Winter Park High School Alums - Class of 1961
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<-Martha Mabel Husmann
Martha Husmann Dobes->

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Martha an e-mail!
Introducing...Martha Mabel Husmann
     Marthabell is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Werner Husmann, 646 Seminole Dr. and a member of the 1961 graduating class at Winter Park High School. An excellent swimmer, she was captain of the girl's swim team; a member of Campus Crusaders, Future Nurses, Science and French clubs. Marthabell will study in Switzerland before entering college here.
Husmann, Martha . . . "Marthabel" . . . still another Floridian born in Orlando. Favorite sports are swimming and horseback riding . . . favorite food is chocolate cake and hamburgers. Philosophy of life is to "Live and let live!" . . . Future includes college at either Emory, Wellesley, Randolph Macon, etc. and then marriage with a tall, dark, handsome man. Additional Comments: Next year, instead of going to college, I hope to go to Switzerland, to learn languages, how to ski, etc.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Info on 1971 reunion form:
Colleges attended: Emory University
Degrees rec'd: BA 1966 MAT in History 1968
Social Activies: vice president KAO sorority, Miss Emory semifinalist, (?-Frat) Sweetheart Court
Professional & Civic Activities: taught 2 years in Atlanta Public School system, social studies - now active in League of Women Voters, Moters for Peach, AAUW
Where have you been since 1961? After attending a Swiss girls' school to learn German, I returned to Emory University for undergraduate and graduate school - married Bill Dobes and helped him through medical school and now we are in the process of moving to Miami for his second year of residency in dermatology after one winter in Minnesota.
Hobbies: reading, macrame, finding babysitters!
Future plans: return to school to keep current teaching certification and possibly law school later
Future expectations: a "bundle of joy" in late August in Miami, Fla.
John Elmore Hutchinson
Introducing...John Elmer Hutchinson
  Dohn is the son of Mr.and Mrs. J. I. Hutchinson, 3492 Bougainvilla Drive. He will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. He was a member of the Library Club and his hobby is building antique model cars.
Hutchinson, John . . . born in Wilmington, John has brown hair and blue eyes. He attended New Hanover High School before coming to WPHS. John's favorite sport is football. His most enjoyed hobby is model cars. Most memorable event at Winter Park High School was the homecoming football game this last year. John's philosophy of life is to "do to others what they do to you." Future includes the Navel Academy.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.

<- Regina Ann Jones
Regina Jones Russell
Click on the icon to read a compilation of Jeannie's e-mails that she wants to share with classmates. She has asked to do this 'sharing' in the hope she will inspire any classmates who might be suffering from symptoms of cancer or any other debilitating disease -- or who have a relative or friend who may be ill. Jeannie is quite the inspiration as you will find from reading her e-mails.
<-Sandra Anne Jordan
Anne Jordan Bailey->
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Anne an e-mail!
Introducing...Sandra Anne Jordan
     Anne is the daughter of Lt. Col. and Mrs. Hugh F. Jordan, 2202 Woodcrest Drive and a member of the graduating class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Anne is a member of the French Club and Tri-Hi-Y. She will enter Florida State University this fall where she will study art. Her hobbies are drawing and painting and horseback riding.
Jordan, Sandra Anne...Anne, born January 19th, comes from Rocky Mount, NC. She has attended Castle High, Leilehua and St. Andrews Priory before coming to WPHS... This 5'3" brown-haired, brown-eyed Senior Miss favors horseback riding and swimming to all other sports... hobbies are drawing and painting... pet peeves are getting up early and gossips... favorite food is banana splits... secret ambition is to have a Thunderbird... future includes college at Florida State University... uh, Dave Bailey? Additional comments: Good luck to this years Juniors!
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
3/24/2006: I’m sure you wonder if I still exist. I am so delighted that you found me! So interesting to see how you did it. To catch you up with my current situation -- I am in Hawaii with our extended family of 13 (Baltimore & North Carolina through Denver and finally Arizona). We have survived the dam break, which broke up our party with people stranded on both sides of the break (Kauai), a bank card that Visa’s processing somehow compromised and shut down to “protect me” & rain that ran into the inches… and having been in an extended drought in AZ, we sank into red clay and limited activities. I’ve spent more time on a beach with four wonderful but drenched grandchildren, and several layers of wet and damp clothing. But we’ve been together, had a few sunny days, and are on our way to Monterey Bay Aquarium for a day with half of the crew. Right now I am actually in the Honolulu airport, sitting on the floor waiting for our flight to San Jose. Hopefully I can find a way to get on the internet and send this soon. We return to the Phoenix area Saturday night around 9pm, and I leave at 4:45 am for China for 2 weeks. Insanity. No explanation would explain. I’ll be with a friend, and it was an opportunity I could not turn down. Then I found out the reunion was 2 weeks later. So I am going to try to work it out to attend. You all make me feel so welcome, and such a part of the class, I really want to be there. My husband, Dave, (you were right, high school sweetheart) is going to try to attend also. He will see about hotel reservations, and I will be in touch as soon as I get back. I do hope it will work out.
Short Biography: Where to start? I’m retiring for my third time this year and consulting next year. I’ve been in education; special education and fifth grade elementary teacher, and for the last 15 years curriculum specialist in reading, math and language arts. I love to write, read, ski, and spend time with a great group of friends. This year I’m doing staff development with a district school, for teachers and students. Dave is something called “Canon to the Ordinary” to the bishop of the diocese of Utah, actually it is the executive officer for the diocese, and he is an Episcopal priest. Who would have ever thought that would have happened?? Certainly not my parents! We commute between two states and will retire in AZ soon I hope. We were married in 1963, when I packed a trunk, caught a train and made it to Kansas City before being halted by Air Rescue: my father. After an overnight stay, some negotiating and a continued trip to Phoenix, Dave and I were married. The next 15 years included 3 great kids (Dana, daughter: married w/ 2 sons 10 & 6, she is a special events coordinator for a nonprofit organization; Matthew, son: married w/ 2 daughters 5 & 7, he is the head golf pro at Pinehurst CC in Denver; Tiffany, daughter: unmarried & flight attendant for SWA), many ups & downs leading to the eventual journey to Austin TX, where Dave attended The Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest and I worked as a Chaplain’s assistant for a residential center for mentally handicapped residents. It was wildly wonderful. Three kids, a cat with four kittens, large dog, hamsters, and $100.00 to start! From there to Phoenix, parish life, kids’ college, my college completion --just before retirement I got my masters… I’ve always been all about timing, Dave doctorate, and so on…
I was only at WPHS for my senior year. Each of my high school years was at a different school. But I have rich and wonderful recollections of 1960-61. I was so close to Sharon MacDonald. She came to California once to visit, I was in her wedding, and she named her daughter (middle name) after me. Eventually, we lost touch. I was so excited to catch up with her, and when I found she had died I felt a gaping hole inside myself. I suppose for someone so special, and remorse for letting go and thinking there would always be time to reacquaint. We traveled to Orlando when the kids were in high school, and I could not find her in the short time there. Well, it has made me look at this reunion with a bittersweet feeling of what I’ve lost, and joy at the opportunity to weave the threads of those times and people back into my life. Although probably none of you remember me, I only have faint memories of many of you, we all shared the time, the place, and have had our life journeys to share; I am touched for your warmth to be invited in. 
Ann Joslyn
<- Ann Louise Joslyn
Ann Joslyn Trembly
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Ann an e-mail!
Introducing...Ann Louise Joslyn
     Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Joslyn, 2022 Oregon Ave. She is a member of the graduating class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Campus Crusaders, Spanish Club, Shorthand I assistant and National Honor Society are listed among Ann's activities. Sewing, reading, and the piano are her hobbies. Ann will work as a typist.
Joslyn, Ann Louise . . . born in Orlando . . . has brown eyes and dark brown hair . . . favorite sports are badminton and putt-putt . . . hobbies are piano, sewing, cooking and singing . . . pet peeves are people who sing loudly off key and drivers that follow too closely . . . favorite foods are lime pie, hamburgers, and cheese . . . Philosophy of life is to "Give to the world the best that you have, and the best will come back to you." Favorite expression is "Oh Noralee!!" . . . Plans for the future include secretarial work or office work and marriage.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest Memory: Being inducted into the National Honor Society. I wasn't expecting it because, except for English and history courses, I'd taken mostly business. Getting out of Col. Herron's plane geometry class (yuk) and enjoying Mr. Weisenberger's history class.
: From graduation to 1964 worked as technical secretary. Married 1964. My husband is a United Methodist minister, so we have lived in a variety of places in twenty-seven years. Fort Myers, Holly Hill (near Daytona Beach, where Paul was born in 1966), Ft. Myers Beach, Orlando, Mount Dora, and now Port Saint Lucie. Who knows where we'll be in ten years! I have not "worked" since we were married, but have done a lot of substitute secretary work at our churches during secretaries' vacations, illness, etc.
Future plans and goals: To finish all my current and projected counted-cross stitch projects!
Source: 30th Reunion 1991

Ann and her husband Charles live in Fern Park so they did not have a long distance to drive to attend the 50th class reunion. She has one child and two grandchildren. Her favorite WPHS teacher is Max Weissenburger because she loved history and he made it fascinating and fun. Ann lists her hobbies as counted cross stitch, genealogy, reading, journalizes for grandsons. Her favorite sports to watch are basketball and football. Listed as her favorite spot to vacation is Maggie Valley, NC. Her favorite WPHS memory is being tapped in the National Honor Society.
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Karen Dare Kane
( Turk)
Karen Kane Turk
Introducing...Karen Dare Kane
     Karen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Kane, 1241 Highland Road. She is a member of National Honor Society, Tri-Hi-Y, Science and W clubs; president of GAA; treasurer of Spanish Club and Merit Scholarship finalist. Following her graduation with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School, Karen will enter Stetson University where she will major in Elementary Education.
Kane, Karen Dare . . . "Ozzie" . . . was born in Miami, Florida. This blond-haired, blue-eyed Senior came to WPHS from Ft. Myers High School. Her favorite sports are horseback riding and swimming . . . hobby is boys . . . pet peeve is filing out forms . . . and secret ambition is to join the Key Club. Karen's future includes college at Stetson University and then marriage.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Per telephone with Karen 7/3/03:
She has been in Charlotte for over 30 years. She and husband Bill had been in Atlanta area from '67-'70 and then went to Charlotte. Graduated from college. She will get back with us with an e-mail address and bio.
Carol Kay
<- Carol Gladys Kay
Carol Kay Love
Introducing...Carol Gladys Kay
     Carol is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kay, 1323 Hardy Street, Orlando. She will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Latin and French clubs, Tri-Hi-Y, Future Nurses and work at the hospital keep Carol busy at school. At home she finds time to write letters, sew and have a good time. She is undecided about becoming a nurse, medical secretary of following a career in journalism.
Kay, Carol . . . Brockton, Massachusetts . . . born September 23rd . . . favorite sports are badminton and volleyball . . . hobbies are letter-writing, sewing and traveling . . . pet peeves are homework and crazy drivers . . . favorite expression - "Here I am!!" Carol's future plans include going to college and becoming a medical secretary and ultimately accepting the title of "Mrs. Dennis Love."
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Info on 1971 reunion form:
Present occupation: Register Nurse - Director, School of Practical Nursing South Hill, VA
Colleges Attended: Orlando Junior College; University of Florida
Where have you been since 1961? After graduation from the U of F in 1965, I worked for several months at Florida Sanitarium &Hospital. In December 1965, I married Dennis Love and moved to Virginia, his native state. In July 1966, I became Director of the School of Practical Nursing in South Hill, Virginia. A position I have held till just prior to the birth of my first child this June.
Hobbies: Playing the organ, gardening, sewing, reading fill some of my spare hours.
Future plans: I am on leave of absence from my job and hope to return at some future time, probably on a part time basis, since I want to give my all to my new little daughter.
Susan Keller
<- Susan Carol Keller
Susan Strickland Head
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Susan an e-mail!
Susan Keller Strickland
Introducing...Susan Carol Keller
     Susan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Yeager of Fern Park and will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Susan has been a member of Tri-Hi-Y, GAA, Pep and Spanish clubs. Her hobbies are dancing and skiing. She will study Physical Education at Texas Womens University.
Keller, Susan Carol . . . Susan comes from Pennsylvania . . . born October 25th . . .stands 5'4" . . favorite sports are softball, volleyball and swimming . . . hobbies are dancing ballet and jazz . . . Susan would like to go to college at the University of Florida after high school graduation.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Subject: WPHS Alums - Then and Now - Class of 1961
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 18:31:32 -0800 (PST)
From: Susan Strickland
      Sorry you haven't heard from me. I had 83 emails so you can imagine how long it has been since I have fired up my computer. The days are just not long enough. Here goes, I have lived it beautiful Tallahassee (go seminoles) for 35 years and have two wonderful daughters 34 and 32. They both live in Tallahassee which is wonderful for me. I have a beautiful grandaughter who is 2 which I take care of every day while her mom works and love every minute of it. I also will be a grandma again in October. My husband Lee and I have been married for 35 years. He is a Pharmacist semi retired and I did work but retired 3 years ago from SunTrust. What I like to do in my free time which is very little is garden. As long as I am outside I'm happy. If you are ever in Tallahassee give me a call.
      Thanks for all your hard work.    Susan Keller Strickland

Susan and her husband Charles drove 250 miles to attend the 50th class reunion. She has two children and four grandchildren. She lists her favorite hobby as gardening. Her favorte sport is football. Susan has a "sweet" dashound that is 13 years old. Her favorite vacation spot is anywhere near the beach. Left on Susan's bucket list is traveling to Israel "which my husband and I hope to do next February".
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

<- Susan Elizabeth Kelly
Susan Kelly Simasek ->

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Susan an e-mail!
Introducing...Susan Elizabeth Kelly
     Susan in the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kelly, Goldenrod. She will graduate from Winter Park High School with the class of 1961. Her activities have included G.A.A. and Tri-Hi-Y. In her spare time Susan likes to water ski. She is still undecided about her future career.
Kelly, Susan Elizabeth . . . "Susiebell" . . . native of Orlando . . . born December 19th . . . her favorite sport is water skiing; hobby is having fun; favorite food is oysters; best liked beverage is grapefruit juice; philosophy of life: Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive anyhow; future includes college.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.

Susan and her husband Regis live here in Orlando and did not have a long distance to travel to attend the 50th class reunion. She tells us that she has two children and six grandchildren.
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

<- Linda Alene Kerns
Linda Kerns Stevens Kluge->

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Linda's an e-mail!
Kerns, Linda Alene ... "Winky" ... another Floridian born in Orlando ... September 20th ... has brown hair and green eyes ... favorite sports are swimming and bowling ... hobby is writing letters ... person who she would like to be shipwrecked with on a tropical isle is Dave Miller ... favorite expression is "Shag Nasty" ... future plans include secretarial work.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
<- Pamela Ann Ketterer
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Pam an e-mail!
Ketterer, Pamela Ann..."Pam"..."short, fat, and ugly" is Pam's description of herself besides standing 5'-3/4" and having brown hair and brown eyes... born June 24th in Cleveland, Ohio... attended Ridgewood High and Fort Myers High before coming to WPHS... favorite sports are tennis, swimming, and ice skating... favorite expression is "Say now, that's too bad"... future includes college at Western Reserve.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Nancy Kimber
<- Nancy Carolyn Kimber
Nancy Kimber Caskey ->
Introducing...Nancy Carolyn Kimber
     Nancy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James I. Kimber, 1114 Freida Avenue. She will graduate with the class of 1961 from Winter Park High School. Nancy served as secretary of D.C.T. and will work in her father's office following graduation.
Kimber, Nancy . . . "Nance" . . . Syracuse, NY . . . born November 11th . . . favorite sports are riding and skiiing . . . best-liked hobby is reading . . . most enjoyed food is pizza with Pepsi. Nancy's most used expression is "Oh yeah!" Future plans are to continue work with her father and then "who knows"?
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest Memory: Walking through the senior door for the first time!
: After graduating from WPHS I went to Tucson, AZ, where I worked in the Pima County courthouse for three years. I married a man from Albuquerque, NM, and in 1964 I found myself enjoying the beautiful Sandia Mountains and lovely southwestern sunsets. Not long after, perhaps it was the lovely sunsets, in any case...I "blossomed" and a family of four children became part of Albuquerque's population explosion. (It seemed like an explosion to me!!!) My work history for these last thirteen years has ranged from serving Huevous Rancheros to present where I find myself at Flint's Carpet Center going on eight years in May. I have a daughter in Bend, OR, a son in Clermont, FL, and two daughters in Albuquerque. I have not excluded moving back to Central Florida in the near future. (I don't think I can handle the snow in Oregon. I'm spoiled to the mild southwestern climate.)
Future plans and goals: Be happy and take one day at a time.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991