000. Though not really ready to retire, I just accepted God's new calling on my life; I started working at Erlanger Hospital, a trauma 1 hospital. For three year, I was a Critical Care Rep. working with patients and families in the Emergency Dept. and the ICU waiting area with responsibility for 5 ICU units. Recently I accepted a new role as a Patient Advocate in Oncology. I work with cancer patients and their families - both youth and adults, am involved in facilitating several support groups, and speaking to various groups in the community. I truly love where God has planted me and look forward to serving in this position for several more years before finally retiring for good.
      Sandy and I have been married for 36 years; she teaches 3rd grade at Silverdale Baptist Academy and both of us are involved in teaching "DivorceCare" at our church - even though we have never been divorced. We have three children; David is 31 and biologically ours and is not married yet. He is a partner in a construction company. Kimi, 28, was adopted from Korea, and She and Jay have our only two grandchildren. Sarah, 18, was adopted from Japan is entering her freshman year at Univ. of Tenn., Chattanooga.
      We are truly blessed!
             Sam Harris

Sam and his wife Sandy traveled 575 miles to attend the 50th class reunion. They have three children and three grandchildren. When asked who his favorite teacher at WPHS was Sam wrote, "...I can't remember - too long ago!" He lists his hobbies as " and taking care of our petting farm." His favorite sports are listed as "Lady Vols". Sam has three miniature horses, two miniature donkeys, four Angora goats, one Angora rabbit and two great Pyrenees dogs. His favorite vacation spot is St. Augustine, Florida. Left on his bucket list is a cruise. Have you looked inside of the 1961 yearbook? Yes, that is Sam Harris and Julie Baldwin...That is listed as 'memorable' when Sam completed the 50th class reunion questionnaire. An honor that Sam shared with us was his most recently received "...the American Cancer Society's Professional Medical Care-Giver of the Year award". Sam's favorite WPHS memory is "...nothing specific. It was a special and safe time compared to schools today. I enjoyed being on the annual staff as photographer."
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

<- Clara Lucille Harrold
Clara Harrold Saylor
Introducing...Clara Lucille Harrold
     Clara will graduate from Winter Park High School with the class of 1961. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Harrold, 1750 Winchester Dr. Her many school activities include Tri-Hi-Y, Student Council, Junior Achievement, Spanish Club and Future Nurses. Clara likes to read and play the piano. She will begin her nurses' training at Orange Memorial Hospital.
Tim Hartung - 1961
Timothy Ryan Hartung
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Tim Hartung
Hartung, Timothy Ryan . . . known to all as "Tim" was born in Austin, Texas, seventeen years ago. He came to our town from Pacific High in California. Baseball, football, steak and Judi Kirkpatrick are his favorites, while girls who talk too much are his big non-favorite. "Judi, what pretty eyes you have", is lover-boy's favorite expression. Tim wishes that school would start a little later in the day and that Winter Park would win 10 football games in one season; personally I'd settle for one win! Mr. Hartung wants to attend either the University of Florida or the University of Texas, and then play major league baseball.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: To many to pick one
Funniest/weirdest coincidence: Having Chris Bauer on my first jury panel

: University of Florida. Twenty-one years U.S. Navy. Law school. Assistant State Attorney.
Future plans and goals: Work awhile - travel.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991
Sharon Hayes - 1961
<-Sharon Marie Hayes
Sharon Hayes Goins->

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Introducing...Sharon Marie Hayes
     Sharon is a member of the graduating class of 1961 at Winter Park High School. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hayes, 2270 Coldstream Dr. Sharon served as secretary of assemblies for Student Council, secretary of the Science Club, president of her Homeroom. Her hobbies are boating and she enjoys the beach. Sharon will major in Education at Emory University.
Hayes, Sharon Marie . . . from Portsmouth, VA . . . favorites are track, Eric and spaghetti . . . pet peeve is people who put on a front. Sharon's philosophy of life is "Be Yourself" . . . her secret ambition is to always have FREEDOM ! ! ! Future includes college at Emory University.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Date: Dec 22, 2003 (05:34:43 PM)
Email : Sharon Hayes Goins
I moved away after college, but I've been back in Winter Park for 31 years. My three children went to WPHS and I have a 15 year old grandson there now!!

Sharon traveled over 550 miles to attend the 50th class reunion. She has three children and five grandchildren. Her favorite WPHS teacher is listed as Dr. Bender because "...he demanded I do my best." Sharon's hobbies are listed as reading, cross-stitching and gardening. Her favorite sport is listed as walking. Sharon lists her favorite vacation spot as the mountains of Tennessee. Left on her bucket list is to visit more of our national parks. When Sharon was asked what her most memorable prank or practical joke was she wrote "...I was not a prankster however I was guilty of sneaking friends into the drive-in in my car trunk." An honor Sharon lists is her National Board Certified Teacher - 2000 honor. Her favorite WPHS memory she wrote "...I loved the feeling of belonging created by some wonderful teachers and lots of good friends. Senior prom was great, also...", she added.
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Marilyn Henderson  - 1961

<-Marilyn Kent Henderson
Marilyn Henderson Atherton->

Marilyn Henderson Atherton
Introducing...Marilyn Kent Henderson
     Marilyn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dan Pierson, Jr., 1145 Venetian Way. She will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. She is a member of GAA, Pep Club, Golf team, Intramurals and Tri-Hi-Y. Marilyn will enter business college to begin training as a medical secretary.
Henderson, Marilyn Kent . . . born in Michigan . . . describes herself as having sexy eyes and straw-like hair. Diets and girls who say they hate gossipers and gossip themselves are her pet peeves. Golf, tennis, swimming, horseback riding, and Bob are her favorite sportes. Marilyn likes spaghetti, hamburgers, and the expression "you fool, you!" She wants to lose ten pounds and go to Rollins for two years and then get married. Her most memorable day at Winter Park High School was the time she skipped school and got caught.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
David Herold - 1961
David Allen Herold
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David Herald - 2003
Introducing...David Allen Herold
     David is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin C. Herold, 1925 Natalen Road and a member of the 1961 graduating class at Winter Park High School. High school activities include football, swimming, Chemistry and Science club vice president. David will go to Tulane University where he will study Chemistry. He enjoys skiing and swimming.
Herold, David Allen . . . known as "Dave" . . . born in Oakland, California on August 28th . . . favorite sports include football and swimming . . . likes water-skiing and rocketry . . . pet peeve is losing 5 games in a row . . . secret ambition is to be a billionaire . . . plans to attend college and work.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Bio: Tulane, 1961-66, BS. UNC-Chapel Hill, 1966-68, MA. U.S.A.F., 1968-73, Captain. University of Utah, 1973-79, MD, PhD. University of Virginia, 1979-81, staff. University of California, San Diego, 1981-present, associate professor.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991