Winter Park High School Alums - Class of 1961
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Pamela Lipson

<-Pamela Ann Lipson
Pamela Lipson Jastremski->

Introducing...Pamela Ann Lipson
     Pam is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lipson, 1641 Venetia Way and will graduate from Winter Park High School with the calss of 1961. She is vice president of DCT. Pam's hobbies are swimming and collecting records. She will work in Winter Park.
Lipson, Pam . . . This 17 year old "pixie" as she is often called, reigns from Des Moines, Iowa, where she was born on June 22nd. Her pet peeves are "caddy people". She likes swimming, collecting jewelry, and any kind of Mexican or Italian food. Pam's philosophy of life is "Have fun now, you may not be able to later!" and her ideal situation is having a car and plenty of money. She plans to work for a while after graduation and then get married.
Source: Senior Salutes, 1961.
From: Pam Jastremski
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 9:43 PM
Subject: WPHS Alums Class of 1961 - Information
     Hi, Pamela "Pam" Lipson Jastremski here, alive and well. We are still here in the Winter Park area. My husband, Walt and I married in 1962 and will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary in Oct., we have two grown children and three grandchildren.
      I have enjoyed browsing the WPHS website, it helped me get back in touch with one of my very best friends from school. Thanks, Pam

Robert Clayton Little

Introducing...Robert Clayton Little, Jr.
     Bob is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Little, Sr., 1263 Arlington Place and a member of the graduating class at Winter Park High School. He has been a member of D.C.T. and served as president one year. His hobbies are hunting, swimming and water skiing. Bob will complete his military training before making his future plans.
Little, Robert Clayton, Jr...known as "Bobby" was born on May 31st in Columbia, TN. This brown-haired, gray-eyed guy likes football, and his hobbies include hunting and fishing. His favorite expression is "That's the breaks" and his secret ambition is to be a bachelor. Bob's philosophy of life is "to live life while you can"... plans to make a career of the Arm Military Police Corps.
Source: Senior Salutes, 1961.
Mark Gordon Loeb
Introducing...Mark Gordon Loeb
     Mark is president of National Forensic League, Sgt. at Arms of Latin Club, member of Science and French clubs, Thespians and National Honor Society. His hobby is collecting. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Loeb, 1000 Malone Drive, Mark hopes to begin his studies in pre-law, history and government at one of the universities in the northeast. He will graduate from Winter Park HIgh School next week.
Happiest Memory: Mrs. Blickman, Dr. Bender, Mr. Wilson-teachers and people of intelligence with a predilection for expanding the power of the human mind and the cultivation of decency and a passion for goodness.
Bio: BA in literature and history, Reed College, Portland, OR. MA in Hebrew literature and rabbinic ordination at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, New York, NY. Active in a range of social justice organiations in both the general and Jewish communities. Avid opera lover, formerly a calligrapher.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991
Bette Jane Lucius
<- Bette Jane Lucius
Bette Jane Baumhower ->
Introducing...Bette Jane Lucius
     Bette Jane is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lucius, 1304 Raintree lace. She will attend Texas Woman's University as a business major following her graduation from Winter Park High with the class of 1961. She was a member of Tri-Hi-Y, GAA, Pep and Spanish clubs. Her hobbies are skiing and swimming.
Lucius, Bette Jane . . . "B.J." as she is known, was born in Biloxi, Mississippi on the 24th of July. She likes horseback riding, swimming and hamburgers. Her pet peeves are people who think they know everything. Bette believes in taking life easy and not worrying about anything. Her favorite expression is "Don't sweat it!" . . . plans to attend a junior college.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Bio: Attended Texas Womans University one year in Denton,TX. Graduated from Jones Business College, Jacksonville, FL. Got real estate license in 1977. 1962-took the Queen Elizabeth to Europe-traveled around one month.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991

Bette Jane lives in close proximity of where the 50th class reunion was held so she did not have a long distance to drive to attend. She has two children and five grandchildren. Bette Jane lists her hobbies as "grandchildren". Her favorite WPHS teacher was Coach Orr because she "...enjoyed his sense of humor!" Her favorite sports are listed as swimming and hiking. Her favorite vacation spot is Mt. Pisgah, NC.
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Nancy Lundahl
<- Nancy Jean Lundahl
Nancy Lundahl Erfourth ->
Introducing...Nancy Jean Lundahl
     Nancy will attend Florida Presbyterian College next fall majoring in foreign languages. She is the daughter of Mrs. Donna G. Lundahl, 2355 Howard Drive. At Winter Park High she has been a member of National Honor Society, Latin Club and secretary-treasurer of Future Secretaries. Donna was a delegate to State Latin Forum and chairman of this year's Roman Banquet. She likes to sew, read and play badminton..
Lundahl, Nancy Jean . . . known to some as "Nasty", was born on January 24th., in Oak Park, Illinois. Her favorites include badmiton, archery, and bicycling, and among her hobbies are sewing, piano playing and just plain having fun. Nancy's pet peeves are: Nosy younger brothers, people who cheat, drivers that don't signal, and people who feel sorry for themselves . . . future is to work as a secretary for a few years and then be married.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.

Sharon Irene MacDonald

Introducing...Sharon Irene MacDonald
     Sharon was art editor of the 1961 Towayam and will major in art at Rollins following her graduation from Winter Park High School. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. MacDonald. Her high school activities include National Honor Society, Girl Scouts, Latin and Spanish clubs. In her leisure time Sharon enjoys reading, art and swimming.
Bruce MacMillan
Bruce Munro MacMillan
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Introducing...Bruce Munro MacMillan
     Bruce will graduate from Winter Park High School with the class of 1961. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacMillan, Maitland. Bruce was a Student Council representative. He will study Business Administration at Orlando Junior College.
MacMillan, Bruce Munro . . . Cleveland, OH . . . August 6th . . . favorite sports are water skiing and horseback riding.. Future includes OJC.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: Tenth grade Howdy dance; graduation day.
Bio: BS business administration, University of Colorado, 1970. Certified public accountant, 1972. Northern Mariana Islands 1981-present.
Future plans and goals: Retirement with as little travel as possible.
Source: 30th Reunion 1991
<-Carma Jean Maker
Carma Jean Maiden->

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Introducing...Carma Jean Maker
     Carma Jean is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maker, 1026 South Lakemont and a member of the graduating class at Winter Park High School. She has two certificates of scholarship and is a member of National Secretaries Assn. Her hobbies are reading and church work. Carma Jean will begin her studies in medicine at Brigham Young University.
Maker, Carma Jean...known to some as "Bean" was born on February 26, in Battle Creek, Michigan. She likes all sports and her hobbies include reading, and flirting. Her favorite expression is "Get in the 'jobby' and we'll 'puttsy' down to see the 'kiddies'". Well!!! Her plans after high school include going to Bringham Young and snagging a man.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Gary Malterer
Gary Malterer 2011
Malterer, Gary . . . Findlay, Ohio . . . March 22nd . . . likes football, golf, skin diving and weight lifting. Gary believes in enjoying yourself'cause you only live once. Future includes St. Petersburg Jr. College.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.

Gary lives in a close proximity to the 50th class reunion functions. He has two children. Gary lists his favorite WPHS teacher as Coach Gordon because of his sense of humor. He lists his hobbies as scuba diving, running and exercising. His favorite sport is football. He tells us he has cats as household pets. Gary's favorite vacation spot is Ashville, NC. Left on his bucket list is " into my mid 90's like my father and grandfather. Gary wanted to tell us that he "...completed college - master's degree - started teaching in college, got bored; too be all things I liked and converted into Business."
Source: WPHS Class of 1961 - 50th Reunion Questionnaire

Joseph Carey Markham
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Carey Markham Boyd
Markham, J. Carey . . . "Kiwi" . . . born in Gloversville, New York, on June 22. This 5'11" guy likes football, dancing, fried chicken and milk shakes. He plans to join the Coast Guard after getting out of high school. Secret amibiton is to be a rich playboy, with his own penthouse, beautiful car, and lots of money.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
From: Carey Markham
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 9:09 PM
Subject: WPHS Class of 1961 Alumni Web Site
      I will get my son to take a digital picture of me and my wife and send it to you. My life has just been a normal blue collar one. Married my high school sweetheart in 1964. I think that makes it 39 years. We have 2 children; Anissa, 35 and Pat, 31. Pat has been working with me at our business. The Awning Factory, off and on since he has been out of high school. My occupation started out in aerospace. I spent 11 years with Boeing at the Cape. I had a chance to transfer to Seattle with Boeing but decided for a career change. I went into manufacturing with my stepfather. That lasted for 14 years. I then opened my own business and successfully ran our business with my wife until 1993. We sold the business and played around for 5 years in Waynesville, N.C. We then came back to Orlando to help take care of our parents and start two new businesses.
      My wife and I also remodel homes on the side. We hope the one that we are in right now will be the last remodel that we will do. We are going to NC this weekend for a week to take a break. We both love the mountains. I ran into Heather Marwick last week. She was in our class and always sat next to me because of our last names in school. Talk to you later - Carey
Henry Gordon Marks
Henry Gordon Marks
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Hank Marks
Introducing...Henry Gordon Marks
  Hank is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Willilam S. Marks, 42 Lake Drive and will graduate from Winter Park High. He will enter Florida State University to prepare for a future in the Hotel and Restaurant management field. He was a member of Hi-Y and his hobby is water skiing.
Marks, Gordon Henry . . . "Hank" . . . says that he can't see ahead far enough to know what his plans after graduation will be . . . he will settle for a good game of basketball or a match of arm-wrestling. Hank's pet peeve is people. His philosophy of life is "live hard, die young, and have my ashes thrown off the Empire State Building".
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Happiest memory: Scoring a few points on Coach Bill Orr in the Hi-Y/Faculty basketball game of 1961; an occasional glance from K.H. or R.M.V.,79-cent six-packs and excessive speed on Red Bug and Silver Star roads.
Funniest/weirdest coincidence: Being invited to a reunion after thirty years and within days of the first time it ever occurred to me that I really wanted to go to one.
Bio: 1965 - BA, Stetson. 1966-68 - US Navy Submarine service. 1970 - Rollins College MA. 1971 - Resident instructor, University of South Florida. 1981 - present - Director of Programs, New Orleans Public Schools. 1981 - married (2nd). 1991 - Executive Assistant to Deputy Superintendent of Instruction, Kentucky Department of Education.
Future plans and goals: To complete the restoration of our farm and pay off the mortgage and then become an astronaut.
Source: 30th Reunion, 1991
Subject: WPHS Alumni Website - Class of 1961
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 11:31:47 -0400
From: "Marks, Hank (LRC)"
      Being alive at 59 I am at least half of a success I suppose, given my departure from WPHS armed with a "live hard, die young" philosophy (taken from a John Derek movie); and reminding me of unfinished business: I confess herein to having had a crush on Pat Stevenson and don't you think she looked like the Widow Derek at the 40th reunion? I was at WPHS only two years and was probably more observant of my classmates than they were of me, although Lord knows I did what I could to attract attention. Although only two years out of 59, I remember them as the most emotionally intense of my life, and in some ways I'm still trying to get past them. For anyone interested, I am deep in a second career now as staff to the state legislature in Kentucky, researching and writing legislation. I still live on a cattle farm but will not soon be paying off the mortgage and returning to Florida to become an astronaut, having lost a staggering (to me) sum in the market these past two years (to Vic Vermillion: "Lucent, you got some 'splainin' to do"). I have a son and daughter, both prettier and smarter, and maybe better than me, thanks to my timeless bride, Katharine. I think often of many of you, my classmates, and always fondly. The beautiful are still beautiful, the successful are still successful, the smart are still smart, the outsiders are still watching. It is amazing and almost scary to see how the trees do grow as the twigs are bent. After the 30th reunion I wrote this poem (for dear classmates):
Click here to read the poem . . .
Fred A. Marshall
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Fred Marshall
Introducing...Fred A. Marshall
     Fred is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Marshall, Maitland. He will graduate from Winter Park High School with the class of 1961. Following graduation Fred will enter the Air Force where he will study electronics. His hobby is motorcycles.
Clare Martin

<- Clare Currie Martin
Clare Martin Birkenmeyer ->
Introducing...Clare Currie Martin
     Clare was a member of Latin, Science and French Clubs, GAA, Future Teachers, Student Council and the cast of Oklahoma during her years at Winter Park High School. Her hobbies are dancing and swimming. Clare is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Martin, 818 Antonette Avenue and will enter Orlando Junior College this fall.
Martin, Clare Currie . . . most memorable event at WPHS was the day Bob Crane rode a horse in the senior door . . . dislikes people who think they're "IT" . . . loves lobster and iced tea. Clare was born on December 11th in Bradenton, Florida . . . her plans after graduation include college and possibly marriage to an Edgewater graduate.
Source: WPHS Senior Salutes, 1961.
Funniest/weirdest coincidence: Found out with information on this reunion that I am moving next door to two classmates that I didn't even know lived in the area.
Bio: Attended Orlando Junior College, 1961-63. Married Dale Birkenmeyer, August 1963 and he attended University of Florida, 1963-65. 1966 we moved to Rhodesia, Africa for four years where he worked for USDA/Agency for International Development. Both children were born there in 1967 and 1969. Lived in Tanzania, Africa, for two more years working on same project. 1974 moved to Fargo, ND, where Dale worked for USDA Lab and I worked for Western States Life Insurance Company until 1987 as an assistant vice-president in marketing. While there obtained my BS degree in marketing from NDSV and CLU designation. Moved back to Florida in September 1987, first to Jacksonville for two years then to my current home and position at Daytona Beach Community College.
Future plans and goals: Stay at the college for a good long time and remain in Daytona Beach.
Source: 30th Reunion, 1991